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well here it is, the second chapter, just as i promised. i just wanna say, though, this fic is dedicated to Christina cause she gave me the idea and then... well i kinda twisted it, buuuuuut i hope u all like it anyways, enjoy reading! patch:-)(-:

No One's Fault Chapter 2
Author: Patch
Rating: PG-13

*2 months later*
"I need it! Please, oh please give it to me now! I won't be able to survive without it, you don't understand, please, please give it to me."
"You don't care about me! Is that it? Is that why you're not giving it to me? I knew you didn't care. You don't care at all what happens to me!"
"Usako, it's-"
"Oh Kami, why are you torturing me like this?"
"Usako! For heaven's sakes, it's just a bar of chocolate!" Mamoru said exasperatedly, holding the chocolate away from his wife. "Why in Kami's name are you acting like this? Actually, now that I think about it, your behavior has not been quite... normal lately."
"Are you saying I'm abnormal, Mamo-chan? What did I ever do to you?" she yelled, her eyes becoming watery.
"Usa, I'm not saying anything! I'm just saying..." he saw the look on her face and decided to take another direction, "forget it, have you seen Ami recently?"
"Iie, I haven't."
"Well, maybe you should, you've become quite moody lately and I'm worried for you."
The two were in their bedroom and Usagi walked away from him, to the doors leading to the balcony. She put her hand on the glass and looked out. Ami will tell me what I already know, she thought. What I've just recently discovered, she thought happily.
"Mamo-chan, I don't think I need to see Ami for this one," she said quietly.
"Why not?" he asked, coming over to her slowly, relieved to see that her mood had leveled off to a somewhat normal state.
"I think I know why I've been acting like this and now that I think about it, I can't comprehend why I didn't see it sooner."
"What is it?" he asked carefully.
"Mamo-chan..." she turned her face to him, her eyes holding a new light, her smile dazzling, "I think I'm pregnant."
"Kami..." he staggered back a bit at her words, catching himself before he tripped over his own feet. Emotions surged through him, emotions he couldn't name, describe... they all went through him, powerful in their intensity. "Pregnant? A child... our child? Are you absolutely sure?"
She nodded, a tear slipping from her eye. "Chibi-Usa will be with us before we know it."
He came forward, amazement written all over his face. One hand went to her waist, while the other came to rest on her still flat stomach.
She looked up at him, another tear following the trail of the first. "I'm so sure, Mamo-chan, I think if I concentrate hard enough, I'll be able to feel her, resting there, growing within me."
He didn't respond. In that moment, words to describe how he felt were unknown to him. Instead, he bent his head toward hers and brushed his lips against hers once, twice. Then, slowly, he slid down, until he was on one knee in front of her, his hand still at her waist.
A moment later she felt him kiss her stomach. She felt that kiss through the cloth separating his lips from her skin. Her hand fell to his hair and stroked the silky strands as he rested his head against her stomach. She smiled and looked out, noticing the sun had begun its descent downwards. She understood it was a moment that needed no words and the two of them stayed that way as the sun bathed them in its final glow.

*2 months later*
She almost had it. Just a little more and she would have it. Just reach...
"Neo-Queen Serenity, just what in Kami's name are you doing up there?"
She screeched and slipped off the ladder, closing her eyes at the expected pain to come.
"Love, you really know how to turn my hair gray, don't you?"
She opened one eye to peek into the concerned face of her husband and scowled causing him to raise an eyebrow.
"A scowl is the thanks I get for saving your life?"
"No, a scowl is what you get for nearly causing me to lose my life! I wouldn't be in your arms right now if you hadn't come bursting in here like that!"
"Oh, excuse me, remind me never to catch you in my arms again!" he finished sarcastically.
Usagi's eyes softened as she looked at her husband. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, "Thank you, Mamo-chan, for catching me."
He looked down at her, his eyes softening also, "Aishiteru Usako," and he slowly bent his head down to hers.
Expecting his lips, she tilted her head up and closed her eyes. Feeling his lips a breath away she readied herself for one of his soul-shattering kisses...only to be given a light peck on the nose.
"Hey!" she opened her eyes and looked up to see him laughing, "What was that for?"
"That, was my punishment for you. You don't seem to understand that I can't have gray hair at this time in my life. I'm in my prime and I've got to look good, meaning no gray hairs, and here you are, putting in a dozen of them everyday!"
"Oh, so we're back to that again, are we?"
A slight coughing at the entrance to the library made them turn their heads. So startled was Mamoru that he loosened his hold on Usagi causing her to fall with a squeak.
He paled and quickly turned his head back to see his disheveled Queen sitting in a flurry of skirts, her crown askew on her head, rubbing her *ahem* behind.
"Oh my gosh, Usako!" he quickly knelt beside her and took her hands in his, "Are you alright? Does it hurt? Can you move? No, wait, don't move! Oh Kami, the baby-"
"Your Highness, I do believe Usagi is experiencing nothing more than a sore tail-bone. The baby should be fine, Chibi-Usa is probably used to her mother's bumps and aches by now."
"Luna, I don't want you to say anything more! And stop that cursed cat's smile of yours!" Usagi carefully took off her crown and looked at it. She then turned to Mamoru who was gazing at her fearfully.
"Mamo-chan, love?"
"How could you have dropped me like that? Have I given you so many gray hairs that they've clogged your brain pores? You would think a king like yourself would have more grace than that! You have embarrassed me down to my feet! Now help me up."
"Of course, sweet." He helped her to her feet and took her in his arms, massaging her shoulders.
"And let us get back to what got me into this mess in the first place! Now, if you could learn to come upon people more quietly, I'm sure-"
"Usako," Mamoru interrupted, "do stop harping at me like some fishwife," and he captured her lips for an unexpected kiss. As expected, Usagi's knees began to quiver and he had to tighten his hold on her as she began to lean into him. When she began to make those cute little noises she always made he decided she had had enough and gently pulled away.
"I'll be your personal fishwife-for- hire if you'll only give me some more," she mumbled, gazing dreamily into his face.
Usagi quickly pushed Mamoru away upon hearing the voices, turning beet- red and causing Mamoru to stumble and almost lose his balance. The two of them looked to the doorway to see eight very interested Senshi, tapping their feet, grins on many of their faces.
"With the amount of smooching you guys do, I would not be surprised to see another baby pop up between the two of you, right after Chibi-Usa," Haruka drawled.
"Shut up you!" Michiru said, cuffing her on the shoulder.
"But it's so true, Michiru, you have to admit it" said Rei, an evil grin on her face, "the way those two go on, it just makes you wonder...."
"Wonder what?" a young Hotaru asked.
"Makes you wonder if they-"
"Enough, all of you!" Usagi said, her face flaming, "Now what is it that you all want?"
Ami stepped forth, holding a piece of paper and said, "According to my computer, there is some very strong negative energy just outside of this planet and if we don't do something about it quickly, Crystal Tokyo will probably be in grave danger."
Silence met her statement. No one moved. Someone coughed and then Haruka broke the silence.
"Do we have crickets in the palace?" (AN: do u get it?? ::Silence:: Maaaaybe not. -_-0)
"That's our Ami for ya," Minako said, slinging an arm over Ami's shoulder, "always the blunt one."
"Nani? I thought I was the one who deserved that title!" Makoto interrupted.
"No, I'm the blunt one!" Rei argued.
Everyone began to talk and argue while Usagi and Mamoru just stood and stared at the group in amazement at the ludicrousness of the situation. Luna hung her head in embarrassment, a sweat drop appearing on her forehead.
"I really can't believe the Earth's survival depends on those girls." Mamoru said, shaking his head.
"Hey, watch it, look who's talking, I can't believe Crystal Tokyo is governed by a King who can't even hold up his wife properly."
"At least I can kiss her properly," he said leaning his head down.
"Mmm, yes you can," she twined her arms behind his neck and pulled his head down to give him a kiss.
"Will you two never stop?"
Mamoru sighed and rested his forehead against Usagi's and whispered, "One of these days, I am going to gag those girls."
Usagi giggled and let go of her husband and then turned to Ami.
"So what do we do Ami-chan? Do you have any idea what this negative energy is? I mean, is it human or alien?"
"Well, upon closer examination this negative energy is from humans, which is quite surprising because I thought we had destroyed everyone from the Negaverse ages ago."
"Hmm, yes we did, or at least we were supposed to have," Mamoru said looking thoughtful, "Ami I want you to do a more detailed scan of this and get back to me as soon as possible."
"Yes Your Highness."
"The rest of you, stay alert. Any suspicious activity, report to me immediately, got it?"
"Yes Your Highness," they all chorused.
"Usagi-chan, I believe I have to check you over today. " Ami said, coming up to the couple. "I'll be seeing you in an about an hour, ne?"
As they filed out of the room, Usagi placed her hand on Mamoru's arm in a bid to get his attention.
"You don't think this is serious, do you?" she asked worriedly.
"I don't know sweet, but we'll find out soon enough."

"Why must we cause pain?" asked the voice.
"We do not cause pain, child," said the second.
"We only intertwine what has been given to us," said the third.
"It is..."
"...Our Destiny."
