
An Autumn Cold
by Incognito Himitsu 2002
do not post or archive this story without my permission

A smudged address label resulted in the package being delivered to the wrong place. It was supposed to go to a house that was several blocks away. It was quite a large mistake really.

It was a big parcel, wrapped in brown paper, large enough that Rikako was not able to wrap her arms around it when she picked it up and carried it into the apartment. She placed it down on the floor, then took off her shoes and stepped out of the door well.

She looked at the package and quickly realised that it had been delivered to the wrong address. It had come from the local pharmacy. Rikako was going to have to call them to come and pick it up and deliver it to the right place. Shaking her head, she left the package where it was and walked to the refrigerator (the small kitchen was right off the front door) and got out a beer. She put the package from her mind as she entered her living room, tossed her school bag to the side of the room, and then settled down on the straw matting.

With the remote she turned on the TV, flipped through the channels until she found the news, then lay back and watched. Nothing really caught her attention, though she took note of the weather report. Rainy days ahead it appeared. That though in mind she went to see if she had an umbrella. She passed the package in her search and pushed it off, out of the way.

When she came back to the TV the news was over. She turned the volume down on the TV Drama that was playing, and went to her school bag, removing several books to do a little studying.

Rikako Ishida was a young woman, probably about twenty or twenty one, tall and attractive. She wore her black hair bobbed for convenience, and it was a good look for her. She was dressed in a pair of loose jeans, a white T-shirt, and a sport jacket she had picked up in a used clothing store. There was not much to differentiate her from a large number of other female, university students.

A time later Rikako heard the sound of the front door open and Majimi call out that she was home. She did not look up from her books.

A minute later Majimi stepped into the living room, a beer in her hand. Majimi Honda was sixteen years old, a first year, senior high school student. She wore a grey, pleated skirt, white blouse and blue blazer, the uniform of the Western Valley High School. She wore her black hair long, and was an average looking girl, on the cute side. She was a curvy young woman, plump might be a word used for her.

"What's with the box?" Majimi asked as she opened the beer can.

"Wrong delivery, I'm going to call the drug store in a bit. And you should not be drinking beer."

"I know," Majimi knelt on the floor beside Rikako. "Why didn't you call right away?"

"Slipped my mind. How did you do on your practice tests?"

"Top of the middle third."

"You should do better," Rikako said, and then went back to her studying.

"Shouldn't you be motivating me more than that?"

Rikako shrugged her shoulders and continued to read.

The high school that Majimi went to was part of the Western Valley Campus, which included a junior high school and the university that Rikako went to. The schools were part of an escalator system, with students being able to gain easy access to the higher levels, well, easier than students in other schools.

Rikako had entered Western Valley eight years before, Majimi three years. They were both from a small town on Kyushu, their family long time friends. That was why Majimi had moved in with Rikako when she had come to the school in Kobe.

Rikako was supposed to be acting as a proper authority figure for Majimi, but she really did not. Majimi was able to take after herself for the most part.

"Why don't you take the package to the right address," Majimi suggested.


"You should take that parcel to where it was supposed to go. It is the right thing to do."

"Then you do it."

"I have to study for my next practice test."

Rikako rolled her eyes. "Fine, guilt me into it."

"If you had called the drug store right away, you wouldn't be in this situation."

Rikako smiled. Majimi often played the job of her conscience, and it was part of the game they played. Each always tried to get the other to do a little more work than the other, making perfectly reasonable suggestions and having perfectly valid excuses why she could not do it. It had started when Majimi had first moved in and housework had been something neither really wanted to do.

Rikako got to her feet. "Make sure you study. I want to see the Chinese translations by the time I get back."

"That's not fair," Majimi said, almost whining.

"I know," Rikako said and winked at her.

It was a small thing, but Rikako thought she might have just moved ahead on points in their competition.

After putting on her shoes she grabbed the package and headed off to make her delivery.

A few streets away the apartment buildings changed to houses, mostly older buildings that had probably been in families for generations. She stopped in front of one of the newer looking houses, made sure it was the right one, and then walked up and knocked on the door.

She could hear some noise inside, but ended up waiting for almost a minute before the door was open. A harried looking, middle-aged woman stood there.

"Mrs. Hamada?" Rikako said; it was the name off the package.

"Yes. Can I help you?" She sounded tired.

"This package was delivered to my apartment by mistake."

"Oh, thank you," she said enthusiastically. "I've wanted to call the pharmacy, but I've been far too busy. I'm sorry that you had to bring it."

"It was nothing," Rikako told her.

Mrs. Hamada reached out to take the package, there was a moment of clumsy shifting as Rikako released the package and the woman took it.

Rikako looked at Mrs. Hamada and could tell how tired she was. "Do you need some help with things?" she asked. Rikako was basically a nice person, and she could tell that the woman in front of her was stretched a little thin.

"Well, that is very kind of you," she started to say, and then there was a noise from the upper floor, like someone coughing. She gave in at that moment. "If you are willing?"

"Of course."

"Please, come in."

Rikako entered the house, noting that it was well furnished and a reasonable size. She guessed that Mrs. Hamada's husband was well off.

"I've been taking care of my husband's mother for the last year," she explained. "But my daughter has picked up a bad flu and I've had to take care of her as well for the past few days."

"I see," Rikako told her, noting that the house looked to be in a bit of disarray.

"Come on," she said as she set up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs Mrs. Hamada put the package down and then tore it open. There were a number of things inside, packed between two packages of adult diapers. She took one of the packs of diapers out and opened one of the doors.

Inside a young woman, looking to be a little older than Rikako herself, taller, and rather big, lay asleep on a futon. She had knocked her covers from her and Rikako could see the diaper, stretched tight about her hips, she wore.

"She's been too weak to get to the bathroom by herself," Mrs. Hamada said softly. "My mother in law has needed them for several months now, so I decided to make use of them here as well. I just ran out and was worried I might have to use towels or something."

Rikako nodded. "What can I do?"

"Can you get the sheets and take them down to wash? After I finish up here I'm going to take care of my mother in law. I'll leave the sheets outside of her room."

Rikako nodded and gathered up the sweat soiled bedding, then she left the room and carried it down the stairs and sought out the washing machine. After placing the sheets within she returned to the second floor where she found another pile of bedding outside another door. She took those down to the washing machine as well.

While the washing machine ran she took the time to pick up and clean the rest of the first floor. A few times Mrs. Hamada came down and thanked Rikako for all the help, but then she rushed back up stairs to take care of her daughter and mother in law.

Rikako was outside, hanging the sheets on the drying poles, when Mrs. Hamada came out with some glasses and a bottle of oolong tea on a tray. Rikako took a seat beside her and drank the tea.

"I think things are taken care of now. Thank you very much Rikako."

"I'm just glad that I could help."

Mrs. Hamada smiled. "You saved me. Can I make you dinner, or something?"

"I'm sure that my roommate will have taken care of that."

"Well, perhaps some tea, or beer, to take home?"

Rikako smiled. "I'll take some beer."

Mrs. Hamada laughed softly. "You're just like my husband. Well, he has some very good beer."

When Rikako came back to the apartment she was carrying a bag full of some imported beer. "Hey, Majimi, you have dinner ready yet?"

"Just about," Majimi said from her place by the stove. She had changed into a pair of tight jeans and a t-shirt.

"I got some good beer for dinner tonight." She put the bag down on the floor, it clinked, and then took her shoes off.

"Didn't you say I was too young for beer?"

"Do you ever listen?"

Majimi smiled. "How good is it?"

"I don't really know," she stepped out of the door well and into the apartment. "Some of it's from Ireland, some of it from Germany. I guess it has to be good."

"So, where did you get the beer?"

"The lady I delivered the package to needed some help."

"So that's what took you so long."

"Her daughter has gotten sick, and she's been taking care of her mother in law." Rikako picked up the stirring spoon and tested the ramen broth. "Needs more salt."

"You cook it the way you want when you cook," she said as she took the spoon from her. "So, is everything alright?"

"I think so. She said she thinks her daughter will be fine by tomorrow, or the next day."

"You're a very nice person."

"I know," Rikako said as she walked by Majimi. "Now hurry up with dinner." She slapped Majimi playfully across the bottom as she passed.

"Pervert," Majimi said.


Rikako woke the next morning feeling the beers she had drank the night before. She threw her covers off and rolled off her futon and onto her knees. She crawled across the floor and pulled the windows open, letting in the early morning sunshine and cool, autumn air. The air against her face made her feel a little better and she got to her feet and trudged her way to the bathroom.

"Wow, you look like hell," Majimi said cheerfully. She was already dressed in her uniform and was finish off her breakfast.

"Go to hell," Rikako mumbled as she walked past her. I had too much to drink last night.

"You're getting old Rikako. Used to be you could hold your beer better."

Rikako mumbled something rather rude, and the closed the door of the bathroom behind her.

When she came out some time later, having showered, she was feeling better. She soon got dressed and headed out to attend some of her classes. The good feeling did not last too long however. It was not even noon when she was feeling even worse than she had that morning. Obviously she had been wrong in attributing the lousy feeling the beer.

She hoped that she was not catching anything serious. Hopefully it was just a fall cold.

Leaving just after lunch, she went home, beginning to feel dizzy on the way home. She almost fell a few times on the way back, and dropped her keys twice when she tired to open the door. Leaving her school bag lying on the floor near the front door, she stumbled to her bedroom, fell into the futon, pulled the comforter over her head, and tried to get to sleep.

She felt cold at first and began to shiver as she pulled the blanket tighter around herself. Then she began to feel hot and had to push the covers off her. Her throat felt scratchy and dry and her sinuses hurt. All in all it was just a bad feeling. The dizziness had not abided either.

She began to get a little delirious, finding herself in waking dreams. She shivered and pulled the blankets tight around herself again.

Rikako hated being sick.


Majimi found Rikako leaning up against the refrigerator when she came into the apartment. Rikako did not look good. Her t-shirt was damp with sweat, and she was very pale.

"Rikako, what's wrong?"

"Just a little fever," she answered. "I'm a little dizzy." She laughed.

"You better get back into bed," Majimi said, moving towards Rikako.

"No," Rikako shook her head, "toilet."

Majimi nodded and moved to help Rikako. It was difficult, Rikako was mostly dead weight, taller than her, and Majimi was not the strongest person anyway. Both of them almost fell over in getting Rikako to the toilet, and it was worse on the way back.

"I'm sorry," Rikako said, near tears as Majimi put her back into bed. "My head hurts, and it is too hot, or cold, and the room spins whenever I try to stand up. I'm so sorry."

"Hush," Majimi said as she straightened the sweat damp covers about Rikako. "You're going to be all right."

"I think I caught whatever that girl, Mrs. Hamada's daughter, had." She shook her head. "I feel so bad."

"Just get some rest. I'll make you something to eat."

"Thank you, thank you," Rikako said as she settled deeper under her covers and closed her eyes.

Majimi got up and left the room. She was feeling a little scared. She was not entirely sure what to do. Of course Rikako had been sick before, but never so bad. She wondered if she should call for an ambulance and get Rikako taken to the hospital.

Then she though of Mrs. Hamada, the woman that Rikako had met the other day. If her daughter had been sick with the same thing, maybe she would know what to do. She left the apartment at a run, slowing down only to put on her shoes, then sprinted all the way to the house she remembered from the address on the package.

When Mrs. Hamada answered the door she looked surprised to find a panting girl on her doorstep.

"Mrs Hamada?" Majimi asked, taking deep breaths.


"My name in Majimi Honda. I'm Rikako's roommate."

"Oh. Well, what can I do for you Majimi?"

"Rikako's sick. She's got a fever, and is dizzy, and she looks really bad and I'm worried…."

"Oh my."

"I thought you might know what to do."

"Please, come in," Mrs. Hamada said as she motioned for Majimi to enter.

Majimi went gratefully inside.

Not long afterwards they were kneeling at the small table in the living room, Mrs. Hamada serving tea. "I have some medicine that might help Rikako," she said as she finished pouring the tea.

"That would be wonderful," Majimi answered, glad for any help she might get.

"It will help Rikako sleep without the effects of the fever. She will likely sleep a lot, which is good I think."

Majimi nodded. "What do you think she should eat?"

"Some clear soup, and lots of water."

"She is dizzy," Majimi decided to add.

"Yes. She will be. Try to keep her in bed or she might fall down and hurt herself." She paused, then took a deep breath. "You might want to put her in diapers."

"Diapers?!" Majimi was quite shocked by the suggestion.

"I found it easier to use them with my daughter. It was difficult to get her to the bathroom every time she need to go, and she was sleeping quite deep because of the medicine."

Majimi nodded, seeing the sense in what Mrs. Hamada was telling her.

"I'll gather up some things for you, and write a few notes, if you like."

"Thank you."

"Not at all." She got up and went to do what she said.

Majimi was not really thinking about the diapers, beyond that they were a part of the care she had to give Rikako. She had never cared for anyone before and was not certain she could do so. She again felt like she should get her into a hospital, but she was afraid of being seen as unable to cope. Her parents had told her that if they thought she was not able to cope then they might have her come home.

Majimi did not want that. She liked Kobe, she liked her school, and she liked living with Rikako.

She would have to take care of Rikako, and would take all the help that Mrs. Hamada would offer.


Rikako was tossing back and forth on her futon when Majimi entered, carrying a large bag with her. She knelt down beside the futon and took a small bottle from it. She shook out two pills and leaned in close to her sick friend.

"Rikako," she said.

"What is it?" Rikako asked, her voice slightly slurred.

"I've got something for you."

Rikako opened her eyes and looked at Majimi. "What?"

"These are some pills that Mrs. Hamada gave me. I want you to take them."

Rikako reached out under the cover and took the pills that were offered. She held them for a moment, then put them in her mouth and swallowed.

"I'll be back in a moment," Majimi told her as she got up and left the room.

She went to the kitchen and quickly made some broth, boiling water and adding it to some miso stock. It did not take long, but when she got back to the room she found Rikako almost asleep, looking peaceful.

"Rikako," Majimi said softly.

"What is it?" she answered in a sleepy voice.

"Would you like something to eat?"


"Let's see if you can sit up," she told her, and then did her best to help her up into a sitting position.

She offered the broth to Rikako, putting the bowl to her lips. Rikako was half asleep, and half the soup ended up on her t-shirt and blankets. Enough of the hot broth got into her so that Rikako ended up even more sleepy.

Majimi helped her back down onto the futon and pulled the blankets back around the sleeping Rikako.

She took the empty bowl back kitchen and then got some small towels from the bathroom, soaked them in hot water, and then put them in a small, plastic bucket. She carried the things to Rikako's room and looked down at her for several seconds, sighed, then knelt down and pulled the blanket free.

Rikako lay there, dressed in just her soup stained t-shirt and panties. The rest of her clothes were tangled up in her sheets, obviously shed while she was under the covers, fevered. Majimi knelt down and finished undressing her, placing the clothes to the side.

With the damp cloths she gently cleaned Rikako, wiping she dried sweat from her, as well as the spilt soup. When that was done she reached into the bag she had brought and took out one of the diapers that Mrs. Hamada had supplied her with. She looked at it, and down at Rikako. What she was about to do seemed, well, odd. Still, it was likely for the best.

She rolled Rikako onto her side, Rikako mumbled softly, but did not wake. Majimi slid the diaper beside her, and then let Rikako roll back onto her back, and onto the diaper. She had to pull at it a bit to get it lined up, but that did not take too long.

After sprinkling a healthy amount of baby powder onto Rikako Majimi then began to rub the powder about o make sure it completely covered the area that the diaper would cover. She felt a little embarrassed as her fingers moved through Rikako's pubic hair, and she quickly finished.

She pulled the diaper up between Rikako's legs and set about making sure it was fastened tight. As she sat back and looked down at the woman she was suddenly struck by how cute Rikako looked. Not childish of course, Rikako was obviously a woman, but very cute. The puffy diaper, with its bright white plastic looked adorable on her.

Majimi shook her head. What was she thinking? She got up and looked through Rikako's clothing, finding a t-shirt that she could put on her. Once she was clothed such, she found some fresh sheets and put them over Rikako.

That done, she gathered up the clothing, the sweat damp sheets, and a few other things, and then went off to do some laundry.


Rikako slept deeply in a drug-induced sleep. She woke a few times that she remembered, feeling confused and disorientated. She remembered Majimi being there, offering her more of the medicine that helped her sleep.

There were other memories, confusing, be handled in odd ways, of touches on her in strange places. She assumed, when she woke, more aware than she had been, they had been fever dreams.

She lay on her futon, feeling sick, her throat sore, and she felt hot. Obviously she was not better yet, and it had been some time since she had last taken a pill. She began to sit up and was struck by an odd feeling around her waist and bottom, as if the sheets had bunched up around her. Before she could investigate the door to her room opened and Majimi came in.

"Good morning," Majimi said in a cheerful tone. She was carrying a glass of water and a bowl. "I have your breakfast."

"I don't feel hungry," Rikako answered, her throat raspy. She forgot, for the moment, about the odd feeling under her bottom.

"Well, you should eat a little. First your medicine." She knelt down beside Rikako and offered her two more of the pills. Rikako reached out from under the covers to take the pills. She put them in her mouth and swallowed. Majimi offered her the water, and helped her drink it. The cool water eased her throat a little.

"Now a little broth," Majimi told her as she held the bowl up close to Rikako, spooning some of the liquid out.

Rikako might have said she could handle, but she remembered spilling the soup from the night before on herself. She allowed Majimi to spoon feed her, feeling a little better for the hot soup in her.

"There we go," Majimi said when she finished. "I've already cleaned you up and you should be fine for the next little while."

Rikako yawned largely, suddenly feeling very tired. "Okay," she mumbled.

"I'm leaving your cel phone by the bed, just in case, and Mrs. Hamada said she would try to come over a little after lunch to check up on you."

"Okay," Rikako said, then fell asleep.


When Rikako next woke the covers were off her, and her legs were raised into the air. Someone was wiping at her bottom, and there was a strange smell in the air. "What..?" she mumbled, wondering if she was dreaming.

"Are you awake Rikako?" the familiar voice of Mrs. Hamada asked. "Just let me finish cleaning this mess up."

Mess? Had something spilled? Or worse, had she wet her bed? "Mess? What mess?"

"You had a little accident, but that is why you are in diapers," Mrs. Hamada said cheerfully. She lowered Rikako's legs and her bottom came to rest on something that she had felt before. "Of course I don't think anyone expected you would mess them. Oh well." She opened a can of baby powder and sprinkled it over Rikako and then rubbed it in. "Nothing to worry about though." She pulled the diaper tight around her and then fastened it. "There we go."

Rikako had listened to Mrs. Hamada in a slight state of shock, finally she asked, "Diaper?"

"Yes dear. Poor Majimi would have had quite the time trying to get you to the bathroom every time you needed to the toilet. You might have fallen and hurt yourself, or her, or both of you. Now let me just get rid of these things and then I'll be back and open the window to get the fresh air in here. Back soon." She left the room.

Rikako lay there, shivering slightly under without her covers, and then reached down and felt the slick plastic of the diaper and the thick padding underneath. She wanted to sit up, but suddenly felt dizzy again and fell back onto her pillows.

She felt humiliated, and small. She was wearing diapers. She was using diapers. What did that say about her? She could not believe it, and yet the slick feeling under her fingers and the lingering smell in the room meant it was all too true.

"Why are you crying dear?" Mrs. Hamada asked when she came back into the room.

"Crying?" Rikako said, and realised that she was. Now she was crying like a baby. "I don't know," she said with a soft sob. "I just feel so…"

"You'll be alright, you're just sick," Mrs. Hamada said as she knelt down beside Rikako and used a baby wipe to clean the tears from her cheeks. "You have lots of people to take care of you."

That just made Rikako feel worse, she needed people to take care of her. She felt even smaller and more ineffectual. She began to cry even more, starting to hiccough. Mrs. Hamada tried to console her, but that just made it worse. She felt more and more like a small child as the older woman tried to calm her down, talking to her as if she were a child.

Finally Mrs. Hamada got her to take one of the pills, and not long after that she was asleep again.


Majimi had received a call from Mrs. Hamada not too before the end of school. She had stopped in to look in on Rikako and Rikako had started to cry. Majimi skipped her tennis practice and went straight back to the apartment.

She found Rikako asleep, and in a wet diaper. She found it a little worrisome that Rikako was wetting as much as she did, but supposed it was because she was sick. She changed her into a dry diaper; Mrs. Hamada had brought a new package with her, and then took the t-shirt off her friend. As she was looking for a new t-shirt she found one of Rikako short nighties.

She chose that for her, thinking that it would make the diaper changes easier. She found herself once again noting how cute Rikako looked. The nightie actually looked a little like a baby dress, and set off the puffy diaper nicely.

Majimi decided to clean Rikako up a little, and ended up brushing her hair, which had become a little tangled during her long stay in bed. She ended up putting Rikako short hair into a pair of pigtails and almost squealed with delight when she saw how cute Rikako looked.

She put freshly laundered sheets on the futon and after she had pulled the covers up around her Majimi kissed Rikako lightly on the forehead.

"Sleep tight," she whispered.


Rikako was being changed. She could feel herself being wiped clean; smell the scent of urine, and baby powder. She lay there as she was rolled over onto a diaper. The smell of baby powder grew stronger and she could feel the talc raining down on her. It was rubbed into her skin, feeling very good and Rikako almost pushed herself towards that rubbing hand.

Then the diaper was taped up tight around her, locking her away from that pleasure. She whimpered softly.

"Are you alright Rikako?" she heard Majimi asked.

Not wanting to deal with the fact that she had been taking pleasure from her friend's actions, she pretended to still be asleep. It was easier that way. She heard Majimi get up and leave the room. She reached down, her hand sliding over the soft and smooth material of one of her nighties and down to the diaper she wore.

She cupped the crotch with her hand and pressed in on it, pushing the padding against herself. The slightly rough material slid over her, causing a tingle of pleasure. She began to gently rub, the feelings from earlier coming back stronger. She did not know exactly why she was doing it, but earlier she had felt something near pleasure, and after a few days of being sick, feeling good, even for a moment, was something she wished.

She began to push harder, pulling and pushing at the padding, forcing it to rub harder against herself. She gasped softly as the pleasure built to a climax, then let out a sigh as she felt a warm sensation spread out form her middle to her entire body.

She had recovered a short time later when Majimi opened the door, a tray in her hands. "Are you awake?" she asked softly.

"Yes," Rikako answered.

Majimi came in and fed some more broth to Rikako, and then gave her the pills and a glass of water.

As Rikako fell asleep she wondered when she was going to be better.


Majimi watched as Rikako drifted off into sleep. She put everything on the tray, and then decided to check Rikako's diaper. She did not really think that it would be wet, but she wanted to look at her again, dressed as she was.

When she flipped the covers off she noted that the diaper had some tears in the plastic, and that the padding had been crushed together over the crotch. She wondered if Rikako had tried to remove it. "Silly," she said as she untapped the diaper (it would leak with those tears), "you need to wear these while you are sick."

As soon as she untapped the diaper she was presented with a smell that was neither urine nor feces, but something that she recognized. The dampness in the diaper and in Rikako's pubic hair was further proof, but Majimi did not know what it meant.

Still confused, she quickly changed the diaper and then went off to get some sleep of her own.


Two more days passed. Rikako was still sick, spending most of her time asleep, always wetting the diapers, sometimes messing them. Majimi, for all her fondness of Rikako in diapers, was beginning to worry.

She had gone to talk to Mrs. Hamada and then two had discussed what was happening with Rikako.

"I just don't know. Should she be wetting and messing like that?"

"I'm not sure. I'll admit that my daughter did not ever mess herself, she just could not, so I had to help her at those times to the toilet, and she mostly wet while awake. She was always whining for me to take her to the bathroom."

"Rikako always wets in her sleep. I give her a few of those pills and then she is out like a light."

"Well, maybe…" She paused. "Did you say pills?"

Majimi nodded. Two pills, about every six hours, just like you told me."

"Didn't I say one?"

Majimi shook her head. "I'm sure you said two."

"Oh dear."


"Well, my daughter is a bigger girl than Rikako, in fact she is doing sumo, so she has a lot of muscle as well as fat. Two were a dosage for her."

"You mean, I've been giving Rikako twice as much as she needed?"

"Maybe more. I should have probably said just a half a pill. I think from now on you had better make sure that she only gets a half a pill, and maybe only twice a day."

Majimi nodded.

"This could have been most unfortunate."

"Could she have," Majimi swallowed, "died?"

Mrs. Hamada looked surprised, and then shook her head. "No, I don't think so. I'm just worried that she might lose her nighttime control. Her body might just get used to letting go while she is asleep. That would be most unfortunate."

"Yes it would," Majimi said thoughtfully.

A short time later Majimi left.


Rikako was lying on her futon, feeling the warmth of her soaked diaper around her. She put her hand over her crotch, feeling the bulge there from the urine soaked padding, and the warm wetness. She gently began to push on it when she heard the front door open. She quickly took her hand away.

Majimi entered her room a short time later, the tray in her hands. She smiled at Rikako and said, "How are you?"

"I'm alright, still a little woozy, and my… It's wet."

Majimi nodded and went to take care of the changing first.

Rikako lay there, following the directions that Majimi gave her, lift up her hips; hold it, lower, everything she needed to do to help the diaper change along. Soon she was clean and dry and a new diaper had been taped around her.

Majimi then helped her eat some more broth and gave her the two pills.

"Thank you for being so helpful to me," she said sleepily.

"It's all right," Majimi said. "You're my friend."

And then she kissed her gently on the forehead, which might have surprised Rikako slightly, had she not fallen asleep.


Eventually, Rikako got better. Six days after she had stumbled home, she woke up feeling good. A little weak maybe, but that was to be expected after a long sickness. She got up from bed, glad that she did not feel dizzy, and stretched. The wet diaper moved on her, making its presence known to her.

She looked down at it and decided that had to go. Curious, however, she walked over to her mirror to look at herself. She was a little surprised at what she saw.

The diaper, hanging low, heavy with a night's worth of urine; the short nightie she wore, looking like a baby's dress; her hair in pigtails. It was all very childish. She was reaching up to fell the pigtails, not quite believing it, when the door opened and Majimi walked in.

"You're up," she said, sounding surprised.

Rikako turned to look at her. "Why am I dressed like this?" she asked.

She expected Majimi to look guilty, perhaps recoil at being confronted with her wrongdoing. She did not do either, but she did not say anything, so Rikako thought that she was afraid.

"Do you think that I am a doll, to play with?"

"I think that you are a baby," Majimi said.

For a few seconds Rikako was too shocked to say anything. "What, what do you mean," she sputtered.

"You wear diapers," Majimi said matter of factly.

"I was sick."

"You wear and use diapers, you must be a baby."

"I said I was sick!"

"But you played with yourself when you were wearing them."

Rikako was again shocked, and could not answer that.

"You must have enjoyed wearing them to play with yourself. If you enjoyed wearing the diapers, you must want to wear them. If you want to wear diapers, you must be a baby."

"But, but, but that is not so," she answered weakly.

"Did you enjoy wearing them?" Majimi asked, not letting up.

"No," Rikako said softly, she was beginning to cry.

"Then what did you like?"

"I liked it when… I liked it when you changed me," she cried.

"Well, for me to change you you have to wear diapers."

"No." She shook her head.

"It's all right Rikako," Majimi said as she walked up and put her hands on Rikako's shoulder. "I'll take care of you. It is all right for you to be a baby."

Rikako shook her head, but could not come up with an argument. She was still weak in so many ways from the sickness, and could not come up with a good argument.

"Come along, let's get you cleaned up and ready for the day."

Rikako did not put up any sort of fight as Majimi led her from her room, into the bathroom. Maybe she did want to be a baby and wear diapers?

In the bathroom Majimi stripped her down, and then sat her on a plastic stool. She took the showerhead off the wall and began to wash Rikako, helping her clean up. She stepped back and let Rikako handle most of it after a time.

Rikako was a little embarrassed to be bathing in front of Majimi, but she could not bring herself to tell her to leave. She was worried that she might refuse.

"Maybe we should shave your pubic hair," Majimi said at one point. "It might be better if you are going to wear diapers."

"What?" Rikako looked up at Majimi.

"Maybe not," she told her. "I guess we'll decide later."

Rikako took some comfort in the fact that Majimi said 'we'.

When she was finished Majimi wrapped her in a towel and led her back to the bedroom.

"Lay down," she ordered as she went to get a diaper.

"I don't need that," Rikako said.

"Are you sure?"


"Well Rikako, you've been wetting yourself for almost six days. What if you have an accident? That would be embarrassing for you, while you are at school."

Rikako had not through about that, and the though scared her. "I guess I will wear one."


"I guess I'll have to wear one."

"Wear what?"

"Why are you doing this to me?" she asked Majimi, again near tears.

Majimi actually looked guilty for a moment, but only for a moment. "I think you want this, so I'm going to help you. What do you want to wear Rikako?"

"A diaper," Rikako said, feeling broken.

"Well, lay down and I'll put it on you."

Rikako did as she was told. Majimi diapered her, and then dressed her. A not too short skirt (that hid her diaper well enough), a blouse and sweater and then she put Rikako's hair in pigtails. Rikako looked at herself. She was dressed in a very cute manner. It was not a bad look really, but it was not one she would have chosen herself.

"I'm going to put an extra diaper in your bag, just in case," Majimi told her.

Rikako just nodded, not willing to argue.

They then left the apartment together, Majimi watching her, worried she might fall, but the fresh air and exercise were actually making Rikako feel better. She might have felt perfect, were she not acutely aware of the diaper wrapped around her.

They separated just inside the campus gates. Before leaving Majimi said, "Tonight, I think you should take two more of those pills, just to make sure you get enough sleep."

"Okay," Rikako said, not seeing any harm in it.

As she walked off to her class she decided that once it became obvious that she did not need the diapers, as she was not wetting them, then she would convince Majimi she did not want to wear them.

That thought made her feel even better and she set off, smiling and waving to some of her friends up ahead.

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