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Super Saiya-Jin Information

Super Saiya-Jin Stages |What is Super Saiya-Jin


What is a Super Saiya-Jin?

It is said that of every Saiya-Jin one comes along every 1000 years, who has the ability to transform into a Super Saiya-Jin and to gain a level of extordinary power.  While the power of a Super Saiya-Jin is described correctly, the portion which says that only one is born every 1000 years is incorrect. Every Saiya-Jin has the ability, but it is a difficult stage to reach without strong emotion. The key to the transformation was thought to be pure, unbound anger but is then proven to be wrong when Son Goten and chibi Trunks were training. Usually a traumatic event will trigger the transformation. A Super Saiya-Jin is surrounded by a golden , flaming aura, his eyes turn green, and his hair turns gold and spikes up. In this stage, a Saiya-Jin's power, speed, endurance, agility, and even mental awareness are increased exceptionally. Son Goku was the first to reach this stage, when Freeza killed his best friend Krillin. Next, a jealous Vegeta trained at 300x gravity to try to reach that stage. One day, when Training in space, he realized that he could never beat Goku without becoming a Super Saiya-Jin. He got so angry with himself that he transformed into a Super Saiya-Jin. Son Gohan turned into a Super Saiya-Jin while training with his father in the Room Of Spirit And Time. Trunks and Goten were youngest, and the first to achieve this form without triggers. Future Trunks transformed when he saw Gohan, the last surviving Z Fighter besides himself, lying on the ground dead.

A Saiya-Jin's hair is gold, and the eyes are bigger and green. The higher the Super Saiya-Jin's power level is, the longer the hair grows. The highest Super Saiya-Jin  level was 3; which Goku reached first. Gohan was the first to reach Super Saiya-Jin level 2 (in the Cell Game). Before he did that, no one new about the new levels of these super powers. There is a "Super Saiya-Jin 4" , but some don't take them as true "Super Saiya-JIn" forms because the hair isn't gold. It looks more like a half monkey, half Saiya-Jin. Hair grows on the chest, a tail grows, eyes turn evil like (I think it looks cooler that way but their power levels are so outrageous... that was one of the drawbacks to DBGT).

Qualifications to become a Super Saiya-Jin
  1. Must be at least partly Saiya-Jin
  2. Must possess at least enough power to potentially surpass the limits of a common Saiya-Jin.
  3. Must be pure of heart