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(Part 3)
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                    But, Metallia continued to grow, threatening the very existence of Earth. The scouts focused all of their energy and directed it towards Sailormoon, in hope of rejuvenating her. It did, and Sailormoon regained consciousness. She saw Mamoru by her side, and called upon the power of the Silver Crystal. Touching Mamoru's hand, she felt heat returning to him, and like a miracle, he opened his eyes! But due to the ordeal, he seemed to have lost his sight. Sailormoon then confronted Metallia and started her battle.
                    Mamoru, although blind, could feel her pain and knew that she was weakening. Then, an image appeared in front of Mamoru... It was Kunzite! Kunzite told Mamoru to direct all the power towards Metallia's weakest point, which was at the forehead... Mamoru remembered Kunzite, and suddenly, he could *see* all of his generals. Smiling, all of them said how happy they were to meet their leader again... With the information Kunzite told Mamoru, Mamoru went to Sailormoon.
"Sailormoon! Be strong! Don't cry... Your friends are counting on you!"
 "Please... Try your best! If you need power, take mine! If you need your friends, let me stand in for them! Don't despair... Your friends... They're watching you... And I'll ALWAYS be by your side.... Serenity..."
Mamoru's words gave Sailormoon the courage that she so desperately needed. She could feel his power and energy coursing through her as they touched, and without any fear, she battled Metallia. Pushing herself to the limits, Sailormoon annihilated Metallia, but only to sacrifice herself in the struggle. The crystal broke, leaving a limp body of Usagi lying on the ground...
He held her in his arms...
And kissed his princess....
Slowly, Usagi opened her eyes. Mamoru's love brought her back, just as she did to him with her love!
"Endymion..."  "Serenity...."  "We're together at last!!!"
"Usagi! ... I've always longed to hold you in my arms..."
Separated since a thousand years, Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity finally reunited after the great battle with Metallia, vanquishing evil with their ever-lasting love....
More importantly, Mamoru Chiba and Usagi Tsukino had one another in their arms... It didn't matter whether they were lovers in the past, but in this life, the present life, they did not fall in love with the prince or the princess... They fell in love with one another....
"I love Mamoru the most....." said Usagi through tears.
"... And I will never leave you again," Mamoru agreed lovingly.

In the process of yielding the full power of the Silver Crystal, the broken ruins of the Moon Kingdom were resurrected and all the other scouts regained their lives. Usagi could ascend the throne, as the Moon Kingdom had regained its glory again.

Slowly, yet very surely, Usagi declined. No matter what, she was still the normal Usagi Tsukino and she had her parents back at home waiting for her. Lastly but most importantly...

"Mamoru's place on Earth, his planet, is my place too..."
