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*Episode 28: The Encounter With The Artist....*
Yumemi Yumemo

This episode is one of my favorites because... There's just so many GORGEOUS screen shots of Mamoru!!! (duh!) There's a lot on Usagi and Mamoru's relationship, and you could see that Mamoru was really trying hard in surpressing his feelings and confusion. Ah... Read on to find out the story!
            One day, Usagi and Naru went to an art exhibition, showcasing masterpieces by an artist called Yumemi Yumemo. The paintings were very beautiful, and Usagi found herself attracted to a painting which looked so familiar....
 It looked like Tuxedo Mask and Usagi!
        Yumemi was roaming the art gallery in search of the perfect model for her next drawing, but was unsuccesful. Nobody recognised her as the famous artist, though. Most of them thought that she was like the maiden found in most of her drawings.

           At the same time, Mamoru happened to walk past that art gallery....
   He was shocked to see the same poster (the one Usagi thought was very familiar) which was so much like his recurring dream! 
        Feeling disappointed for not finding the perfect model in the art gallery, Yumemi walked out, dejected. She walked behind Mamoru, but he spun around at that time, and accidentally knocked her down. When Yumemi saw his face, she started begging him to be her model!

Mamoru was shocked! And obviously, he was less than willing to be this stranger's model!

        But Yumemi was adamant. She refused to let Mamoru go! Usagi, who was inside the art gallery, noticed a lady pulling at Mamoru and decided to tease him, since he's with a woman other than Rei! But when Yumemi saw Usagi, she ended up begging Usagi as well to be her model! Finally, Mamoru and Usagi gave in, seeing Yumemi's sincerity. They followed her to her house, oblivious to her identity....

        There, Usagi discovered Yumemi's identity by recognising Yumemi's drawings in the house. Usagi was ecstatic, but Mamoru was very annoyed and restless.

Yumemi asked Usagi to sit beside Mamoru, but of course, the cute odango-atama found the idea so inconceivable! ^_^ But Yumemi begged her again, saying that she needed the both of them to draw her next picture. Being the pure-hearted girl Usagi was, she reluctantly plonked herself beside Mamoru. And found herself staring at him.... (of course, who wouldn't??) ^_^
 "Mamoru's a rather good-looking guy...." Usagi thought to herself.
But Usagi quickly hit her head, reprimanding herself for admiring someone other than Tuxedo Mask! Mamoru asked what was wrong with her, but caught her blushing instead! A moment of silence passed after Usagi made a reply to Mamoru, and Mamoru found himself revelling at Usagi.
Mamoru smiled looking at his odango-atama.

            After some time, Yumemi completed her sketch. She told the "couple" that whenever she draws, she'd think to herself, "Please become happy. Please be able to meet someone nice." Usagi expressed that it was a sad thing that Yumemi did not have any friends. But Yumemi cheerfully replied that it was OK. Mamoru, on the other hand, gave a rather sarcastic comment...
 "Before one is able to make someone happy, one has to be happy himself."
            If you look at the way Mamoru said this, you'd realize that he was referring to himself, not only Yumemi. So you see, there is more to the guy than meets the eye...
            But Usagi found it offensive, and told Mamoru how well Yumemi could draw. She took Yumemi's completed sketch and showed it to Mamoru.....

It was a picture a maided presenting a man with a pendant! Just like Mamoru's recurring dream!
Mamoru practically jumped out of his skin! (Actually, he jumped out of his seat and looked like he was ready to pounce on Usagi)
"Hey, what's wrong with you???" Usagi asked.
             Yumemi said that she always felt sad whenever she drew the that particular couple, though she couldn't tell them why. Mamoru was really disturbed, but was nevertheless enchanted by Yumemi's picture...
*dreamy sigh* ....

One thing led to the other. Yumemo became the next target of the Dark Kingdom, and surprisingly, she was the 2nd person to have one of the Rainbow Crystals in her (there are 7 Rainbow Crystals needed to find the Empyrium Silver Crystal).
        Sailormoon went to Tuxedo Mask. In the process she accidentally dropped the pendant (which was actually his) that she picked up after one of his previous fights. He clasped her hand, and whispered, "Princess..." Sailormoon asked for the other crystals that he had, but he refused to give them back to her. Solemnly Tuxedo Mask said that he'd even come for the ones that the Senshis have! Shocking, eh? Sailormoon then asked him whether he was a friend or a foe, and he replied...

"In the case of the crystals, I am your foe."
Yet, the picture Yumemi drew managed to affect Mamoru so profoundly....

This episode marks the beginning of more "screen time" on Mamoru, hee, hee! ^_^ And more gorgeous scenes of my hero....