Nightwalker: Character Descriptions

Main Characters

Shido Tastuhiko

Shido was made into a vampire by Cain, what seems to be a couple hundred years ago. In his mortal life, he wanted to study medicine, but was seduced by Cain before he could travel abroad. He became a vicious vampire under the influence of Cain, but was soon horrified by his actions and left Cain. He now lives in the city as a private investigator. He helps out NOS agent Yayoi on her cases involving the night breeds. Yayoi is also his blood donor, to ensure he never has to hurt another human again. Shido wants to live as a human, but uses his vampiric powers to hunt the night breed. His most useful trick is using a sword created from his own blood to attack his enemies. He took Riho under his wing after her family was murdered by a night breed. At first he keeps his true identity as a vampire from Riho, but she eventually finds out. Once he turns her into a vampire, he is filled with dread of the day she will hate him for it. He realizes her feelings for him, but is hesitant to reciprocate those feelings, since he sees her more like a daughter or sibling.

Yayoi Matsunaga

Yayoi works for the NOS agency, which seems to be an agency that specializes in night breed cases. She first met Shido when he came to rent a room in a home that Yayoi's twin sister Kasumi ran. Yayoi had suffered an awful injury in a fire as a child that scared her face. Her sister Kasumi felt responsible for setting the fire that scarred Yayoi and constantly looked after her, even though Yayoi treated her horribly. Kasumi was actually possessed by a night breed since the fire incident and as her last wish before killing herself, donated her face to Yayoi so she could finally lead a normal life. Yayoi says that experience is why she joined the NOS. Yayoi currently shares an intimate relationship with Shido, as his blood donor, and is always willing to help him out. She also became a donor for Riho once she became a vampire. Yayoi is confident and beautiful, loves her fast red car and her gun.

Riho Yamazaki

Riho is a high school student, who lives on her own, due to the fact that her family was murdered by a night breed. She met Shido and began working in his office as an assistant. She looks up to and adores Shido, even after she discovers he is a vampire. She is envious of Yayoi's close relationship with Shido, but still gets along rather well with Yayoi. She was kidnapped and attacked by Cain, left to die, but asked Shido to turn her into a vampire. Even though she is thrilled to be with Shido forever now, she is depressed about the fact that she can't lead a normal life with her friends anymore. Shido tells her that someday she'll hate him for what he did to her, but she believes that will never happen. She loves Shido intimately, and gets frustrated when he treats her like a family member rather than a companion.


A mysterious little fairy friend of Shido's that hides in his hair. She is his constant companion and can use magic when she needs to. She met Shido want night while he was wandering around town, and apparently, decided to stay with him.

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The cold hearted vampire that seduced Shido away from a mortal life. Cain believes that humans are just simple prey for vampires, and longs to have Shido come back to him as his lover.



A woman who once came to Shido for help to find her fiancee, Taki. Shido finds that her Taki has been possessed by a night breed, but Miharu doesn't listen to Shido and takes her Taki home to protect him. Eventually Taki is discovered and killed by Shido, but not before he was able to impregnate Miharu with their child. Miharu is devastated that Taki is dead, which only makes her unborn child all the more important to her. There is significance in her being pregnant by a night breed, in that it marks the beginning of breeding between humans and creatures of the night, which Cain refers to as the Golden Dawn. Once Miharu's child is born, things don't turn out as sinister as was first imagined.


Syunichi is a classmate of Riho's who was in the film club with Riho. He notices that she stops coming to school, and finds that Shido is responsible for that. He's afraid that Riho has taken up using drugs and that Shido is the shady man that gives them to her. He seems to be enamored of Riho, watching films they made over and over and lamenting her disappearance from the light of the world.


Mikako is another schoolmate of Riho's who is also worried because of the fact that Riho doesn't attend school or isn't home anymore. She is grief stricken when she finds that Riho has changed so much and seems uncaring about the things she used to love.
