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                                            Type: Data
                                            Kind: Wizard Digimon
                                            Level: Champion
                                            Attacks: Thunder Ball and Magical Game
                                            Japanese Name: Wizarmon


     Five, Six, Seven, Eight! And who do we (I) apprecieate??? WIZZIE! WIZZIE!
That's right, fellow Cybervillians, Wizardmon (aka Tardis-Chan's "Wizzie") is the coolest and noblest Digimon EVER!! He sacraficed his life for Hikari Yagami and Tailmon (Kari and Gatomon, for those of you who are ignorant of their Japanese names.) (which also leads me to think he loved her, but that I'll discuss later and elsewhere. After all, we've got a bug digimon and a mummy digimon as a couple, why not a cat and a ... whatever Wizardmon is.) For one thing, he is very intellegent. The first time I noticed Wizardmon as when he fooled Demi-Devimon into getting a bottle of hot sauce. "It tastes great on tacos." the wiley Digimon said as he knew Hikari's digivice was not to fall into the hands of Myotismon.

(I think that might be Jelapeno hot sauce)
        Wizardmon has the greatest, caring voice! I love him for it. Of course, my Wizzie wasn't always as caring as his voice is. A long time ago, he was a big time vegabond. He traveled to and fro, never stoping to make friends. One night, he was flying on his broomthingie and fell out of the sky. For a long while, Wizardmon stayed there dying while others used him like they did the pavement (ie; trample). It wasn't untill Tailmon came and gave him some water. (Ok, where'd she get a bowl from?) Anyway, he later woke up to find a nice little campsite and a white cat Digimon staring right back at him. He thought she wanted something in return, (mabye catnip or meow mix?) but she didn't. She was just being nice, unlike her wiley predecessors Garfield and Heathcliff. From Tailmon, Wizzie learned two things: the meaning of Compassion, and Tailmon's search for the meaning of life (excuse me, I meant her life long longing for a certain person/thing (Meow Mix? It's not available in the DigiWorld,
now.) ANYWAY, he follows her and enlists in Vandemon's (Myotismon) army. She was brainwashed by Vandemon and forgot about her purrpose in life and Wizardmon, also. Later, he returned Tailmon's favor and helped her remember her true self. (Which just proves that good mon do fall out of the sky, ya know?)  Well, things get complicated. She gets catnapped, he gets thrown into the river, Hikari turns herself in, and Hikari and Tailmon are countlessly about to be killed many times. The last time Vandemon shoves a death blow towards their way, our hero, Wizardmon jumps in front of it and saves them. After that, it seemed to Toei that they needed to ham out the pitiful scene with my Wizzie dying. *sigh*

Wizzie DOES come back in 02 as a ghost.
"It was the anniversity, a day they'll never forget" said's episode guide. Well, it was the anniversary of the defeat of Myotismnon. All the Digi-Destined came together for it, too. Matt's Dad is having some trouble because many of his employees at the Television Station are quiting their jobs because they are scared shit-less. A huge thunderstorm builds around the TV station, and lightning strikes the top most point. At this point, all of the workers are running out of the building, and Gatomon hears something. She runs in, and the DD's follow her.The Digi-Destined reach the top room of the building, to find the ghost. Most of them are scared and don't know what to do. But Gatomon knows who it's Wizardmon. The DD's gasp as they realize who it is...
Wizardmon gives Gatomon a massage that she is in great danger, along with the others. This is how their conversation goes...

Wizardmon: I need to tell you something Gatomon.

Gatomon: What is it, old friend?

Wizardmon: Your enemy; you cannot beat him as you are now!

Gatomon: Huh?

Davis: Does he... does he mean the Digimon Emperor?

Wizardmon: Your enemy is not the only the Digimon Emperor, but a much greater darkness. The darkness... it cannot be defeated with strength alone. You must return the one wrapped in darkness to his true self.

Gatomon: What? True self...

Wizardmon: Kindness will release the golden radiance.

Yolei: Kindness? I hope he doesn't mean we have to be nice to Ken!

Wizardmon: Kindness alone will not prevail, Gatomon. The golden radiance is also necessary.

Gatomon: I see, but...

Wizardmon: You don't have much time! Goodbye my friend...
This was a very touching scene for many fans, even if they don't care much for Wizardmon. Gatomon wants to hold his hand, but she can't, and he drifts away. She chases after him, but he disapears in front of her.I really do hope Wizzie comes back someday, but the way season 3 looks, I don't know...


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