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Disclaimer:  I do not own Blue Seed or any of its characters


Chapter 3




Momiji had fled the fight as soon as she saw Kusanagi had entered it.  Momiji knew he could easily defeat the Arigami.  Plus, she had needed a bit of time.

As Momiji absently looked into her mirror an array of emotions and thoughts went rushing through her head.  “I’m not ready to face him.”  She whined.  “I don’t want to tell him about my mitamas or what happened while he was gone.” 

Looking down at her writs she mused, “I need a way to hide these.”

Momiji looked down at the green mitamas embedded in her wrists and quickly pondered how to hide them.  Her mitamas, when activated, made her able to change her skin and hair to form shields and weapons at will.  “I wonder if I could change just a little bit of my skin and if I could choose what it would look like?”

She really had not experimented much.  Tonight had only been the second time she had fought, and she had thought the first time would be the last time.

“Well, there was no reason not to try.”  She thought to herself. 

Momiji concentrated on her wrist, willing the skin around her mitamas to turn silver in color and texture.  To her amazement it worked, and now it looked like she had silver wrists.  She then refined it, making her silver skin rise up to surround her mitamas.  Making it look like she was just wearing two silver bands with green stones in the middle.  She then refined it further letting her creative side out to make it look like she wore two ornate bracelets with a green stone in each center.

With that finished she turned to go put on her pajamas.  But, before she could even reach her dresser she heard her window scrape open and the light thud of someone entering her room.  Quickly covering her breast with her arms Momiji turn to yell at a rather startled looking Kusanagi.

“KUSINAGI!! How dare you sneak in on an innocent girl while she is changing!” Momiji screeched, all the while, blushing clear down to her waist.

She was further infuriated by the fact that Kusanagi just stood there, staring.  Backing up to her bed she ruthlessly grabbed her blanket off to cover herself and then flung her pillow at Kusanagi.  Followed by a stuffed dog, a throw pillow, a slipper, as well as anything she could grab off her night table.

At this Kusanagi quickly raised his hands to defend himself and made a hasty retreat towards the window.  “Hey! Hey! I didn’t want to see your little baby butt anyways.” He stated with a sarcastic tone. 

When she didn’t stop hurling missiles he whined, “Is this how you greet someone who just got back from a trip?”

“Its how I greet that person if they sneak into my room while I’m not dressed.”  Momiji sniped.

Once she was assured he was outside she rushed towards her pajama drawer.  As she hurriedly put her pajama on and tied her robe on over them, she wondered just why Kusanagi had come back.  He hadn’t so much as said goodbye when he left.  She had been so worried that something bad had happened to him.  Now she knew he was O.K. and he came back the same night the new Arigami had attacked.  Her worst fear was that he had left her because he didn’t want to be with her and had only come back when he sensed the Arigami because he felt obliged to protect her?  Just the thought made her feel ill.  Momiji tried to have faith, but the awful thought kept coming back.

“Are you dressed yet?” Kusanagi hollered, breaking into her thoughts.

“Yes” Momiji huffed.  Before he was fully into her room she blurted out, “What are you doing here?”  Shocked at how harsh her words sounded and not wanting to make him leave her again Momiji quickly babbled on.  “Not that I want you to leave.  I want you to stay.  Not in my room of course.  I was just surprised and I’ve been so worried about you.  Where have you been?”

Kusanagi broke into rambling with the simple statement, “I saw two Arigami on the outskirts of Izumo.”

Momiji stopped dead.  She looked up to see Kusanagi standing tensely by the window, looking at her with an intense, expectant look.  Her worst fear seemed confirmed.  Kusanagi was here only because that other Arigami.  Hurt turned into anger.  “He could have at least had the decency to officially dump me.  Well, this time I don’t need his protection.”  She thought angrily. 

However, she knew if she tried to express her current emotions she would end up babbling like the idiot she thought she was.  So instead she quietly said in a soft voice tinged with emotion, “Kusanagi, it is late and I need sleep.”  With that said she turn away from him, doused her light, and crawled into bed.

Kusanagi stood in the darkness for a couple of minutes before silently turning and slipping out the window.  The last thing Momiji heard was her window softly shutting before she let her physical and emotional exhaustion overtake her