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No One's Fault Chapter 1
Author: Patch
Rating: PG-13

Welps, here it is everyone, my latest fic, alll finished and shtuff, all new and shiny. *sob* I'm so proud of it. Enjoy reading everyone!

Insert Standard Disclaimer.

"Excuse me."
The blue haired Senshi stopped speaking to the doctor and turned at her Queen's voice.
"Queen Serenity," Ami said, nodding her head, respectfully.
"Neo-Queen Serenity," the doctor said, smiling, pleased to be able to meet the Queen of Crystal Tokyo.
"How are you doctor?" the Queen asked politely.
"I am quite well, thank you."
"I'm glad to hear it. Do you mind if I just spoke to Sailor Mercury for a moment?"
"Sailor Mercury and I were just finishing up our talk over the latest medical findings. I'll be on my way now. A pleasure seeing you both."
"Likewise," both ladies answered.
After the doctor had left, Ami turned to Usagi.
"Is everything okay, Usagi-chan?"
"Hai," Usagi replied, slipping into an informal mode, "I'm just worried about Mamo-chan. I was hoping he would be back from that meeting with the European advisors. Do you remember when he said he would be arriving?"
"Gomen, I don't. Do you know what the frequency for his hotel room is? We could contact him if he's there."
"You're right! I believe the frequency was Beta Omega Delta."
They walked over to a screen set up on a wall on the side and Ami typed in a code and turned to Usagi.
"You know what to do, so I'll leave you with it since I know you'll be wanting your privacy," she said, with a wink.
Usagi blushed and lightly whacked her friend on the arm.
"Arigato for the thoughtfulness Ami-chan."
"Ja ne," the Senshi said, walking out of the room. When Ami had left, Usagi turned back to the screen.
"NEXUS," she said in a clear voice, "connect me to the Beta Omega Delta frequency."
"Yes, My Queen," the computer said.
In just a minute, Mamoru's face appeared on the screen and Usagi was suddenly reminded of days from so long ago when she used to use the telegraphic screens to sneak glances of the handsome Prince of Earth.
"Neo-King Endymion here."
"My love, must you be so formal?" Usagi teased.
"Usa," a smile appeared on his face, a smile that made her heart skip a beat. It was no surprise to her that he could still bring forth such a reaction from her.
"Daijabou?" he asked.
"Daijabou. I'm missing you very much."
His gaze became soft and his smile was sad. "I miss you too, love, but as you can see, I'm still stuck here."
"For how much longer?"
"I'm not sure myself. Half of this group is being so stubborn it's frustrating. They can't seem to agree on anything. I'd say I'll be here for at least three more days."
"Three?" she asked wistfully.
"I'll try to get back as soon as I can, but until then," he flashed her another smile, "don't wait up for me."
"Baka," she replied, pouting.
"I have to go Usako. Another meeting awaits me. Aishiteru."
He faded and she was left staring at a blank screen. Sighing heavily, she left and went about her daily duties. There was much that had to be done and she was kept busy for the rest of the day. By the time she reached her bedroom at night, she was ready to drop with exhaustion. Luna had wanted her and the Senshi to complete a mock fight using their powers 'just for old times sake' and after such a long gap in which she hadn't used hers, Usagi felt as though she was using her powers for the first time.
She fell to the bed, luxuriating in the cool softness of the sheets and then groaned, realizing she had to change into the proper attire for bed. She turned over onto her back and covered her eyes with one hand. I *really* don't want to get up, she thought.
Her next thought turned to one of absolute fear as she felt something... no someone cover her body. On instinct she opened her mouth to scream... until she felt the soft kisses against her throat, traveling up to her lips.
"Endymion!" she tried pushing him off but he didn't budge and instead, wrapped his arms around her from underneath her. "Mamo-chan!" she yelled.
"Is that any way to greet your King?" he asked playfully, pressing another kiss to her lips.
"Is that any way to scare the life out of your Queen?" she shot back, twisting her head to the side.
He rolled over so that she was on top and then began laughing. "I can't believe you completely missed me when you came into the room. I thought you would see me by the door but you just walked right past me! What's on your mind?"
"Ideas on how to kill you, baka!" she retorted, shooting him a glare. She sat up, straddling him, and then punched him in the arm. "Why didn't you at least give me some kind of warning that you were coming home?"
"I wanted to surprise you, Usako and depending on how you look at it, I was successful."
"Oh, hush! Don't become too high on yourself. But, what about the meetings you had?"
"Oh that, well, I just adjourned them for another day."
"Nani? Why?"
He leaned up on one elbow as his other hand came up to cup her cheek. His thumb stroked over her smooth skin as he spoke seriously. "Seeing your beautiful face on that screen today gave me enough of an incentive to cancel them. You looked so hopeful when you asked me when I was coming home and then to see your face drop when I answered you back... it was enough."
"But, I don't want you canceling important meetings for reasons like that!" she replied, flustered at his actions.
He rolled over again, holding onto her. "I would stop a meeting with the world for you, Usako," he said softly. "You are that important to me."
"You're too much Mamo-chan," Usagi said, locking her hands behind his neck.
"That's why you deal with me, Usa, you love me that much."
"I do," she whispered and then his lips came down upon hers and not much more was said for the rest of the night.

"Must we do this?" asked the first.
"We must," the second one said.
"It will be a trial," added the third
"One they must overcome," said the second.
"Must we?" asked the third again.
"Continue your threading child. You have too much of a heart," said the third.


Short chapter I know! They'll get longer after this, at least I think so... they will they will!!! Didja figure out who those three were? Muhahahahahaha.