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| How to Know When You're a Little Too ObsessedAre you worried that you many be a little too obsessed with Pokémon? Do your friends make fun of you for being too obsessed with it? Well below I have the top ten ways to know when you’re truly too obsessed with Pokémon. If you do, or have done, all of the below, then you are truly overly obsessed with Pokémon.WARRNING: I suggest that you don’t try the things below. If you do you many be considered utterly insane, will likely be made fun of, and possibly be taken away. I will not be responsible for what many happen if you try these at home. Thank you. Veggiechu’s Top Ten Reason’s To Know When You’re A Little Too Obsessed With Pokémon: 10. You dress up as a different Pokémon everyday of the week. 9. You kiss you stuffed Pikachu, and your huge poster of Ash goodnight before you go to bed. 8. You start protesting in you school cafeteria, to stop them from selling fish sticks, because you asume that they are made out of Magikarp meat. 7. You try to fit the family cat into a plastic pokéball that you bought. 6. You dye your hair black and spike it a bit, you dress up like Ash, and carry a stuffed Pikachu around in your school backpack. Then you declare to everyone in your school that you will become the world's greatest Pokémon master, and someday you will rule the world with your superior Pokémon knowledge. 5. You go onto national television and declare a Pokémon Day, and you order all the people of the world to celebrate it every single day. 4. You pay 1000 bucks for a Charizard card from some little kid, that has been soaked in mud, stepped on tons of times, and that has been ripped into a million pieces, and you bought it even though you have 10 Charizard cards already. 3. You brake into Toys R Us during the middle of the night, and steal every Pokémon thing in site. 2. You sneak on an airplane to Japan, so you can get that Brock action figure that you wanted oh so very much. 1. You live in a dream world, and literly think that Pokémon is real. You think that every animal you see is a Pokémon. Like when you see a cat you think it’s a Meowth, or when you see a dog you think it’s a Growlithe, and you throw fake plastic pokéballs that you think are real, at every animal you see. Congratulations! If you have completed all of the above, then you are a successful overly obsessed Pokémon fan. You are also considered an insane freak, and should be locked up. |