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"Dear Mina..."

The Sailor Scout of love and beauty is here to help you out! This is totaly new, so I need you to send in any questions or problems you have to, and I will try to post up all of them here and give you my answers and/or advice. If I don't recieve any email from people that need my advice, this page will be taken down. So it's all up to you to help make it possible!
                ~Mina chan

Dear Mina,
I just moved and I am now going to a new school. I have a new friend named Amy and when I made friends with her she was going out with this guy. I made friends with him because he seemed really nice and he liked anime like me. A week later Amy breaks up with him saying that she hates him. Two weeks after that, he asks me out (after another girl dumps him). I didn't know what to say because I didn't like him plus he was my friends ex. But I told him yes but soon after I told him I wanted to get to know him better and I still wanted to be friends. But now I know why Amy hates him. Now, he has been following me telling me stuff about him. And he stares at me all the time. I can't stand him! In class the other day, we where sitting on the ground and he came really close to me and all of a sudden I feel him running his finger up my arm! YUCK! I want to tell him what I feel about him so he would just lay off but I simply can't just! go up to him and say "I hate you leave me alone." Everybody else I have asked has told me to do that but I want to tell him something that will not hurt him. What should I do?
-Sailor Cryptonia

Dear Sailor Cryptonia, I understand that you don't want to hurt him, but you should break up this relationship if you're not happy. Do it in an assertive way to make your message clear. Tell him that you don't like how the relationship is going, and you were more comfortable as friends, so you'd like to just be friends with him again. I can't write a break up speech for you, so just think if someone was going to break up with you, what would you want to hear? That might help you decide what to say. And remember to be nice about it, but assertive. Because if he starts begging to give the relationship a second change, you don't want to get sucked into it. Be confident in yourself, and good luck at your new school! (I just moved into a new area myself this summer.)
~Mina chan

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