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Disclaimer:  I do not own Blue Seed or any of the characters.



Chapter 7

The Kiss


          Kusanagi sat in a Maple tree out side Momiji’s kitchen window.  His emotions were boiling.  Momiji had been threatened while he was on his little soul searching vacation.  And to make matters worse she thought her had abandoned her because he no longer cared for her.   He could only thank the gods that she had made it back in one piece.  If something terrible had happened to her he could never forgive himself.  Kusanagi hated to admit that he really owed Inda for saving Momiji.

          At least now he knew why she had acted so strangely last night.  It was always difficult for Kusanagi to express his gentler emotions.  He always got a sickening knot in his stomach and the emotional surges made him feel like he was going to lose control of his mitamas.  Regardless, Momiji needed to know that he had not left because he no longer cared to be with her.  Kusanagi had left because he loved her so much he couldn’t think straight.  Every time Kusanagi had told himself he was going to set Momiji free and no longer see her he had given in to temptation and searched her out.  The only reason he had managed to stay away for so long was that he kept telling himself he was trying to figure a way to be with her forever. 

          As Kusanagi tried to come up with a way to tell Momiji the why of his leaving without letting on that that he had listened in on her talk with Kunakida, Momiji stepped outside.  As Kusanagi stealthily follower her it became apparent that Momiji was just wandering aimlessly, lost in thought.  Finally the right moment came.

          A strong gust of wind blew the leaves around Momiji’s and lifted her skirt just enough for him to see…

          “Ooo-whee, Kittens today.  I would have thought after all these years you would have found something beside kiddy pants to wear.”

          With a screech, Momiji smoothed her skirt down and whirled around to glare menacingly at Kusanagi.  “Kusanagi!!  You pervert!!  Don’t you have something better to do then sulk around the woods trying to get a look at an innocent girl’s underwear?!”

          Kusanagi could barely hold in the chuckle that wanted to escape.  Momiji’s eyes never sparked brighter than when she was upset at Kusanagi for startling and embarrassing her.  Kusanagi ached to kiss her, but, he needed to set things straight first.  So instead he tempted the fire.  “Your underwear is just one of the sights that go along with protecting you from the Arigami that keep fallowing you home.”  This got the expected result.

          “Well you don’t need to be looking at my underwear, and you especially don’t need to protect me!!”  Momiji exploded.  “All you do is make fun of me and push me away.  You say you want to be with me and yet as soon as thing start to heat up you push me away like I’m annoying you.  Then you leave without a word only to come back because you have some misguided thought that you should protect me.  Well you were not there when I needed help.  Someone else was and she is willing to stay here with me so you can just go back to where ever you had gone to.”

          Kusanagi winced at the anger and hurt in Momiji’s voice.  Kusanagi took a deep breath and prepared to bare his soul to her rage.

          “I didn’t leave because I no longer wished to be with you!  I left because I love you and I wish to always be with you.”  Kusanagi bellowed over Momiji’s ranting.

          Kusanagi was gratified that Momiji lapsed into a stunned silence.  He had never told her that he loved her.  However, she still held herself rigidly away from him so with another deep breath Kusanagi continued.

          “I want to be a normal man worthy to marry you.  I had come back to be with you and to ask Mrs. Matsudaira to examine me and try everything she could to rid me of theses Mitamas.  It infuriates me that I wasn’t there for you.  I can’t even begin to say the emotions and thoughts I had when I sensed that Arigami.”

          Kusanagi was cut off as Momiji flung herself at him and he found himself being kissed hungrily.  Always in the past he had kept their kisses had been just bare pecks hello or goodbye which Momiji always accepted gratefully.  Today she gave him no chance to pull back as she wrapped her whole being around him.  Her kiss awoke every nerve in his body.  Kusanagi’s heartbeat pounded in his ears as the heat from Momiji’s petite, lithe body penetrated his soul.  Kusanagi allowed himself to be pulled farther into the kiss enjoying the sweet taste of Momiji’s mouth.  His hands roamed freely over her body, under her shirt, taking in the smooth texture.  With regret he realized that if their embrace continued things were going to get indecent.  Something he would not let happen until he was normal.  It took every bit of self control for Kusanagi to pull away.  His breathe was ragged and his body felt like it was on fire.  He was on the verge of losing control of his mitamas and sprouting his blades and his armor.  With a sigh Kusanagi slid his hands down Momiji’s arms.  While loosely cradling her wrists he softly stroked the stones at the top of her two bracelets.  He watched her shudder once more as she tried to regain her composure. 

          Kusanagi was suddenly assailed with uncertainty and claustrophobia.  He had not planned for things to go this far, it was too much to soon.  “I’m not even sure I will be able to become the man she needs.”  He thought darkly to himself.  However, Momiji’s response to his words and touch had sent his heart racing with joy.  Though, Kusanagi needed to cool off now or his Arigami side was going to start poking out everywhere. 

          “If we are going to be prepared for that 2 P.M. meeting, we better go and prepare.  I should find Mrs. Matsudaira and show her where Inda and I fought that other Arigami.”  With that Kusanagi shot off.  He looked back once to see Momiji slump to the ground with a stunned expression