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Episode 196 Continued...

Meanwhile, the outer senshi are inside the Galaxy TV building walking around. The walk into a room where they hear voices. Inside the room are many TVs, they all have a different pictures (different camera angles) of the battle between the Star Lights and Galaxia.

The outer senshi recognize the people on the screens.
Uranus: "They are..."
Neptune: "...Starlights!"

* * *

Outside all the inner senshi can do is watch the battle on TV. Sailor Moon yells for the Star Lights.
Moon: "Fighter! Healer! Maker!"
Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars are still holding Sailor Moon back.
Jupiter: "Can't we do something?"
Sailor Mercury is scanning the building with her data computer and visor.
Mercury: "There's no way to get into Galaxy TV!"
Sailor Mercury looks sadly at the others.
Mercury: "Even if we could, the sphere that Galaxia is in is so twisted that I can't find the entrance!"
Sailor Venus realizes their situation.
Venus: "Oh, God! All we can do is sit and watch?"
Sailor Moon yells.
Moon: "No! I can't!"
They see the Star Lights get blasted on the TV screen and Sailor Moon falls to her knees.
Sailors: "Sailor Moon!"
Sailor Mars kneels down next to her.
Moon: "It's terrible... we can't do anything... even if we're so close?"
Sailor Moon looks down and cries. Suddenly a pink light shines from the sky and Sailor Moon looks up. The other senshi look up too and see the light. It's a pink orb floating in the sky.

Inside of it is a small figure. They see that it is Sailor Chibi Chibi. They are all shocked.
Moon: "Chibi Chibi Moon!"
Venus: "No way!"
Mars: "How come?"
Sailor Mercury turns off her visor. They all look up at Sailor Chibi Chibi. Sailor Chibi Chibi flies down to them and she seems confused.

Chibi: "Chibi Chibi..."
The pink light consumes the senshi.

* * *

Back in the throne room the Star Lights are still on the ground. Galaxia mocks them.
Galaxia: "What's wrong? Is that all?"
They are all out of breath and badly beaten.
Healer: "In such a place..."
Maker: "What we've done so far was meaningless?"
Fighter: "Hang in there! We still have... a chance..."
Galaxia hold up her wrist and her bracelet sparks with electricity.
Galaxia: "You'll die here like dirt!"
The Star Lights are desperate.
Healer: "No..."
Maker: "If we're hit again..."
Suddenly a pink light shines above them. The Star Lights look at it.
Fighter: "A light?"
Galaxia stands from her throne and looks at the light bitterly. It's a pink orb that lands on the ground. Inside are the inner senshi and Sailor Chibi Chibi. They look around, confused.

Jupiter: "Where are we?"
Then Sailor Mercury notices who is in front of them.
Mercury: "Galaxia!"
Sailor Moon crouches down to protect Sailor Chibi Chibi and the inner senshi stand in front of Sailor Moon to protect her. Sailor Moon looks down at Sailor Chibi Chibi.
Moon: "Chibi Chibi Moon, is this your power, too?"
Sailor Chibi Chibi looks up at her, confused.
Chibi: "...power?"
Galaxia walks towards the senshi.
Galaxia: "To get into this sphere... I praise you, first of all. I'll finish you off along with those three!"
The senshi wonder who she's talking about.
Sailors: "Three?"
They look behind them and see the Sailor Star Lights. They are angry that they followed them there to help out.
Healer: "Why are you here?"
Maker: "We won't thank you for this!"
Mars: "We didn't mean to..."
Jupiter: "We want to protect our planet!"
Sailor Moon steps forward.
Moon: "Fighter!"
Sailor Star Fighter just looks at her.

Sailor Moon smiles softly at Sailor Star Fighter.
Moon: "I didn't think we would see you again."
Sailor Star Fighter smiles softly back.
Galaxia: "An impressively touching meeting, isn't it? How pathetic!"
Galaxia laughs. Sailor Moon looks at Galaxia and yells at her.

Moon: "Galaxia! Don't do any more terrible things! Leave... Leave our planet!"
Galaxia stands in front of them and hold her wrist up with her bracelet on it.
Galaxia: "As long as you surrender your Star Seeds to me!"
Sailor Star Fighter stands up and yells at her.
Fighter: "You're kidding! I won't let you do that!"
Galaxia gets angry and yells at them.
Galaxia: "You won't let me? Who are you talking to?"
Sailor Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury jump in front of the Sailor Star Lights to protect them. Sailor Mars stays with Sailor Moon.
Galaxia: "Get out of the way!"
Galaxia makes a strongs wind that blows the senshi back. Sailor Moon crouches and hold her ground with Sailor Chibi Chibi in her arms. She looks back at her friends who were blown back.
Moon: "Everyone!"
Sailor Moon looks back at Galaxia and yells at her.

Moon: "Galaxia! It's totally wrong for you to do whatever you like!"
Galaxia gets angry and yells at the senshi. She steps down from her throne platform.
Galaxia: "There's nothing that I can't do when I please! I was thinking of having fun by hurting you..."
Galaxia puts her arms in front of her.
Galaxia: "...but you'll regret that you talked to me that way!"
The jewels an her bracelets glow and yellow energy surrounds her.

The force from the energy hits the senshi but the stand their ground. Then blasts fly towards all the senshi. The blasts shoot through Sailor Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, who were blocking the Sailor Star Lights and through and Sailor Mars who was blocking Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Chibi.
*See the senshi getting blasted by Galaxia*
Sailor Moon and the Star Lights looks on in horror. The girl's star seeds come out and shine the colors of their planets.

* * *

Back inside the room where the outer senshi are watching the battle on TV, they are shocked. Suddenly the TVs get fuzzy. Sailor Neptune yells.
Neptune: "No!"
Sailor Pluto is silent and then speaks sadly.
Pluto: "The shine of the four planets are..."
Uranus: "...going out?"
Sailor Saturn speaks quietly.
Saturn: "Jupiter... Mercury... Venus... Mars..."