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*The Dark Lord*


Beryl used the dark forces of the Dark Kingdom, which was granted by Metallia, to resurrect Mamoru. Beryl was confident that with Endymion fighting on her side, the Dark Kingdom would succeed in conquering the world. Endymion would also be a great asset in dealing with Sailormoon and her senshis....

Ah, I really enjoyed this dark phase in Mamoru's life! He's SO SEXY and cool! *dreamy sigh*

Indeed, the Sailor Scouts are now faced with the most difficult obstacle, the dark lord of the Dark Kingdom, Dark Prince Endymion.Dark Endymion can emerge in 2 forms : Prince Endymion (ooohhhhh!!! sexy!!!!) and Evil Tuxedo Mask (aaahhh! Extremely cool!!!).

He makes his entrance with a black rose...

His mission: Get Sailormoon's Silver Crystal and collect all of the 7 super youmas...

Somehow, he feels that it's unnecessary to kill that familiar blonde who keeps trying to make him remember who he really is.... He's even more cruel: He toys around with her feelings...

Nothing seemed to be able reverse what Beryl did to Mamoru...

The new Tuxedo Mask would stop at nothing in collecting the 7 super youmas... And the Silver Crystal.

Usagi deeply missed her Mamoru, and would often dream of him.. But instead, she'll end up even more sad...
In episode 40, Usagi went to a hot spring with her family. Standing alone at the edge of a cliff, Usagi saw Mamoru at the bottom of the cliff. She rushed down to see him, and when they met, she called him Mamoru. He didn't respond to his name. Usagi then confronted him, showing him the musical locket... Also to no avail.
Is it too late to save Mamoru?

Other than the emotional turbulence which the Sailor Scouts were facing, the tension between Endymion and Kunzite was also unmistakable. Kunzite hated Endymion   because Beryl killed Zoicite for harming Endymion, Kunzite's lover (they're both guys).

Perhaps the tension was also caused by the obvious fact that Endymion was Beryl's favourite. (Of course, dear Kunzite, how could anyone resist the handsome and sexy Prince of Earth? ^_^!)

Both are the powerful darklords of the Dark Kingdom, but both differ in style. Kunzite is cold, impulsive and uses innocent people, without the slightest trace of guilt, to his advantage by turning them in youmas.
Endymion, on the other hand, is cunning, sly, and prefers to get his targets himself without depending on innocent parties.

But, everytime Endymion wanted to obtain the Silver Crystal....

Kunzite would always interfere with his own scheme, and the two darklords would often clash...

Competitive boys... Bad boys...
The rivalry between Endymion and Kunzite was obvious....
Competing with one another to see who gets the 7 super youmas and Silver Crystal...
Kunzite never misses the chance to throw sarcastic remarks of Endymion in front of Beryl, and Endymion always tried very hard not to lose his cool...

Evil or not evil, Endymion's sure HOT, HOT, HOT!!! *dreamy sigh*

Look at the sheer power contained in those shoulders! The sunlight behind gives him a godly impression! *dreamy sigh* Endymion!! Take me! Take me! ^_^
(Too bad, here he's after Reika, one of the 7 super youmas. *sigh*)

Here, he accepts the Sailors' confrontation...

Somehow, Endymion couldn't get himself to kill Sailormoon...

When the Sailor Scouts managed to momentarily contain Endymion, Sailormoon used her Moon Stick to recover his memories....

Mamoru's memories started seeping back...

Alas! Just as Mamoru was about to regain his memory, he was transported back to the Dark Kingdom. Beryl realised that Mamoru wasn't totally, thoroughly brainwashed. This time, Beryl summoned Metallia's power again to do the job properly....

Coming to the grand finale of the first season of "SAILORMOON", the senshis defeated Kunzite but was killed one by one in great battles with the super youmas.
By the time all the youmas were defeated, all the inner senshis were dead, leaving Sailormoon alone to face Beryl....

When Sailormoon finally reached Beryl, she was welcomed by Beryl. And so began the great battle.....

Beryl coldly introduced her greatest and most loyal fighter...

Lord of the Dark Kingdom, Prince Endymion of Earth.

"Now, you will die, Sailormoon!" -Beryl-

"Die, Sailormoon..." Endymion dropped a black rose to her....

Holding her in the air.....

Endymion electrocuted her with dark energy....

Yet, Sailormoon refuses to harm her lover...

  Endymion looms over, preparing to decapitate Sailormoon,

... when she suddenly hurls her Moon Tiara to him.

"Mamoru!Are you alright?!" Stunned,he laid motionless.

...But not for long. Thoroughly possessed, he's bent on killing Sailormoon.

"You MUST DIE!!!!!"

"Wait!.... Mamoru..." Sailormoon holds out the locket....

Endymion hesitates, but slowly touches the locket...

Instantenously, Usagi's love slowly cleanses Dark Endymion....

Confused, he doesn't know what to do. Then, his memories started to flood through him again... He remembers his Usako, and their eternal love... Their love conquers everything, and Metallia's brainwash on Mamoru was reversed.

"Usagi... thank you..." Finally, Usagi got back her Mamoru!

Beryl was incensed. She couldn't bear the fact that in TWO lifetimes, the prince still remembers his love, Princess Serenity.

If Beryl can't have him, then NOONE else can!! She hurls a spear to kill Sailormoon...

Everything happened in a flash: Seeing the hurtling spear, Mamoru/Endymion threw a red rose, and flung himself over Sailormoon to protect her.

In the process, he gets hit by one of the sharpnels.....

"NNOOO!!! It's impossible!!!"
Mamoru's aim was flawless. His rose hit Beryl at the heart. It wasn't possible to kill Beryl so easily, but the power of love contained in Mamoru's rose was so great, it slowly tore Beryl apart.. She quickly begged Metallia for another chance, and this time, Metallia took over Beryl's body...

Meanwhile, the dying Mamoru laid peacefully in his beloved's arms.. (this is what he really said!....)
"When I'm gone, make sure you get a boyfriend as good and handsome as me, OK?"
"Oh,Mamoru,you'll always be the best man for me.. Always.." said Sailormoon in tears.
And with that, the best man for Usagi died in her arms ...
WAH!!! I can't help crying everytime I watch this scene! *sob* This is one of the best pictures.
*sob* *sob* *sniff* "MAMO-chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*sniff* I cried so much at this... I love Endymion's strong jawline.. *sniff*
Lips almost grazing, Sailormoon was about to kiss Mamoru goodbye, when she suddenly stopped.
"I... I'm sorry, Mamoru. I can't kiss you. It wouldn't be fair to my friends who died without kissing their boyfriends..." she sadly whispered.
So ended the Dark Endymion saga in a thoroughly emotional, sad and climatic battle.Sailormoon went on to defeat Metallia with her Silver Crystal, but not without sacrificing herself. After using all her energy to annihilate Metallia and the Dark Kingdom, Usagi, who turned into Princess Serenity, pleaded for the Silver Crystal to grant her final wish...

"I wish everything would be back to normal, and that all of us resume our lifes again..

Usagi's wish was granted. Everyone's life, including our handsome prince's, was restored. Since Usagi wished that everything be back to normal, none of them had any memory of the whole Dark Kingdom battle and of each other.
But not for long, of course....
