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Yay! I got my first email today (11/4). ^.^ It's from Q~ko. Q~ko writes:

Hey, well I have a problem that maybe you could help me with: I like 2 guys. One of them is a friend and the other is someone who isn't really a friend, but just jokes and teases me alot. Which one should I persue? Should I ask them out or wait for them to? Thanks alot~


Dear Q~ko,
I think that it depends on how good of friends you are with your guy friend. If you two have been friends for a long time, or know each other really well, it might be awkward for him (or the both of you) to go out. And if you two did go out, and broke up, you might not get to be friends anymore. If it really seems like he's interested in you, and the two of you haven't been friends forever, then I would say go for it! But if that isn't the case, you might want to consider the other guy more. If you really want to play it safe, you can send them an email from e-crush. What that does is let them know somebody has a crush on them without having your name revealed. Then if he sends an e-crush email to you, you'll be notified for a match! I suggest sending it to one guy at a time and wait for a week or so before sending another. Good luck!
~Mina chan

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