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Frostydiamond's OLD Fan-Art

These are OLD fanart middle school old. Sorry! >.< My scanner's dead so I can't post my recent ones. Basically these are mostly Cardcaptors & Sailor Moon since those were my fave anime @ the time. Click on the thumbnails to see the full drawing. My personal opinions are added next to the drawings just cuz. ;) I put the most recent drawings at the end. Once again, these are old, so yeah. ^_^ erm, Enjoy..!Note that my e-mail written in red isn't in the original art.

*Click on thumbnail to see full image*

Eternal Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon drawn in ink, colored w/ colored pencils out of sheer randomness. ^_^

Sakura: Yay, my 1st drawing of Sakura! Ok, so I didn't have any picture reference, so she looks kinda weird. lol, leave me alone! It's from my mind...

Tomoyo: A colored pic of Madison/Tomoyo! ooh, i actually colored something for a change.

Li: Whoohoo, I was afraid to color this, haha. poor Li. He stays black & white.

Sakura and Li in the playground: If you're wondering why the paper is gray, it's not. My scanner couldn't pick up the pencil lines and so I had to make the picture darker. Sakura and Li are SO CUTE 2gether! ^_^ Ah, don't deny it. Yay for PP3 cards. Li looks suspicious but Sakura's just chillin'. =)

Sakura and Tomoyo: Eep, sorry for the grayness again. Darn my light pencil lines. I had fun drawing Madison's eyes.

Sakura crying: Yay! My first attempt to draw CCS manga. Yeah, and it had to be a pic of Sakura crying. waah.

Tomoyo manga-style: This is the first time I drew Tomoyo manga style. Could you tell I was in a drawing muse? I even added the back of Sakura's head, lol. Yay!

Sakura in a prince uniform: Aww, it's Sakura :) I should color these someday.

Manga Sailor Moon: It's manga-ish Sailor Moon! Too bad I can't color, lol.

Renie with Luna P: Heh, I remember drawing this same picture of Rini when I was 10. Funny stuff. I always liked drawing Rini's hair..

Eternal Sailor Moon: I think this was from a battle card. I used to be a big fan of Sailor Moon. Here's to the anime that got me into anime. Yay! Actually, the first anime I ever liked was like in kindergarten watching The Littl' Bits and Grimms' Fairy Tale Classics. Ooh, I'd luv to talk to anyone who remembers those shows!

Chelsea/Chiharu Mihara: Chelsea is actually one of my fave characters in CCS. Why? 'Cause she likes stuffies! 'Ergo, she has been blessed with color.

Tomoyo Movie2: This is Madison in the 2nd CCS movie. Eh, she looks like a clow card. Oh well.

Princess Sakura: This is Sakura from the 2nd movie. I was talking w/ my friend on the phone while drawing this. Yay! I actually have the potential to be a multi-tasker! Hah, too bad that was a long time ago.

CCS Collage: Well, it was perdy presentable before I outlined it with ink. Darn ink! Eh, how typical of me--I hate tracing..even my own drawings. =P

Sakura in opening dress: Personally, if I had to pick my fave out of all of these, this would be it. ^_^

CCS Beach: Yay, the beach! Ah, poor Rita. Oh well, she doesn't like stuffies.

Princess Li: Funny how my quick sketches turn out better than my rendered ones. Darn muses.

Sailor V: Here's to my fave sailor scout! Yay, colored for your approval.

Rogue of X-Ev: Um, it's kind of a weird transition for me from drawing anime to suddenly drawing american cartoons. This is my first time drawing X-Ev so it's kinda contarded. I don't even know why I post this up, lol. Poor Rogue.

Li & Sakura: I drew this from an upperdeck card. Colored for your approval, lol. The peach didn't come out in the scan though. This might take a while to upload, just to let you know. But I'd feel special if you actually want to see it anyways! :)

Quicksilver from X-Men Evolution: Yay, more X-ev characters.

Storm: It's Storm! She's my fave in the old school version. In the X-Ev version, she plays an adult mutant who instructs the other teenage mutants to manifest their capable powers. mwahaha. ok i'll stop.
