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This award is no longer given out. Thank you all for your participation!

Welcome to the home of the Unico Award!
The Unico award is an award for an outstanding anime and/or manga site! (Which can include Japanese Video Games and/or their characters) This award is to be given out usually once a month, but could be more or less often, depending on who submits to this award, which has to be at least two sites/pages at a time!
Do you want to win this award? Read the rules below!
*Winners will be posted on this page when they are awarded.*
*I (Cherry Blossom) can not win this award since I'm the one who judges and created it. The pictures at left are what a winner will be able to post on their site, and my site is listed as example.*

I (Cherry Blossom) judge these sites myself.
And of course, my own site can't win this award!
*It looks like this award will be given out once a month or less.*

This is an almost unfair advantage, but helps sites of Unico. If your site has Unico stuff of any kind, it's an added plus for this award!

Sites will be judged on the following:

Any site/page that applies for this award must have anime/manga

Organization and just overall easy to follow site


Original Subjects, images, or texts

How decent it is (No porn or other perverted stuff; a few exceptions if in good taste, but rare to happen. Site must have warnings.)

Be sparse on profanity, but I'll let it that case, the site must have warnings if profanity is present

You can only win the award once. If you don't win the first time you apply don't be a sorehead! *^_^* Try and apply again for next time!

The award is given out monthly when applicants are present. At least two people must submit for this award at a time. If only one person applies in a month's time, they will win the award unless their site is so horrible that I can not give away the award in good respect and taste.

Don't wait! Email me to try to win the Unico Award!

Link us!

Past October 2002 Applicants for the Unico Award:

Inuyasha no Kokoro
Akiko Yuki
Andrews Site
Tsunami on line
Denise Akemi
My Anime Fun Page

Winners of the "Unico Award"

Unico in the Island of Magic
August 2000


Awarded for it's variety of subjects to an easy to follow layout, and information from charcters to lyrics of the 2nd Unico Movie. Excellent!
September 2000


Invisigoth Gypsy's site is a marvel to see! It has the most Unico manga I have ever seen on the net, and most certainly has given me the most info on it. Also, the galleries for each character in the anime is the carmel on the apple. (Mmmm, Toby and DeGhost *^_~*) This site may have other stuff up, but that is definetly no bad check mark! I enjoyed her other info as well! The layout is excellent, her links up to date as well as fan art, an original Unico sitings and interesting humor pieces. Sounds are also excellent, and if you're a newbie to Unico, this is a place to find out about him! Awesome job Gypsy!
Musical Cloud
Feburary 2001
Simon's site offers A LOT of anime/game music! There are loads of music I myself have searched for before, and if I knew this site existed, I would have looked here first! The site is not too flashy, and put together well. It's very hard to get confused at this site! Excellent looks, excellent content and excellent work!
The Unico and Kimba Castle of Magic
March 2001
Though I find the colors overwhelming at times, and the format a little confusing, Funshine's site is a cheery one with just about everything a Unico fan could look for to put on their site, plus lots on Kimba and Astro Boy, other Osamu Tezuka creations. Very cute!
Solar's Anime Scratching Post
October 2001
Solar's site has just about everything a fun anime site should have! It's easy to follow, and she has used everything possible to make a wonderful site, as there is possible with an Angelfire account (teehee). I enjoyed her site very much, and LOVED her formats and designs.
Pocket Seibutsu
March 2002
Pocket Seibutsu has made catching Unico possible! Enjoy this adorable site, it's formats and content! And don't pass up the chance to submit another Unico critter!
Canadian Otaku
April 2002
ELyra's site is wonderful and adorable, yet has simple formats and designs that are easy to follow. All sites within this site are well designed, cute and have nice content. Good job!
Inuyasha no Kokoro
October 2002
A wonderful general Inuyasha site! Akiko did what I couldn't; maintain a Inuyasha site! Mine went down the tubes! Beautiful formats and wonderful content!

"Unico Award" was originally created by Cherry Blossom. Unico is property of Saniro, and other respected companies, as well as to his deceased creator, Osamu Tezuka.

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