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Gohan Hideaway

| Gohan Hideaway Main Site | Main| Join |Rules |Attacks |Members |Contact Info |Teams |Shop |Jobs |Planets |Transformations |Message Boards |



1) Do not use profanity on the site.
2) Do not insult other members, use racist or demeaning comments, and do not use obscene sexual messages.
3) Do not spread propaganda of any type.
4) Do not advertise other sites on the messages boards without my approval.
5) Do not put pictures on the message boards without my approval.
6) Follow the rules of the game as closely as possible.
7) I will delete you after 30 days of idleness (not playing) unless you inform me beforehand of a reason for not playing.
8) Male and female characters can fall in love, date, have a family, but there is to be ABSOLUTELY NO CYBERSEX ANYWHERE on the site. Get each others emails for that.
9) Obey the Masters. They act as mediators on the site, and all other members are to submit to them.
10) On this site, I AM God. Whatever I say goes.

New Characters

New members join this site by choosing a character on the site. On the Join Page you will find almost every character from the Dragonball Z TV series and the movies. Click the radio button to the left of the character you want to be. You then may distribute 5 Character Points among 6 stats(see below). Include your e-mail address, then press send. I will not publish your e-mail address, but I need it to contact you. If you do not include an e-mail address I will not sign you up.

All new characters begin with the following stats:

Read the Starting Stats under the join page

Hit Points(HP) - Amount of damage you can take in a battle; You lose when your HP = 0

Power Level(PL) - A measure of your power; The higher your PL, the stronger you become

Ki Limit(Ki) - The amount of Ki you can use in a battle

Strength(Str) - Amount of damage physical attacks do is multiplied by your Strength

Toughness(T) - Physical damage you take is divided by this value

Attacks(Att) - The number of Physical and Ki attacks you can use per turn; Some Ki attacks cost more than 1 Att

Speed(Sp) - How fast you are; You may completely dodge any 1 attack for every Sp that is higher than your opponent's; If your Speed is equal to your opponent's, you may pay 1 Att to block a physical attack and take no damage; If your Speed is equal, you may pay 5 Att to dodge or block 1 Ki attack and take no damage

Spirit - Your ability to keep going in a battle; Spirit 2 allows you to take 1 extra turn after you reach 0 HP; Spirit 3 allows to take 2 extra turns after you reach 0 HP, and so forth; Spirit is NOT increased through stat increases such as Kaioken Attack, Fusion Dance, or any Transformation; Do not add Spirit together in Fusion Dance, simply take the largest Spirit

Meteor Attack Level(MALevel) - Defines the type of Meteor Attack you can do; See section on Meteor Attacks; MALevel is NOT increased through stat increases such as Kaioken Attack, Fusion Dance, or any Transformation; Do not add MALevel together in Fusion Dance, simply take the highest MALevel

How to Play

1) First, sign up a character on the Join Page
2) Visit one of the message boards
3) Type a message. You can: a) Type a story, b) Train, c) Issue a challenge to another member, or d) Ask a Master to train you
4) Always type " " when talking, * * when doing an action, and ~ ~ when thinking


1) Issue or accept a challenge
2) The weakest character (or the person who accepted the challenge if Power Levels are equal) decides who goes first
3) Attackers turn is as follows: a) Type attacks (physical and Ki), b) Limited to Att value and Ki Limit, c)type any dialogue; turn ends
4) Defender: a) Dodge and block attacks; take damage(if any), b) Now you may attack
5) Play continues like this until 1 person is defeated
6) Victory - Gain 10 HP and 100 Ki; Your PL increase: Double the HP you lost in battle; Get 10 Credits and any credits and items your opponent has


You can train in a Gravity Room, Simulation Room, in the Room of Spirit and Time, or on your own.

On your own, training for 1 full day(24 hrs): Gain 100 HP, 1,000 Ki, and 200 PL(5 times a day and I must have the battle posted or NO Stats Will Be Added). Don't post saying we trained or it doesn't count.

Gravity Room

Gain 10 HP, 100 Ki, and 20 PL for every ½ G(gravity) value, training for 1 full day(24 hrs).
1.5 G = +20 HP. +200 Ki, +40 PL
2 G = +30 HP, +300 Ki, +60 PL
2.5 G = +40 HP, +400 Ki, +80 PL

The Gravity Room costs 10 Credits per session for 1.5 G. For each additional 0.5 G it costs 5 Credits more

Simulation Room

You can program AI battles to train in.

Gain 10 HP, 100 Ki, 20 PL for each opponent you fight in the Simulation Room. The fight does not have to last 1 full day. It can be any period of time.

Renting the Simulation Room for one session costs 10 Credits. It costs an addition 10 Credits for each additional opponent.

The Room of Spirit and Time

Located in Kami's Lookout. Training for 24 hrs in the Room of Spirit and Time is the equivalent of training on earth for 1 full year (365 days).

Each full day(24 hrs) in the Room of Spirit and Time gives you 1, 825 HP, 18, 250 Ki, and 3, 650 PL, and it costs 500 Credits for each day


If your character is reduced to 0 HP in battle, he will not regenerate like other characters. Normally, after a battle a character is assumed to regain all HP. But losing all HP is the same as being incapacitated, and you need extra attention to recover. Every day in a rejuvenator heals up to 1,000 HP, and costs 5 Credits per day. If you do not use a rejuvenator, it takes 7 days to recover up to 1,000 HP.

Learning New Attacks

After attaining certain power levels, you can learn a new attack. You may also learn new attacks by training under a Master, or the Grand Master. New attacks may be learned instantly with the Dragonballs.

It takes a certain amount of days to learn a new attack. When training for a new attack on your own, here is the general rule: Take the Ki Cost of the attack and divide by 100. Take the answer and multiply it by the Att cost. That gives you the number of days it takes to learn the attack. So, it would take 4½ days to learn the Kamehameha (450/100=4.5; 4.5 x1=4.5 days)

The minimum amount of days to learn an attack on your own is 2 while the maximum is 60.
So: #of days = (Ki Cost / 100) xAtt Cost

Training under a Master reduces the time by ½. Training under the Grand Master reduces the time by 80%. So it would take 2¼ days to learn the Kamehameha under a Master and it would take 21½ hours to learn the Kamehameha under the Grand Master.

Power Levels

1,200 - Gain 1 CP; Gain 1 Sp; Learn 1 attack w/o Master

5,500 - Gain 1 CP

18,000 - Gain 2 CP; Gain 1 Sp; MA Level 1; Learn 1 attack w/o Master

40,000 - Gain 2 CP

100,000 - Gain 3 CP; Gain 1 Sp; Learn 1 attack w/o Master

300,000 - Gain 3 CP; MA Level 2

500,000 - Gain 4 CP; Gain 1 Sp; Learn 1 attack w/o Master

750,000 - Gain 4 CP

1,000,000 - Gain 5 CP; Gain 1 Sp; MA Level 3; Learn 1 attack w/o Master

2,000,000 - Gain 5 CP

5,000,000 - Gain 6 CP; Gain 1 Sp; MA Level 4; Learn 1 attack w/o Master

10,000,000 - Gain 6 CP; Gain 1 Sp; Learn 1 attack w/o Master

100,000,000 - Gain 7 CP; Gain 1 Sp; Learn 1 attack w/o Master

1,000,000,000 - Gain 10 CP; Gain 1 Sp; Learn 1 Attack w/o Master

Meteor Attacks

Meteor Attacks are unblockable combination moves. You may only use a Meteor Attack if your MA Level is at least 1 and your Speed is higher than or equal to your opponent's. Only physical attacks may be used in a Meteor Attack.

Meteor Attack Level 1 May do 1 Lvl 1 Meteor Attack(MAtt) per battle

Effects: 1 Att = 5 attacks in a Meteor Attack(MAtt); Speed -1 for rest of battle

Meteor Attack Level 2 May do 2 Lvl 1 MAtts or 1 Lvl 2 MAtt per battle

Effects: 1 Att = 10 attacks in a MAtt; Speed -2 for rest of battle

Meteor Attack Level 3 May do 3 Lvl 1 MAtts, 1 Lvl 2 MAtt, or 1 Lvl 3 MAtt per battle

Effects: 1 Att = 20 attacks in a MAtt; Speed -3 for rest of battle

Meteor Attack Level 4 May do 4 Lvl 1 MAtts, 2 Lvl 2 MAtts, 1 Lvl 3 MAtt, or 1 Lvl 4 MAtt per battle

Effects: 1 Att = 40 attacks in a MAtt; Speed -4 for rest of battle; Spirit -1 for rest of battle


The dragonballs are 7 mystical balls when brought together will release the dragon, who will grant the person who collected the dragonballs a wish. There are three sets of dragonballs: Earth, Namek, and Dark Star. The sets vary in strength and number of wishes granted. No one will find dragonballs until the Webmaster initiates a search on either Earth, Namek, or for the Dark Star dragonballs(which are scattered throughout the universe). When a search is initiated, anyone may find dragonballs, but they must type a believable story. A character who has dragon radar can find dragonballs MUCH quicker than other characters.

Earth: Shenlong

(1) Grants 1 wish
(2) Will not grant the same wish twice
(3) Maximum Stat increase of x2
(4) Maximum Credit increase of 1,000
(5) Will create any item less than 1,000 credits
(6) Learn any 1 attack instantly

Namek: Porunga

(1) Grants 3 wishes
(2) Will grant the same wish many times
(3) Maximum Stat increase of x4
(4) Maximum Credit increase of 5,000
(5) Will create any item less than 5,000 credits
(6) Learn any 1 attack instantly

Dark Star: Evil Shenlong

(1) Grants 2 wish
(2) Will grant the same wish many times
(3) Maximum Stat increase of x10
(4) Maximum Credit increase of 10,000
(5) Will create ANY item
(6) Learn 1 attack instantly
(7) When the wish has been granted, Evil Shenlong will be freed upon the universe, unleashing a wave of terror to plague the innocent.

Spacecraft and Moving From Planet to Planet

In order to move from one planet to another, you must use either Teleport or a spacecraft. It takes a ceratin number of days to move from planet to planet depending on the speed of the craft. Brand-new characters may choose any planet to begin the game on, but must use Teleport or spacecraft to move to a new planet.

Jobs, Apprenticeships, and Professions

Anyone may apply on the Jobs page for a job. There are 3 types of jobs to choose from. First are normal jobs. They range from easy to get(and low-paying) to hard to get(and high-paying). These jobs pay a certain amount of credits each day you work. Working is like training. To get paid for one day you must type either a long working message or several short messages. The webmaster will NOT pay you for 1 day if you type one tiny message.

The second type of job is an apprenticeship. In this job you become the apprentice of a professional in your field. Instead of getting paid for each day of working, you get paid by selling the webmaster any products you produce. For example, say you are an Apprentice Weapon Forger. You decide to create a new type of sword. Type a message(or series of messages) showing how you create the weapon. When you've finished, state the stats the weapon has(how much damage it does, its durability, and any other special properties). Once you are finished, the webmaster will offer you credits for your creation. If you don't like the amount of credits offered, TOO BAD! The same procedure holds true for all other apprenticeships, except Apprentice Martial Arts Master. For this apprenticeship, you give the webmaster personal trainings. After the trainings, the webmaster will offer you credits based on how well you taught the lesson.

The third type of job is Professional. The professional jobs are the same as the apprentice jobs, except whatever products you create you may sell to anyone and may set your own price. The only catch is that the webmaster must approve of your product before you sell it. If the webmaster thinks you need to type more messages to build your product, you gotta do it. Here is a list of what items each profession can create, and what special advantages they get.

Tailor - Make weighted clothes(Gain x PL after x days of training)
Weapon Forger - Make any weapon, projectile weapon, and/or ammo
Armor Maker - Make any type of defense(armor)
Doctor - Make any type of Medicine
Inventor - Make anything considered "Other" as an item
Martial Arts Master - Train anyone; Become a Master; choose up to 7 extra attacks from your race; Gain stats x2.75 permanently

Cybernetic Implants

Cybernetic Implants are for Androids and characters who have lost body parts in battle. Cybernetic items may NOT be stolen if you are defeated.


Every year the annual Tenkaichi-budokai is held is held. The Tenkaichi-budokai is an elimination-style tournament where 8 fighters compete to become the victor. The winner is crowned "World's Champion" and also receives a prize, which changes each year.