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Kaji Ryouji

Kaji Ryouji images

Ryouji Kaji
Kaji and Misato - who looks terrified!
Nice pic of Ryouji
What can I say?

Kaji Ryouji is a bit of a mysterious character in Evangelion. We first meet him in episode 8, accompanying Asuka from Germany where he was on a business trip.
In episode 8 an angel attacks, and it is only at the end of the video where we learn what it may well have been looking for - the embyo-shaped creature Adam.
He and Misato already know one another...they dated when they were both younger. But now she wants nothing to do with him...
Misato can't stand to be near him, which could be unfortunate as he seems keen to rekindle their former relationship. Unfortunately he is a real flirt and Misato can't seem to be able to stand that.

If you know any more than me (as I haven't seen all the videos yet - but not long now!) please don't hesitate to e-mail me and tell me what I missed.

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