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Disclaimer:  I do not own Blue Seed or any of its characters.


AN:  I will be putting in more interactions between Momiji and Kusanagi just for fun.  If anyone has any ideas they would like to share I would love to try to fit them in. 


Chapter 6

Momiji’s Thoughts


          With a sigh, Momiji stepped back into her house and quietly slid the door shut.  While leisurely walking to her office she thought over last night’s and the morning events.  Her life had definitely taken an interesting turn again.

          Last night she had been unable to sleep and had decided to take a late night stroll through the woods.  Momiji was not sure how long she had walked.  She had been deep in thought over the happenings of the last two months when from her right she heard a guttural “Kushinada.”

          “Who’s there?”  She asked in a shaky voice, briefly entertaining the hope that it was just Kusanagi picking on her.  That hope was quickly dashed when the grotesque form of the Arigami came into the moonlight.  With a scream Momiji had fled deeper into the forest with more speed than she naturally had.

          After running for quite awhile, Momiji felt that she had temporarily gotten away from the Arigami. 

          “Wait a minute!”  She Exclaimed.  “I’ve got mitamas now.  I can fight this thing by myself.”

          Momiji focused on her mitamas, willing them to activate.  Instantly her skin became a dark green and she felt the knowledge of how to use her new powers enter her mind.  Momiji’s new more sensitive hearing quickly led her back to the Arigami where she proceeded to attack it.  She had been glad there was no one to see her clothing rip to shred when she formed blades along her body.  She was also glad the Arigami had not recognized her, since she was not really comfortable with even an Arigami seeing her nude.

          Then Kusanagi had appeared.  Seeing that he was attacking the Arigami she had fled towards home, not wanting him to see her like she was, a nude Arigami.  Since she spent too much time in front of her mirror he did end up seeing her nude, but, at least he did not seem to notice her mitamas.  However, it seemed he had only come to learn more about the Arigami.  He said so himself when he said he did not want to see her baby butt.

          “Of all the nerve, I do not have a baby butt.”  Momiji muttered.

          Then he went and notified the TAC.  She had not been prepared for Kunakida’s early morning visit.  Considering she was not always the best at think on her feet, Momiji felt the conversation had gone pretty well.  In fact it had gone better than she could have hoped for.

          She was pleased with herself for figuring out how to hide her mitamas.  Kunakida had not given her “bracelets” a second glance.  And then when she had been fumbling about the mitamas for the next Kushinada protector, he had jumped to the conclusion that someone else had been implanted to protect her.  Momiji felt a twinge of guilt for letting him believe the lie, but it was best for now.

          Letting everyone else believe someone else was protecting her would also help with her Kusanagi problem.  She loved him more than life itself.  And yet, it hurt so much to think he was only around because he felt obligated to protect her.  Momiji wanted him to want her.  Not simply want her unharmed.  If he believed someone else had taken up his burden, then maybe he could be free.

          With a sigh, Momiji plunked down into her leather chair in front of her work desk.  She shuffled papers around till the forms she wrote her monthly vitals surfaced among the clutter.  Momiji was lucky that long ago Mrs. Matsudaira had deemed Momiji competent enough to take her own vitals and just bring them in to the lab once every three months.  Trying to make realistic variations Momiji forged the readings on the two forms.  If Mrs. Matsudaira had taken her true vitals she would probably have noticed a difference evoked by her two shiny, emerald green mitamas.

          Usually Momiji would go to Tokyo once every three months to drop off the paper work and participant in any new experiments regarding the Kushinada pulse, among other things.  One of those other things made her think about the big hole in her story. 

          Kunakida had not really pressed her too hard for her story.  She knew it was because he expected her to answer all the questions today at the meeting.  It was too much to hope that they would not question her extensively about the month spent in the other dimension.  She was going to have to become a superb storyteller in a matter of hours.  Not the emotional babbler she knew she was.  With that thought, Momiji stood up and decided to go for a walk outside to clear her head and try to think things through.