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101 Anime House Main

Welcome to the

101 Anime House

Welcome to this not so brand new place for Anime! This place will be a mix of numerous things. This place is still, and always will be, under construction, so bare with me as the place developes.

Owner's Log

CLICK HERE!!! Quite an amusing site!

The place is far from completed, but please, please, have a glance around and know ahead of time what this place is about! I will get more Chibi Adoption domes up later, but the Koibito area is open! The gallery hasn't been worked on all that much... but it'll be coming!

November 15, 2002

I'm eating the words of my previous updates. Yes, there will be a major update! Gallery 8 of the Koibitos are up, and this time it mainly focuses on the people from Gravitation and Hikaru no Go. A few of the people I missed from Kenshin will be there as well. I also fixed Souzou's name from Gallery two, but since he's not taken yet, I don't think anyone cares. *laughs* Alright, that's it for now!

November 15, 2002

No major updates, just enforced a rule on adopting chibis. A person can have a maximum of two chibis now, since I now make chibi certificates for them as well. Sorry for those who wanted more.

October 29, 2002

New Koibito Gallery up! Gallery 7! This one includes the Gaiden characters of Saiyuki and a few new ones! There are so many animes out there, I'm working on getting all their bishonens in here... bear with me!

October 28, 2002

Wow, when was the last time I checked here? It would seem like it's been forever, actually it HAS been forever. Life is tough, but like again, I hope I'll be able to stop neglecting this place and actually put things together! I hope this time, I can keep my words.

And oh yes, I updated the Koibito place. Uh... slight problem. I lost a lot of the requests, and as for the ones I do have, I went by first ones in basis. I will soon (hopefully) have an update so that requests for chibis can be answered with an actual certificate or the like to place on thei adopter's site!

October 03, 2001

*screams and thinks he has finally gone insane* UGH. Sorry. I am ultra sorry for those whom have sent in requests for koibitos or chibis but never got any reply. I have been too busy and for a temporary moment lost interest in the site. Sick, depression, vacation, problems... you name it, I got it. So, this place was ultimately forgotten... until a friend of mine urged me on again.

I will try and put this place back up again, but I'm not sure how much time I have. Things have been hectic lately and I am hoping it'll calm down by the end of the month.

As to people who have sent me requests, since I have been so... neglecting the place, they haven't been updated, though I have them saved. I'll do them asap, but I will no longer be giving out the certificates that goes with them. Making those darn things to perfection takes just too much time. So.. just proclaim yourself as a koi and use the pictures on the koibito pages until further notice. Sorry again!

Chibi Adoption Center

Koibito Shrine


Anime Gallery


(Question Answering Booth of Anime!)

Webrings I Belong To

You want to leave me a message?
Leave me a message and Chichiri can carry it to me!