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*The Dark Endymion Saga*
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

Although the Queen Beryl obtained Tuxedo Mask's body, he would not respond to any of the Dark Kingdom's stimuli. Apparently, he absorbed a large amount of the Silver Crystal's power, and Metallia thought that it could obtain its power through Tuxedo Mask, but to no avail.

Kunzite was also exposed to the Silver Crystal, and he regained memories of his past karma. He remembered his master, Prince Endymion of Earth, and that he, Jedite, Nephrite and Zoicite were Endymion's trusted generals. They were reborn to search for Endymion, but before they regained any of their memories, they had already "sold" their souls to Queen Beryl. But alas, Beryl was too powerful and Kunzite was ,again, under her control. Obeying her orders, he went to attack Sailormoon and her friends again, but this time, they defeated him.

Knowing that Kunzite, the last of the 4 generals, had failed, Beryl summoned the dark powers of Metallia to resurrect Mamoru....

"Prince Endymion... Finally, you're MINE!" Beryl exulted.
"Return to Earth... And kill the Moon Princess! Bring back the Silver Crystal!"
.....Dark Endymion....

One day, a handsome man approached Furuhata at the Crown Game Centre.....
*gasp*  Evil or not, Mamoru's HOT with sunglasses!
"Excuse me... I have a problem..."
The unsuspecting Furuhata enthusiastically offered his help to that stranger. The stranger took off his sunglasses, revealing his face. Furuhata recognized Mamoru, but Mamoru stared deep into Furuhata's eyes....  Before he knew it, Furuhata was under Dark Endymion's spell. "From now on, I am your best friend, Endou.." Dark Endymion said to Furuhata...

Usagi went to the game centre, and was shocked to see...

"Hi, Usagi! Meet my best friend from the university, Endou!"
Usagi couldn't believe her eyes! "Endou" looked so much like Mamoru, but he did not seem to recognize her.

Instead, "Endou" approached Usagi, and said...
"Your hair... Are you copying Sailormoon?"
Ever since meeting "Endou", Mamoru's locket clock which stopped the time he died in her arms started to work again. Usagi found herself drawn to "Endou", and she would go to the game centre just to play the SAILOR V video game with him. "Endou" was discreetly trying to discover where the Sailor Senshis' secret base was (it's actually located beneath the SAILOR V video game) through Usagi.

The scouts suspected "Endou", and when Makoto confronted him and looked at him in the eyes, she KNEW that he was an agent of the Dark Kingdom. Mako rushed to the secretbase to tell the rest of the senshis, but was unwittingly tailed by Dark Endymion.

He attacked the base, and fought with the senshis! Beryl appeared beside Endymion, introducing to them, the most powerful fighter of the Dark Kingdom.

Sailor Venus recognized Beryl as the one who killed Prince Endymion in the Silver Millennium, and she used the magical sword to kill Beryl.

Seeing that Beryl was no more, Metallia inhabited Dark Endymion's body, making Endymion all the more powerful. Nothing seemed to be able to heal Mamoru!

 PART 2 ....
