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The Best Male Character In Animation History

Last update: 6 June 1999

Currently Mamolove's favourite _favourite_ picture.... *dreamy sigh*

29 May 1999:  
For those who think that Anime Mamoru isn't hot, I BEG TO DIFFER! I just finished watching SAILORMOON (Season 1) [every episode, replaying the gorgeous scenes again and again on the computer! *grin*] and I think that it's the BEST season for Mamoru (R season is 2nd best in my list now!), because there's just so much screen time on him! He is so beautiful and... So tormented... Nothing goes better than that. I also think the characterization is rather well done, (contrary to what I keep hearing other people say about the anime). You eventually get a glimpse of the "untouchable" Mamoru. Just look at the way he reacted to Yumemi Yumemo.  
30 May 1999 
Notice the new picture at the top of this page? That cel really is fantastic, isn't it (of course, after some retouching on my part! *grin*)? It's from episode 31, and oh! I'd never seen this picture before, let alone watch the particular scene! You just have to watch the scene itself. I'll just tell you what is was like: Rei called Mamoru, but all she got was his answering machine. Then, the screen slowly showed Mamoru's apartment. It was empty. Slowly, the camera pans towards the balcony, and you see a lonely figure. THEN, with Rei's voice in the background talking to his answering machine, the camera focuses on Mamoru!!!! I gasped when I saw this! He looked extra-handsome, with the breeze blowing through his glorious jet-black hair! And this went on for 10 full seconds! Click here to know more about that scene! (coz I can't describe all these in my update box, can I?) 
6 June 1999 
Not much change, but I just added ONE gorgeous picture of Tuxedo Mask dying in Sailormoon's arms...
        Most of the successful Japanese manga were converted into longer-running cartoon animations. "SAILORMOON" ,definitely, was not left out. But, unlike the manga, the cartoon episodes were targeted at the demographic group of girls ranging from 3 to 9 years old. It was not intended for teenagers or grown-ups. But, alas! It backfired! "SAILORMOON" not only gained feverish following from cute little girls, it also caught the imagination and ideals of young adults and teenagers of both sexes!

        Since the anime was watched by young viewers, somehow, the level of romance and Naoko's focus on love was ... (how can I put it?)... controlled. The emphasis on Mamoru also declined considerably. Although remaining as the leading male-character, the animators would usually make him play second-fiddle: an observer, seldom a protagonist (as he was portrayed in the manga). Of course, there'll be quite a few SPECIAL episodes that focus on Mamoru and I'll always keep them safely in my videotape for memory!!!! 

Another of my favourite picture...

      NEVERTHELESS, the animators did a darn good job in creating the HOTTEST and MOST HANDSOME male cartoon character in history!

Vote Mamoru as "Anime's Best Looking Character" (Come on, vote as many times as you can)!!
Not even Johnny Quest or Captain John Smith (Pocahontas) can beat Mamoru!! When the animators realised that the "SAILORMOON" anime was taking the world by storm, they relaxed a little in controlling "unsuitable" elements. Compared to any normal kiddies cartoon, "SAILORMOON" contained more-than-average "matured" elements (you know what I mean, heh, heh). Mamoru was given more depth as he began discovering himself and Usagi.... And so began the REAL fun and joy in the "SAILORMOON" anime.
        Hey, just because the anime has been slightly "diluted" doesn't mean Mamoru's not hot! The anime has its bonus too: You get to watch Mamoru in COLOUR (oh, his eyes are just perfect!!), as well as shiver in delight as you hear the resonant voice(s) of Mamoru; where Furuya Tohru provides Mamoru's voice in Japanese and Toby Proctor speaks for Darien Shields in English!

Don't worry, Mamoru is still hot in the anime. Don't believe me? Well, why don't you explore ........
