Schwarz Chibis
Here you have the Schwarz chibis. Unfortunately, all of them are B&W because they are such a rare sight! These rare chibis include...
Crawfoo (Brad Crawford)
Crawfoo is a hardworking chibi that doesn't know how to have fun. He believes himself as an oracle and could predict the future. He does not smile that often and is always calm and controled.
SchuSchu (Schuldich)
Playful and often fast, this chibi is one with a quick mind. SchuSchu says he can read others' thoughts, he is not liked as much by the other chibis, but if you get to know him, you'll see he is a great chibi to have around.
Nags (Naoe Nagi)
A smart little chibi with an adult's calmness. Nags is totally unlike what he leads you to think he is. Silent and kept to himself, he hides many things you would not even guess at. This chibi loves computers and floating objects. Give him a computer and he would be happy.
Farfie (Farfarello)
A chibi potentially dangerous to his own life, Farfie is an alone type of chibi. He loves to play with anything sharp or electrical, so to take care of him, you would have to be careful about that. He doesn't get along well with other chibis.
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