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Main Page

Pokémon Info
What is Pokémon?
Oddish's Page

Game Info
Gym Leaders
Yellow: Pikachu Version
Trading Card Game
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Pikachu

The Anime
Episode Guide
Main Characters
Pokémon CD: 2BA Master
Pokémon Movies

Pokémon Pictures
G/S Pokémon Pictures

Fan Pages
The Pokémon Fanfiction Library

Fanfic Of The Month
Site Of The Month

Fun Stuff
Pokémon Adoption Center
Adopted Pokémon
Downloads Page
Pokémon Quiz
Interactive Story's

Are You To Obsessed With Pokémon?
Pikachu and Raichu's Page
Got Milk?
Pokémon Dance
WARRNING! Enter at your own risk!

Random Pic Of The Week
Message Board
About Me
The Pokémon Madness Club
Join My Webring
Credits & Thanks
Past Updates
Contact Me


About Me

So you dare to know about me eh? Well ok here goes....

Ok, well my real name is Sonya, and I’m a 14 year old girl, that lives in B.C., Canada. I’m obsessed with Pokémon (as you can already see) I’ve been obsessed with it since the first time I watched the show. After that I watched the show whenever I could, bought my self a gameboy so I could play the games, started buying the merchandise, couldn’t wait for the movie to come out, and longed for months for new pokémon episodes. Another anime I’m obsessed with is DBZ. Instead of listing all the other anime that I love I'll just say that I love any anime that I've ever seen.

Other things I love to do besides watch anime? Well I love playing my Playstation, and N64. My fav games would have to be so far, Final Fantasy 7, and 8, and Zelda.

Other stuff about me that I have to say:

  1. My fav Pokémon is Raichu.
  2. My fav DBZ charracter...well there's alot. Hmm I guess Vegeta, Gohan, and Trunks.
  3. I'm an all out wacky person.

History On The Site

Well Pokémon Madness, used to be called Sonya’s Pokémon Page. I think I first created it sometime in February 1999, but I can’t really remember. Well it started as a little site with hardly any visitors, and not much stuff on it. At the time I didn’t know how to work angelfire that well and I knew hardly any html. Well the site started to get bigger, and bigger as I learned some html in the HTML basics part of angelfire. Then I started trying to win a couple of awards for my site, and submitted my link to some sites, and to some search engines. It eventually got more, and more visitors. So I decided to create a new name, a new design, and a new addy to go with it for my site. So that’s how it became the page it is today.