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This is my updates page, where I inform you with what I have added and when. I am going to tell you that when I say that I finish, that doesn't mean that I won't go back and edit it. Oh, and I am making my Pretty Sammy pages before my Sailor Jupiter pages to make it easier on me. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but come back often because I update rapidly on my page. :) It's a win-win for you!

September 13,1999-
I have my main page completed! Yay! Today, I posted up my Sailor Jupiter info page as well as my Pretty Sammy info page.

September 14,1999-
I did my Ryo-ohki page today and updated my page links. I am working on figuring how to make a main menu.

September 16,1999-
Today was the day that I worked on my Sammy Magical Friends page. I am in the midst of making my Sammy Foes page.

September 17,1999-
Today, I finished my Sammy Magical Foes Page, and am now also finished with the picture and info gallery on the kids in Sasami's class in Magical Project S!

September 18,1999-
This is the day that I did my Magical Contestants page and added it to my links. I updated my other pages, and am editing them for misspellings (did I spell that right?)I am still learning how to do a main menu, not to worry my friends, I'll have it accomplished eventually. Oh, right, I am inserting in some gifs and music. I need to learn how to do the music though...

September 19,1999-
Today, I am starting my Special Thanks Page to the people who gave me the pix and all that I have on my page. I am also working on my Sailor Jupiter's Love Life page on her many crushes. I'm not finished with making Sammy pages yet, no worries there. Actually, I am also working on my Chihro's Karaoke Bar where I have lyrics to all of our favorite Magical Project S songs and our favorite Pretty Sammy songs. Soon, I will transfer my files and make my fan fic page. They are my own fan fics. So, that's my daily work.

September 20, 1999-
Today, I finished up "Dream Away" on my Chihro's Bar. I updated my links, again, like a good girl. And I am so sorry about the main menu, it's not gonna work unless I want to redo my whole page, which I don't, so the links will have to do.

September 21, 1999-
Today, I did my Ask Sammy Chan And Mako Chan page where you can send your questions, comments, and ideas to my page.

September 22, 1999-
Today, I got my guestbook into my page. You have to click on a couple of links to get to it. So sorry! I am working on my pop up quiz on your favorite character. Also, I am working on the java versions of my Pretty Sammy personality quiz, as well as my Sailor Moon personality quiz.

September 24, 1999-
So sorry about not updateing yesterday! I feel so bad! Today, I did my bulliten board. So post stuff up people!

September 25,1999-
Today I made my Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Picture Gallery, or at least part of it. I am looking into the advertising fee on all of the search engines. My Sailor Jupiter gallery has been added to my main page links. Also, I am almost finished with my pop-up quiz, so never fear my friends, it shall be done before you know it!

September 30, 1999-
Hi all! Today, I did some updates on my already done pages, but I felt really bad about the not updating for awhile thing! I was really busy and isn't get the chance! :(

October 2, 1999-
I have so much work to do to make up for not updating! I got some new pictures to add to make my pages mor enjoyable. I did chack for misspellings again and all. I was busy today trying to figure out this pop-up quiz thing. Yes, I know I have been at it a while, but it befuddles me so very much!

October 4, 1999-
Today, I am adding some more of my friend's pages to the links. I did my Ryo-ohki gallery, my Sailor Jupiter page, and my ring pages. I just started joining web rings so I only have one. Right, I also finished Your Hiroshi on Chihiro's Karaoke Bar, I did Magical Project S opening song, Magical Project S Ending Song for the first four videos anyhow, and the Magical Project S Ending Song for the rest of the series ending theme. I am in the midst of making my Pretty Sammy ending song for Pretty Sammy #3. Spare me, this is taking way too long!

October 7, 1999-
Today, I did my Adopt An Angel page, and I added the page with the form to fill out. I figured out how to use a picture as a link! :) Don't think I'm stupid, but I am learning. Give me credit, I'm trying to do a good page here! Anyhow, I also added a link to the other Sammy classmates so that you don't have to click back.I am starting on adding links back to my main page on every page!

October 15, 1999-
I haven't updated my updates page! Go me ne sai! I did my Japanese page to learn Japanese, at least I am working on it. I did my gifs page with animated gifs on Sammy and Jupiter. I did my profiles, well, some. I am working on the outer senshi, the cats, the starlights, Tuxedo Mask, and Rini. This may take a while, but I posted it. I also did my What's Coming Up page. I posted that. I added a lot to my main page, with my new banner! Yay! Isn't it cute? I also did my e-mail address at hotmail! Please e-mail with comments! I got a new counter from Beseen. I promoted my page to yahoo and some other places. I just have no clue if Yahoo has added me. I am adding a search box, and making awards to give out! I finished the pop-up quiz! I'm still workin' on the sm pop-up quiz. And, I added a navigating button! Lotsa work, huh?

October 16, 1999-
I did my Sammy and Sailor Moon quiz today! There are still a few bugs in the Sammy one, I think, it may be working now, so you may have to not take it if the error script thing pops up. I added a search box to my page, and added to this page! Now, I am going to do more of the Japanese on the Japanese page. I'm still working on the Sammy summaries.

October 26, 1999-
I haven't updated my updates page, 'm I bad? Sorry about that. Anyhow, I did some more of my profiles, added a fave scout poll on the page with the profiles, updated the links page, added in some more decorations on the pages, and worked on new things to add. Plus, I did an opinion poll. I also joined more rings! Yay! I can't remember what else, but mainly I added a lot of pix and new bgs and new pix and updated the writing. Right, the Sammy quiz has no more bugs in it! I had to redo the whole quiz, but it is only a small token for you SM and PS fans out there. I also did my about us page. So take a look around!

October 31, 1999-
Happy Halloween everyone! My page is now all Sailor Moon. I am doing my Pretty Sammy page which will be suitable for you to go into (it's a major mess!) hopefully in less than two weeks, but that depends on how much school work we have. I redid my main page, and it looks a lot better! I haven't updated my updates page for a while because all I have been doing really is replacing pictures here and there. Redoing my gifs page so you can click on a link to go to the gif and adding new backgrounds. I have several awards on my new awards page to give out, so feel free to e-mail me with your name and url and I will check it out to see if you deserve an award. I am now part of the hentai free page club, because I feel that that is important. Hey, did I mention that I am going to be a web master? I am! I am making a new web ring. I'll post it when I'm done. Thank you and enjoy your stay at my little peice of cyber heaven!

January 3, 2000-
Okay, I know I haven't updated my updates page in forever! There's so much that's happened with this page. So, get ready. Okay, I added my chat. However, you must go into someone elses chat or start your own. I decided that would be best. Also, I got up a voting booth from Bravenet, which is now officially better than Beseen to me! Beseen's quizlet kinda went beserk and that quiz didn't work, so I went to Bravenet and got a whole new voting poll, but this time there are 4 or 5 questions in a booth! :) My RPG characters, rule, and board is up. Look at the taken characters (or make up your own) e-mail me with the stuff I asked for, and when I approve, you're in. My gifs are in a link now. I have remodeled a lot of stuff since my last update. I'm sorry that the Sammy page is taking so long, but this is mainly what I update. I'm in the Moonie Choice Awards and I have lotsa web rings. My bios are doin' pretty well, and I made a bg on Lita separate as well. I'm working on adding pix and info the Darien And Serena page (if Angelfire works for me!) If not, I may start doing other pages on Geocities and may move. I got new bgs too that I wanna add! It's strange that Angelfire is working for everyone but me. ::sighs:: Well, I'll try to see what's wrong (yes, I still have space.) I got up my announce my site and my Moonie Obsession Test. I got up my disclaimer/what you can/can't take. I am making a little club, I suppose you could say, more of a petition really about I dunno yet. I am also working on a non-anime RPG as well as my SM one to put on this site. I added music midis to some pages, so please stop them if you don't want to hear them. I hope to get a Moonie Choice Award! That would be great! Hey! Dream big, right? Um.... Oh yeah, I have a mailing list and am starting up some clubs. Don't worry, you didn't miss them, I just haven't posted them yet! I have up Moonie Classifieds in which you can ask for pix, gifs, avis, helpers on your page, whatever. Please nothing that has to be shipped by Priority Mail or any mail for that matter! I dunno, it seems like I've added a lot more. My Reasons For Doing My Page was redone and lotsa other things. Hmmm... Well, I'll add more later if I think of anything else. Oh yeah, my collection, about me, FAQ on SM, FAQ on my site, fan fic tips, learn to cook, and I have renovated so much! Now you see what someone can do quickly! Well, thanks for dropping by and if you read all of today's updates (actually the last 2 month updates,) God bless you! :) That's a lot to read!

January 13, 2000-
Like the new layout? I do! I got backgrounds up on ALL the profiles. I finally got around to doing Saturn's and Tuxedo Mask's (I need to post his though...) There are more pictures stuck around, and some others being taken out. New backgrounds are putting in. I guess you could say that I'm renovating... I alreasy told you about my clubs and all. My thank you page was updated and my qoutes of the days are up! I am proud of my page. It may not be perfect, but I'm trying my best! I hope you guys know that! Oh, and I redid the layout on this page! :) I like it now!

January 28, 2000-
Okay! I did my categories so that is easier for you guys to find your way around. It was my sister's idea. Anyhow, I hope you like that. I added some stuff, like backgrounds, and am fixing the title on the bar at the very top of the page. It's late, I can't think... Umm.. I am working on character profiles for the RPG!

February 11, 2000-
Alright, now I have done about 6 or 7 of the profiles. I have still got like 8 more to go. I redid my layout again. It's roses and garden-like! I like it. I also have added some more categories. There are major bugs in my insanity test, and I've got lots of work to do! Anyhow, I did a quiz where you can win an award! I'm doing some link me banners. I hope I can win an award. My page is good, I deserve some, don't ya' think? Adios!