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Unico Lunatic

Are you a Unico Lunatic? just watch both movies all day long non stop...that's not unusual! See this list to see if you're a Unico Lunatic!

Zephyrus the West Wind
Eurus the East Wind

If you have the movies you watch them non stop (of course!)

You've seen the movies so many times, your mother who never watches it, complains of hearing "Unicooooo!" too many times!

You can debate if Unico's hair/mane color is red or pink with a friend.

You've debated over the color of Unico and Katy's eyes in the anime to be green or blue

You try to figure out if the Night Wind is wearing a dress or pants

You find yourself torturing a sibling by singing "Katy the Kitty Witch"

You debate if Baron DeGhost is a vampire, a demon, both or something else!

You draw Unico

You write Unico

You can make anything and everything Unico

You have anything remotely Unico up on a shrine or a site!

You have a Unico website

You have a Unico desktop theme

You're reading this list!

You think of a Unico list

You can add to a Unico list

You join all Unico groups possible.

You dress up in a blue bug suit on Halloween

If you understood what the above sentence meant

You would probably pay just about anything to get hold of Unico manga and other merchandise

You own both movies, and are almost ready to pay about sixty dollars to get the undubbed pilot film!

You begin to wonder if Anne Rice, creater of the "Vampire Chronicles", ever watched Unico and was influenced by what her characters would act and look like because of Baron DeGhost!

You'd probably commit a federal offense if it meant that someone, out there, would sequenced music from Unico into a midi!

You can recite the movies end to end, even though you haven't seen either in 13 years... -Shroom Chic

Notus the South Wind
Boreas the North Wind
Want to add to the list? Email me!

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