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Dear Mina,
There is this guy in my bio class I met at the begining of the year. After a field trip, one of my friends (who I am not very close to) teased us by saying that "you two look like a cute couple". I asked him about it later and he said that he did like me. Come to find out, he already has a girlfriend. And I think he might ask me out and I don't know how I fell towards him. Please help!
--Sailor ChibiJupiter

Dear Sailor ChibiJupiter,
You seem confused about how you feel towards this guy, so it's kinda hard what to tell you. If he asks you out, and you're still not sure if you like him, just tell him the truth: you don't know. Tell him you'll give an answer him an answer in a week. But you should probably ask him about his girlfriend. If they're still together you should be careful because even if he says they're going to break up, he might be a player. But if you know him well enough and he's a good guy, you could probably trust his word. And if they already broke up, you have it made-if you like him.
~Mina chan

Dear Mina,
I'm a boy so I dont know if I should even be writing to this but hey! There is a girl at my school and I went out with her once about 3 years ago and dumped her (sob) and then I asked her out again bout a year ago and she went out with me (I've no idea why!). I really liked her when I was going out with her, and I got REALLY shy, I mean I was avoiding her and everything. So, she dumped me. I asked her out again (sigh) about 4 months ago and she said we had tried before and it hadnt worked out. I know its sad but I still really want to go out with her again, should i ask!?

Dear Me,
First I'd like to say that I'm glad you wrote to me, because there's nothing wrong with a guy asking a girl for advice! ^_~ It sounds like you really like this girl, but I think you should give her some room to breath and time to think because girls are repelled to guys who are pushy and seem desperate. So don't ask her out again right now. Instead, talk to her like you would to a friend, and just hang out with her. Then gradualy give her hints that you still like her, and if you think she likes you more than a friend too, then you ask her out. And if she says you two have tried before but it didn't work out, tell her why it didn't work out. You said it was because you really liked her, so you became shy and avoided her. That might help clear up some things. ^-^
~Mina chan

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