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 Outlaw Star


These should be fair episode summaries (if no better than that). I've decided to start taking notes at my Anime screenings. Man, is that pathetic or what? But no one ELSE (you know, someone who owns the tapes?) is making summaries, so can you blame me?

Episodes 1-4 - Episodes 5-8 - Episodes 9-12 - Episodes 13-15


Episode 9
"A Journey of Adventure! Huh?"

Gilliam is unhappy that he has to take a dangerous route because Gene is so reckless.

Jim, Melfina, and Suzuka are sleeping while Gene practices his sighting...on one of Gilliam's faces! Gilliam tells Gene to get some rest, and Gene says he'll go to bed. He starts to ask Gilliam something, then drops his gun on his foot!

Gilliam's heads transport parts to Jim. Melfina shows up and asks for salt; Jim gives her a giant bag of it. Jim asks Gilliam if Gene's awake yet, but Gilliam can't get him out of bed (not even with five of Gilliam's pods hopping on him!). Jim comes in to get Gene up; Gene embraces him and asks 'Rosie' for a kiss. Jim puts a pillow on his face. Gene finally gets up, and complains that there's nothing that needs done, so why should he get up? But the cargo hold needs straightened (they hadn't secured it before they launched!). Jim says they need to talk about Starwind and Hawking Enterprises. Jim still wants to go to Heifong, but he doesn't think they'll just find a job there--they have no connections, so they need a plan or they won't be able to buy food.

Gene idly eats food Mel made, and Jim complains that Gene leaves everything to chance. They have 750,000 wong to pay back!

Melfina asks them to stop fighting. Suzuka comes in and turns off the stove--Mel was letting it boil over. Jim thinks Suzuka's a problem too. Suzuka says, "What a kid." Gene teases Jim, saying Suzuka called Jim a baby, but Suzuka was referring to Gene. Gene leaves, annoyed, and Suzuka calmly drinks her tea.

Jim wants to know what they'll do about Suzuka, but they need her because of the Kei pirates. Jim worries that she'll try to kill him, and Gene says not to worry. His father said, 'People who make it big think big.' Jim prefers to think things through. Gene asks where they are--they're three days from Heifong.

Gene does his laundry... He says he wishes pirates would attack (he's bored!). Gene was washing his (navy blue) boxers. He has to hang them to dry; he puts them on Gilliam's maintenance rail! Gilliam tells Gene to put them in Gene's room--Gene doesn't want to sleep with underwear in front of his face, but Gilliam objects that they're his.

"That's why I don't wanna!" says Gene.

Jim is still mad. There's a station near where they are...

Gene comes down from the cargo hold; a pink Gilliam comes down, and Gene laughs. Jim painted it! Gene calls it cute and laughs, but it's a good idea to have one stand out.

Gene says he's going to a station and says Jim can come if he wants. Jim protests that they have no money, but Gene says not to worry.

They pull into the station. The gang gets out. Jim wants to know what they're doing. Gene says it's to make money. Suzuka leaves them but will be back for launch.

At a nice restaurant, Gene eats like a pig. Gene says if Jim doesn't hurry, he'll eat his food, so Jim eats ravenously too. Mel offers Jim her food. Gene says kids are lucky--"all the ladies are nice to 'em." Gene and Jim are about to come to blows...

Outside, Mel looks at pretty jewelry in a store. Gene explains that there's a wanted man, Zomba (sp?), worth 10,000 wong outside the city--there's no data on him, but everyone knows it. Jim has doubts about thinking big (and argues with Gene), but he'll help anyway. Melfina asks if something's wrong--a crowd is watching Jim and Gene's argument. They send Melfina back to the ship.

Gene goes to a saloon and asks about someone upstairs--everyone flees upon finding Gene is a bounty hunter. He barges into the room upstairs and finds Zomba, a man in a suit reading a book.

"Let's take this outside," he says--he doesn't want to get his room dirty.

They go to a church and stand off. Jim is hiding behind some rubble. Zomba runs at Gene with a knife; Gene has one too. Zomba's back is his weak point (according to Jim, who has a computer)--Gene nails him in the back, and he sparks; Gene notes that it's a disappointed. But he's not out yet! Zomba grows spikes. Gene shoots him (he doesn't hold back when fighting cyborgs).

They get 2,000 wong; it was a dummy android, not Zomba. Gene says "When you're a guy you have to do big things." Jim doesn't agree.

Suzuka says they had the same idea, and says she just made a trifle... The other people in the area are amazed, saying she took down Zomba and got the 10,000 wong!

"Looks like we won't have a chance to prove our manliness," says Jim.

Gene screams.

They walk through the street; Gene sulks. There's an announcement on a video screen. Gene sees a familiar ship, but says, "Let's go to Heifong, partner!" They go back to the ship and launch, but the ship on the screen belonged to MacDougall...


Episode 10
"Gathering for the Space Race"

In the Space Race, corporate ships and private pilots with corporate sponsors fly dangerous races, competing for fame, not money.

The OLS pulls into Heifong. Jim complains that since it's an urban planet, port fees will be expensive, but Gene says things will work out.

The gang is on a train--Jim looks out and is impressed with the city. Gene tells him not to be so excited (it's embarrassing) but then he looks out the window and he, too, is impressed.

Gene's decided they're entering the space race. Gene and Jim talk to an entry lady about it--Gene wants to see data on just one other ship in the race, but the lady says that wouldn't be fair--so Gene asks for the lady to give him her phone number (to Jim's annoyance). The lady says Gene knows the office phone number. Participation in the race costs a $150,000 wong entry fee. Jim and Gene stare, and Gene gets angry that no pilot could enter such a race. The lady suggests they find a sponsor (it would be good advertising for a company). Gene mouths off to the lady and says they'll enter the race...but he doesn't know how.

They eat at a noodle stand. Gene wants to enter to use the race as advertisement (as no money is awarded for winning), and, Gene things MacDougall is in the race--he has to enter to make sure. Gene asks Suzuka if he can borrow the money, but she subscribes to the notion 'neither a borrower nor a lender be.' She leaves (she'll come back after the race).

They have to go to the Luo Company headquarters. Fred happens to be on Heifong; he'd be glad to sponsor Gene. If they finish in the top three, he'll pay for it (if they make 4th place or less, they'll owe him even more money!). Gene says he needs 400,000 wong; Fred easily agrees, but he gives Gene an extremely girly yellow and pink jumpsuit to wear in the winners' circle. (He doesn't have one for Melfina; they shouldn't be parading her around, since the Kei pirates are looking for all of them, but especially Melfina.) As they leave, the security guard tells Gene not to screw up. Gene's surprised the guard (who usually hates Gene) is cheering for him, but the bodyguard wants Gene to return 'the young master's love!

They leave the planet. Gilliam says that this is how a space launch should be--civilized planets are wonderful. But Gilliam is confused about the space race, and why Suzuka isn't with them. At the outer-space docks, Gene looks at all the ships and doesn't see MacDougall's; Jim wants to go to the pre-race party. Melfina isn't with them.

On the ship, Melfina has Gilliam access Heifong's largest database; she wants to look up who she is and why she was created. Gilliam isn't permitted to think about himself, but he understands; he says he'll help.

At the pre-race party, they announce that there are 13 corporate ships and 27 private ships, all competing for honor. Gene still wonders if MacDougall is there. He asks a lady for a drink--she turns around, revealing herself to be Aisha! She throws her tray down.

Aisha springs back and is ready to take her revenge. She thanks the god of all Ctarl--she had to hitchhike across all space to find him, and wound up on Heifong with a waitress job...

Her boss tells her to behave herself. He nods and a couple men drag her off. The boss says if Aisha makes any more scenes, she won't get paid.

On the Outlaw Star, Gilliam says he can't find any information. Melfina smiles and says it's okay. Gilliam promises they'll find out about Melfina; Melfina says Gene promised that, too. Gene and Jim come back; Jim brought Melfina some food.

It's 12 hours 'til the race; they have to get ready.

Gene details the path of the race (there's checkpoints, etc.). Gilliam says that since they're in a race, they ought to go for it and win it. He says no ship is better than the Outlaw Star. Jim is worried--they have to make the top three--but he's excited that if they win they get 200,000 wong profit!

A Ctarl-Ctarl ship has entered. Aisha is on board and wants them to win (the people in the ship have to obey; she's an Imperial Officer).

Harry Williams with his ship the El Dorado has finally arrived--it's the favorite, and Gene thinks he recognizes the ship. Harry is a confident-looking guy with green hair tied back by a pink bow. Gene tries to talk to Harry, but Harry won't answer. Gene wants to catch up with that ship, but they'd be caught by the race officials--Gene decides they can wait.

Suzuka is in a casino. She sees the Outlaw Star on a TV screen and snaps her fingers. A guy in a tuxedo comes up to her. She bets 20,000 on the Outlaw Star.

An old guy with glasses recognizes the Outlaw Star's model.

The Outlaw Star finally launches to start the race (they had been delayed because the ships can't all launch together). It's 230 million kilometers to the end... It takes 14 hours to reach the first checkpoint (for top ships), and the Outlaw Star is behind because they started in the middle. The checkpoint is in-between two revolving planets. The other ships are going up over the planets and down to hit the checkpoint (so they don't get hit by the planets!) but if they time it right, they can go straight through. But this will cause a tidal effect... Gene decides to do it the hard, faster way. They near, but a massive wave closes in on them from the first planet. There's no escape route, and the checkpoint will be swallowed by the wave...


Episode 11
"Adrift in Subspace"

There's no escape route, and the checkpoint will be swallowed up--Gene says they have to plow right through it (the Outlaw Star is the fastest ship in the galaxy). They make it through.

Gilliam tells Gene to put down the engine outputs; they're in sixth place. Now they have 500,000,000 kilometers to reach Heifong V.

Suzuka is on the beach, listening to radio announcements of the race and sipping a drink.

Back on the ship, Jim is sleeping. Gene wakes him; they're near a maintenance station--they're supposed to stop for an hour and maintenance the ship, but the ship's fine. Gene suggests they maintenance themselves. They pull into the station, and Gene notices MacDougall's ship.

Inside the restaurant, Gene approaches the crew of the El Dorado and asks for MacDougall--no one with that name is there, though. Gene picks Harry up by his collar and asks why the pirates want the XGP and why his people want to destroy it. Harry calls for help from the race officials and Gene leaves, pushing Harry down.

Gene asks if Harry was MacDougall, he can't ignore him any more. The El Dorado leaves, but it's 11 minutes until the Outlaw Star can leave. Harry gets data on Gene's ship. Fred watches the race on TV, but it doesn't cover private ships.

Aisha's ship approaches the third checkpoint. Harry pilots the El Dorado to gain time; Aisha pushes buttons randomly and announces a sneak attack on the Outlaw Star.

"With a single machine gun?" one of the pilots asks--it's a trading ship. Aisha goes for the last resort.

The Outlaw Star is going through the more dangerous of two possible checkpoints (of course)--they have to rely on their eyes, not the instruments. Gene takes the shortest route through a bunch of asteroids and clears it. Another ship has a mayday--the guy abandoned ship. Jim says the course's marshall will pick him up soon, but Gene says they should help him. Jim says that's not like Gene; Gene says it's no fun to drift through space all alone. He goes out in a spacesuit (getting dizzy as he exits), and brings the drifter inside. The drifter takes off an opaque helmet--it's Aisha!

Aisha asks if the MacDougall brothers have the key to the Galactic Leyline--Gene says they know more than he does. He tells Aisha to go back but she won't leave until she gets her info. She looks around the ship, fascinated. "This is one strange ship. It won't move if you're not naked?"

"Geez, one cat-girl shows up and everything goes out of whack," Gene comments.

Suzuka takes a bath while listening to the race on TV.

Aisha reclines in a seat. The ship starts to form a sub-ether bubble--but there are objects coming in--missiles? They can't do anything; it's 18 seconds until they hit subether, but 16 seconds until impact. Gene says he'll shake the missiles. Aisha asks what's going on. They hit sub-ether right as the missiles hit.

The El Dorado shows up; its crew is impressed. Harry says the Outlaw Star will probably disintegrate. The ship was an eyesore to him and his brother.

The Outlaw Star has a lot of stress on it and is unsafe; Gene cuts the engine systems by removing the key. The ship goes dark, but everyone's OK. The ship runs on auxiliary power, and Gene puts the key back in. They're now safely back in normal space.

Aisha says the ship is stronger than she thought, and Gilliam notes that he is the most advanced and intelligent ship in the galaxy.

The ship has life support intact, but the ether drive and two Newton reactors are not. But, the sub-ether drive's working, except the reactors are not working.. The ether drive is too slow. The gang looks despondent.

Aisha complains about their lack of enthusiasm--they can't give up! She says you need guts to swim in a stream. Gene realizes they can go in the ether stream (any normal ship would break in the ether stream, but the Outlaw Star can make it out of one...). Jim doesn't want to hear it, as usual; everyone else trusts Gene.

The ship enters its grappler arm mode and puts up its shields.

The El Dorado gets through checkpoint 4 in 4th place, but there's an ether stream around Heifong I, so the Outlaw Star will do better than 1st. The Outlaw Star gets out of the ether stream and goes through the checkpoint--they're in 1st place for a minute, but wind up in 3rd, until another ship finishes with a faster time; the Outlaw Star is fourth. Suzuka tears up her ticket. But, they are first in the Privateer category. Aisha and Jim wear the outfits Fred provided the Outlaw Star crew with earlier; they have the Luo name prominently displayed on the back. Fred says he'll give them half the money, 200,000. The El Dorado drops out of the race, but left Gene a communication cube...


Episode 12
"Mortal Combat with the El Dorado"

Everyone who knows more than mere rumors about the MacDougall brothers is dead.

(The first several minutes of this flip back and forth between the past and the present in generally well-timed transitions, but I couldn't get that to work her; it was too confusing. ^_^;)

The El Dorado had dropped out of the race, but left a communication cube. It told the Outlaw Star crew to meet them at Leone Language Point in 50 hours; if they beat the El Dorado, they will tell them everything they wanted to know. Aisha demands to come along with Gene and company; they ruined her odds of moving up in the world. She's searching for the Galactic Leyline, a huge treasure she wants to get. Gene says it's a gate; Aisha claims it's made out of Dragonite. Gene says they can't take Aisha, but she says if they know about the Galactic Leyline, she's definitely coming.

They walk out on a bridge; a doctor-ish looking man who's a race official named Gwen Khan asks where they got their ship. He says a lot of repetitive things, and Gene says they found it as a "derelict with no owner"--Gwen says there's no problem, and Gene and company walk by. But Gwen stops them and says he wants the ship to be--nothing, nothing at all, and walks off.

So, the Outlaw Star is looking for the El Dorado, but they're in a magnetic field (as is the El Dorado). Radar is no good in a magnetic field, so they need to use their eyes; Aisha volunteers. The ship is functioning okay (its repairs were done hastily, but they are done). There are missiles coming from 9 o' clock, according to Gilliam; Jim spots the El Dorado.

Harry suggests they have a one-on-one duel; Gene doesn't object, but complains that this is MacDougall's home territory. Harry promises he's not from around Heifong.

Gene says the traps won't work in an asteroid field and goes ahead, asking Aisha to watch their back. Melfina detects missiles; the Outlaw Star dodges. Harry has accurate missiles; Gene wants to make it a close-quarters fight. They see the El Dorado, which disappears and reappears behind them! The Outlaw Star dodges more missiles. Gene asks if the El Dorado is more maneuverable than the Outlaw Star; Gilliam assures him it's not. The MacDougall brothers won't come at Gene from the front; missiles come at the Outlaw Star from both sides! Gene uses a grappling arm with a gun to shoot the missiles before they hit the ship. Gene pants and realizes he'll have to go all out against Harry.

Missiles come from 9:00 and 3:00; Gene shoots most of them, but one hits the ship. Gene thinks MacDougall will be out of missiles soon, and then the Outlaw Star can win. The Outlaw Star crew argues. Melfina says the bridge is getting hot, isn't it? Gilliam lowers the temperature in the ship.

Jim wants to use cameras, while Aisha says they should plow in and crush MacDougall. Gene says if Aisha doesn't shut up, he'll throw her out. He ponders, and politely asks Aisha to do him a favor--let him throw her off the ship.

Harry has 24% of his missiles left. He tells an underling to make sure the Outlaw Star crew doesn't figure out that there's another ship. Outside the Outlaw Star, Aisha spots MacDougall's ship! It has Grappler arms, too! The Outlaw Star and El Dorado grapple; Harry has four arms, two of which punch the Outlaw Star while the Outlaw Star's two are locked with two of El Dorado's. "Die, die, die, die!" says Harry.

The Outlaw Star gets its arms free and catches the El Dorado. Gene tells Jim to take control and goes through a drill tunnel which pierces into the El Dorado.

Gene comes in the El Dorado with a gun; he shoots a guy in the leg. The guy falls and says, "That hurt!"--Gene realizes it's not MacDougall. Gene uses a smoke bomb and shoots someone in the arm, and asks him where MacDougall is. He falls. Gene knocks down a door and pulls a gun on Harry; Harry puts his hands up--but he has a shiny chip on the back of his neck.

Gilliam is being hacked into; he goes into protective mode and says 'good night.' Melfina seems to be in trouble, too.

Harry's employers wanted the XGP destroyed; he says he doesn't ask his employers why they want what they want. The pirates are involved with the Galactic Leyline--but Harry is going to trash the computer.....he sees Melfina, naked. She asks him to stay away, and Harry laughs wickedly.

Gene shoots the chip off of Harry's neck, and shoots Harry's arm. Harry whines. Gene holds his gun to Harry's forehead and asks why they destroyed his dad's ship six years ago. Harry protests that 6 years ago, he was only 12! Gene asks where Harry's brother is. Jim (through Gene's earring) says there's another El Dorado! Harry goes nuts and says he'll destroy them. But there's two ships; that's why the El Dorado could be 'more maneuverable.' One of the El Dorados explodes! The Outlaw Star follows the other, which blows up a large asteroid. Gilliam says they're in danger and asks them to take evasive action.

Harry's brother bandages him, who cries and whine--the brother tell shim to be a MacDougall man and promises they'll do worse than that to whoever did that to him. Harry remembers 'that woman'...

Gene says they have to go back to Heifong and try again; he apologizes to Melfina for losing another lead.

Aisha whines to be picked up (she's still in space!); Gene decides to (otherwise, she'll haunt him again). Melfina thinks of Harry MacDougall...


Episodes 1-4 - Episodes 5-8 - Episodes 9-12 - Episodes 13-15

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This page is devoted to the uncut Japanese version of Outlaw Star; it may happen to have some info about the Cartoon Network series, but that's not what the focus is on.

Outlaw Star and all related characters, storylines, etc. copyright all respective copyright holders (ie. Sunrise, Takehiko Itoh, whoever Cartoon Network bought it from, etc.). Credits are here. This is a fan site only; I make no money off of it, and it is intended to promote the series; nothing else. If you wish to obtain this series in its uncut form (dubbed or subbed, on video or DVD), please visit your local Anime store or