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Super Saiya-Jin Stages

Super Saiya-Jin Stages | What is a Super Saiya-Jin


Super Saiyan-Jin Levels

Super Saiya-jin 1: First reached by Goku when Freeza blew Krillin into pieces, that made Goku so mad he couldn't control his anger and he transformed, this happened in the T.V. episode, "Transformation of Anger." 

Saiya-Jins that go Super Saiya-Jin 1 have increased speed and strength, this is expressed outwardly by emitting yellow energy when using super Saiya-Jin 1 power, along with flared-up blonde hair and green eyes. This level of power is an incredible level of power. Freeza, the one who destroyed the Saiya-Jin feared this power, that's why he killed them. Right fully so to, cause Goku gave Freeza the whoopin of his life, even after he reached his maximum power level. However, Goku doesn't kill Freeza, not because he can't, but he didn't feel it right  to, Trunks, Vegeta's son kills him. In the very last part of the intro with that starts with the Dragon, you can see Trunks drop down on the Freeza-bot with a sword.


Super Saiya-jin 2:
Physical description: Hair flairs up even more, emits blue glow, with blue bolts of lightning circling the Saiya-Jin, Cell was defeated after Gohan went ssj2 in the Cell game.  

Super Saiya-jin 3: This is the most powerful level in Dragon Ball Z. It is outwardly expressed by the lack of eyebrows and long blonde hair. The green eyes stay the same. In Dragon Ball Z, this is the only Saiya-Jin transformation that causes physical changes.


USSJ: While in the Cell game, Trunks has a lot of muscles and has all the characteristics of a S.S. he is not, he has gone past and has gotten really muscular, this makes him very strong, but slower. Trunks and Cell discuss this in the mists of battle.

Super Saiya-jin 4: This is not seen in Dragon Ball Z, this is done in DBGT. There is this thing called baby, in and it's in the lab that Goku and crew are in, on their way out, they trip this alarm that causes all heck to break loose (well, figuratively speaking). Anyways, Baby gets out and makes it to earth before Goku and crew. Anyways, Baby begins possessing some of the Z-warriors by jumping into any flesh wounds (I should tell you that baby got into Trunks, but couldn't posses him). Anyways, he eventually posses Vegeta, beats up every one, Goku ends up turning into a golden monkey because of this ray-gun Bulma used (to try and make him stronger) and he ends up making Pan cry. He gets mad at himself and turns into this buff guy with red fur around his chest, also, his eyes are red and his hair vaguely resembles that of a lions mane.

Oozaru Transformations
Were-Monkey (Oozaru): When a Saiyajin stares at a full moon, he/she will change into a 20-foot tall, monsterous beast called a Were-monkey (Oozaru, in Japanese, translates to "Big Monkey). This is possibly the most powerful level under SSJ3. All Saiya-jin (excluding Gokuu and Gohan) will be able to control themselves during this stage (although in Dragonball GT, it is implied that Vegeta couldn't control himself in oozaru form, but Baby could.) It doesn't matter which full moon they look at (in Dragonball GT, Gokuu turned Oozaru by looking at the full Earth. And, Vegeta had the ability to create a pocket-sized full moon when he first arrived on Earth to fight Gokuu and Gohan.)

Note  Keep in minf A Saiya-jin must have a tail to be able to turn Oozaru. If the tail is cut off, they revert back to normal and, If the tail is pulled out by the roots the Saiya-jin will never turn Oozaru ever.

Ougon Oozaru (Golden Were-Monkey): A level that was achieved by Gokuu and Vegeta-Baby in Dragon Ball GT. This is the most powerful form of Were-monkey, demonstrated by Gokuu in DBGT eps 38-40, when he swatted Vegeta-Baby all over Planet Plant (Baby's recreation of the Tsufuru home planet.) The main physical difference with the Ougon stage, is that the fur is yellow instead of brown.