
Sailor Moon D
The Power Of Shame

A new threat shows up in the Junban area of Tokyo, and the Sailor Senshi have to deal with it. The problem is, how can they deal with it when they are worrying about wet beds?

Nene's Baby Sitter

An assassin boomer with the programming of a domestic boomer? It creates a boomer that will find its target, and when it does, it will deal with him or her in a most surprising way.

Gun Smith Kitten

Mei finds herself kidnapped by a woman who has been hired to deal with Rally. Not something Mei could not deal with, but she's has been declawed and her captor has some special plans for her. Meow.

Little Angels
The Dirty Diaper Pair

The Lovely Angels get captured during a mission to a planet rule by a religious despot. With some mind control technology the Lovely Angels find themselves behaving in ways that are somewhat immature.

Miyuki in Nursery Land

Pretty Miyuki should know better than to be too curious. Now she finds herself in the Nursery Land, and everyone wants to take care of her.

The Club With No Name

Working in a Hostess bar to stay in Japan? Well, the pay is good, but the dress code leaves a little to be desired.

Fiona and Miki

Fiona tries to keep her private life private, but when Miki discovers her teacher's secret, Miki forces her way into her teacher's life.

Ranma 1/2
The Dragon's Toy

Thanks to Happosi Ranma finds herself stuck in female form. Just what will she do to break free, and what might it cost her in the end?

The Fox-wife's Game

Natsuko has everything together and is quite happy. She even has a new neighbour who she really likes. Does her new neighbour share those feelings though?

Exorcism of Guilt

Satsume's ex-partner has come to visit in the original Digitamers story. A little darker than past stories.

Fighting: To Win or Lose?

A short little story, that leads up to a point. Where does it go from there? Well, I'll let you use your imagination and preferances.

Childs Play

Yayoi Yamamoto, an operative for the all powerful SLA industires, is about to find her private pleasures to become very public and very profitable.

An Autum Cold

Rikako and her young roommate Majimi are about to have a life changing experiance because of a little sickness.

The Dubious Comfort of Angels

In Tokyo 3, with the threat of desctruction in the air, comfort in a hard won commodity. What two people may do in order to find it can be surprising...
An Evangelion story.

See You Tonight

A Gundam Wing Story.
Relena has been wandering the night streets, alone and wet and is found by an old friend.

To Trap A Jedi

Well, it seemed like a good time to do a Star Wars story.
Jedi Master Fiona Westt falls into a trap, or jumps into it. You be the judge.

Ranma-Chan's Juvenile Adventure

It seems an old rival wants his students to challenge Happosi's. Unfortunately Ranma is the only one around and he soon has problems to deal with.

Anarchy's Angel is Undone Part 1

Delaney Sweet has got the world mad at her and she does not give much for her chances of survival. Then out of no where comes an offer of help from a source she should mistrust, but times are desperate and choices are few.
Note: This story starts off slow.

A Tale from Castle Falkenstein

A story from Gwendolyn Simeran's diary concerning her imprisonment by the mad scientist Dr. Edenlace.

Blue Development

Aoi Yamada has a strange past that she has put behind her. A chance photo shoot has brought that past back to her, and worse it has brought her to the attention of a woman who may not have her best interests at heart.

Sweetie Pie

A story based on the character Sweetie Pie from teh Omlevex, superhero, roleplaying game sumplement.

Incomplete Stories

A collection of uncompleted stories. I may come back to these stories and works one day and complete them, and I may not. If anyone is interested in using them as a seed for a story, let me know.

Do Not Post or Archive these Stories without Permission.

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