There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Well, and cats, in some cases.
And of course skeletons.
Ghosts come easily to mind.
Big, hulking, spiked beasts don't warrant fear, but use caution.
And for the love of god, if you see a cloaked figure with a scythe, just run!
Gordon Warell - Philosophies for Martial Artists
What is the sound of one hand slapping?
If someone punches himself in the forest, does he say "ouch"?
Why do they call it "Spam"?
Dio Yashi - Philosophies for Martial Artists
Far be it for me to tell you what's right and what's wrong,
For you listen neither to me nor to your own common sense.
Your first, and usually only, impulse is to hit anything you don't understand.
And you call yourself a martial artist?
I'd say you're more of a common thug!
Hey, what are you doing? Put that down! Wait!
Donovan Trail's Last Words - Philosophies for Martial Artists
What do you call one who acts without reason or rational thought?
What do you call one who let's pride cloud all judgement,
And anger cloud all thoughts?
Well, I don't know about you, but I call her an uncute tomboy.
Ranma Saotome - Philosophies for Martial Artists
It is a question that has plagued me since the day I met him.
A riddle of sorts, it sounds funny at first, but then you start to think about it.
And it will eat through your mind like termites through a rotting log.
My question is this:
If you're a Hibiki, what's the shortest distance between two points?
Anonymous - Philosophies for Martial Artists
Well, personally, I find the best route to get to somewhere else is through Hiroshima.
Unless it's Winter, in which case you should take the path through Hong Kong.
Response - Dioshi Hibiki - Philosophies for Martial Artists
Battle is not about good versus evil,
Or the mind versus the heart,
Or the challenge of the fight,
Or the thrill of victory.
It's about getting the pointy end of your weapon through the other guy before he can do the same to you!
Rayden Shikodan - Philosophies for Martial Artists
Be kind to thy neighbor,
For he shall reward you with kindness in turn.
If thy neighbor should forget to reward thee,
Then you can smack him around.
Gellard Ray - Philosophies for Martial Artists
What is honor,
But a set of rules for situations where such restrictions are dangerous?
To not attack secretly,
To not force your hand with blackmail and treachery,
It is all good policy,
But when is used to make you marry someone you hate,
Why do we still covet the term such?
Garrion Theadore - Philosophies for Martial Artists
What is love?
Is it a simple emotion, let loose by the right triggers?
Is it more than that? A feeling deep inside your soul?
Is it a complex bio-chemical reaction, made to insure we reproduce?
And why the hell does it always have to hurt so much?!
Arak Tetsumi - Philosophies for Martial Artists
Chaos is not mindless destruction, or rampant fear;
Merely the inbalance of forces, darkness and light.
True, usually it does turn into destruction and fear,
But life would be quite boring otherwise, ne?
Kyle Torren - Philosophies for Martial Artists
Assume formlessness.
By taking a shape, by having a visible plan, you open yourself to attack.
Instead of taking a form for your enemy to grasp,
keep yourself adaptable and on the move.
Accept the fact that nothing is certain and no law is fixed.
The best way to protect yourself is to be as fluid and formless as water;
never bet on stability or lasting order.
Everything changes.
~ Law 48 The 48 Laws of Power. by Robert Greene Submitted by DeepQuote