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*The 3-D Adventures

of Sailormoon*

"THE 3D ADVENTURES of SAILORMOON" is a computer game/interactive programme about the "SAILORMOON" anime. I LOVE it! But the reason I love it is definitely not because of the kiddy games (heck, how can shooting moving targets entertain a teenager?!!). It's because other than the games featured, the programme offers cool pictures of the Usagi, the Inner Senshis and (drumroll..) to-die-for-pictures of Mamoru!!!

First of all, there's the "Magical Puzzle Room".....
Gorgeous, huh?

Then, there's the "Galactic Moon Library", which shows pictures of our Mamo-chan!

After that, there's the "Moon Fashion Show" where you can dress the scouts and Mamoru with whatever you want! This was the most disappointing section to me, because the scouts all looked so nice and beautiful, but Mamoru.... well, look for yourself!

Lastly, I truly enjoyed the "Moon Castle TV Show" section, which showed short clips of Mamoru! The song was so cool, and the clips... Ahhh.... I just LOVE his transformation sequence and also the way Evil Tuxedo Mask holds his black rose! Sorry I can't provide those video clips! I don't know how!
That's all I can show! Like it? I know, it's can't replace the CD, but I thought it would be nice to give you a rough idea of what's in the CD. Why don't you check it out? ^_^
