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Question Answering Booth Of Anime

Question Answering Booth Of Anime

Welcome to the question booth for anime questions! It doesn't matter what the question is as long as there's an answer and it's about anime. The Q.A.B.O.A is formed of 3 individuals which have nothing better to do on their hands than to help answer questions some of you out there might have on certain things in an anime series. Ask us any question and we would try to answer the best we could. We do not guaruntee that we'll be able to answer, but we would try our best.

When you have submitted the answer, we would post the question up on this page and as soon as we find the answer, which should be within the week, the answer shall go up under the question in this page as well. So if you ever submit something, check here and check often!

Q.A.B.A.O Opperatives

Seph~ (E-mail Seph)

Takagi~ (E-mail Takagi)

Yohji~ (E-mail Yohji)

Questions received: None

Please type the question here.

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