Ranma 1/2 is the title of the manga series by Rumiko Takahashi and the animated series based on it. The concept is simple: A young man (Ranma) and his father visit a cursed ground of springs to improve their martial arts. As they train, both are cursed with forms which they turn into when doused with cold water. Hot water can reverse the effect, but only until the next time cold water touches them. Ranma, for instance, is himself cursed with the ability to turn into a very attractive red-headed girl. Add this situation to the fact that Ranma's father and his friend have decided to make a marriage engagement between their two families. The series follows the comedic situations Ranma falls into in his unique situation, coupling that with the romantic developments between him, his fiancee Akane, and also of the characters around them... *Taken from http://ranmainfo.simplenet.com/