
Exorcism of Guilt
by Incognito Himitsu
Please do not post or archive this story without my permission.
Digimon and Digitamers are the property of Bandai Corporation.

She looked young. Small, too thin by far, and perhaps a little overwhelmed by everything. She wore the uniform of the Yabiki Girls Senior High School, with its dark blue blazer and pleated skirt. The pin on the lapel was of the Roman numeral 2.

On the table in front of her was a half empty cup of tepid coffee, two textbooks, and a notebook. She was filling the blank, white pages with a neat, cramped writing, black ink flowing from a gel pen, staining the once clean page.

An older man, perhaps in his mid thirties, wearing a slightly wrinkled, black suit, walked up to the table and took a seat across from her. She looked up, large, dark brown eyes meeting his.

"What's your name?" he asked her.

"Satsume," she told him, her voice flat, devoid of any real emotion. She closed the notebook.

He nodded. "Come with me," he told her as he got to his feet and started out of the coffee shop.

Satsume capped her pen and put her books into her school bag. She had to run to catch up to the man. He had not slowed down for her, he did not even look back to acknowledge her.

Their destination was not far, a love hotel called the 'Pink Bow'. They both entered, stepping over the threshold as the sliding doors opened, allowing them into the dark, private area of the lobby. The man was looking at a set of illuminated pictures on the wall. He took ten thousand yen from his pocket and fed the bill into a slot on the wall. Then he pressed one of the lit squares. The square went dark as a key card dropped into the dispenser below.

Taking the key, he used it to open the elevator. When the doors opened he stepped in, Satsume following at his heels. The doors closed and the elevator began to ascend. He reached out and ran his hand along the back of Satsume's neck, drawing his finger along her collarbone, sliding the finger under her blouse. She shivered, ever so slightly.

The elevator door opened, revealing a clean, but poorly lit corridor. They walked along it after leaving the elevator car, their footfalls muffled by the thick carpet on the floor. The door to the room that the man had rented was the third one on the right. It opened with a swipe of the key card. He gently pushed her ahead of him, then followed, closing the door behind him. As soon as the door closed, clicking locked; the light came up in the room.

It looked much like almost any hotel room, except for the erotic art on the wall, and a glass cased dispenser of sex toys where an honour bar might have been.

The man took his jacket off and began to loosen his tie. "Get undressed," he ordered.

Satsume walked over to the bed and placed her school bag down and then removed her blazer. As she carefully undid her tie the man was kicking off his pants, watching her. She next undid the buttons of her blouse, opening it to reveal the white bra she wore. The blouse was folded up and pleased carefully aside. The man's arousal was obvious as his erection tented out the loose material of his underwear.

Next she unzipped the skirt, letting it fall to her feet, leaving her only clad in white, cotton panties and her brassiere.

The man stepped forward at that moment and removed the bra, fumbling with it for several seconds before he got it off and tossed it aside. Her breasts were small, almost not needing the bra. He grabbed her left breast roughly in his hand as he pushed her back onto the bed, then reached down and pulled her panties down her legs.

After that the sex was simple enough. He climbed on top of her, pushing his underwear down just enough to free his erection, and then began to thrust into her. It did not take long before he ejaculated. Satsume just lay there, making the occasional moan to keep him excited.

When it was over he quickly got dressed and left. He took her panties with him and left thirty thousand yen to pay her.

Satsume walked naked to the small bathroom. She used one of the towels to wipe some his semen from her pubic hair. She wished he had used a condom.

It did not take her long to get dressed. She left the room, and then soon after the hotel, beginning the walk to the train station. The cool, October air blew up her skirt, making the lack of panties quite obvious to her. At least they had not been a good pair.

Home for Satsume was a small, two-story house located at the end of the street. It was on a sizeable lot of land, with a number of trees, giving it a great deal of privacy. Satsume trudged up the path, under the now bare branches of the cherry trees. As she unlocked the door she looked about. The house was beginning to look at little weather worn. It could use a coat of paint, and the yard needed to be cleaned up. She sighed softly as she opened the door and entered the dark house.

She went straight up the stairs, right to her room. Her school bag went onto her desk, as did the money. Her uniform was carefully removed and hung up. She stood there for a moment and then removed her bra, tossing it into the laundry hamper. Naked, she stood there, shivering in the cold air of her room.

"You have not made much of a life for yourself," a low, female voice said from a dark corner.

Satsume spun at that noise, looking not so much surprised as angry. "What are you doing here?"

From the dark corner of the room stepped at creatures that looked like a woman, but for her pointed ears and the thick, black band where her eyes should have been. She wore a tight, grey body suit, marked with dark red bands. "I came to see you."

"I told you, I want nothing to do with you Yuragumon! Now go."

"Why should I?" the digimon asked. "You have no more right to tell me to do anything."

"I still have power over you Yuragumon. Don't forget that," Satsume said in a threatening tone.

"Prove it."

Satsume jumped to her desk, grabbing her bag, knocking pens and pencils to the floor. She began to frantically search through the bag, a few seconds later producing her grey D-ark. She spun to face the digimon. "Now, let's…" she said, then yelped in pain as something snapped across her arm, causing her to drop the D-ark.

Yuragumon's 'silk whip' could cut through steel and break rock. It was obvious that the whip had not hit with anywhere near its full force, but it had hit hard enough to numb her arm, and raise an ugly looking welt.

"I'm not sure that you have any power over me, or anyone," Yuragumon told her.

Satsume stared wide-eyed at the digimon and the whip that it held. She suddenly began to back up, stopped suddenly by the desk. "Don't hurt me," she said, her voice quavering.

"I don't think I could hurt you anymore than you hurt yourself," Yuragumon said, there was disgust in her voice. "Letting yourself be used like that, standing there, with some man's seed leaking from you. The whip snapped out, wrapping around Satsume's ankle, a pull laid the girl out on her back.

Before Satsume could even get up Yuragumon's foot was pressing down on her neck, pinning Satsume to the floor. She could not even call out for help.

"We were partners once," the digimon told her. "Friends even, before you sent me away. You may not care for me any longer, but I am better than that." At that Yuragumon increased the weight she was pushing down on Satsume's throat for several seconds. Unable to breathe, the girl began to beat her fists, ineffectually, against the digimon's leg.

Yuragumon eased off on Satsume's throat, letting her breathe. "I can't stand to watch you do this to yourself any longer, so I'm going to deal with it."

"Please," Satsume said, crying, " please leave me alone."

"You've been alone too long."

Yuragumon took her foot from Satsume's throat, and the bent down, grabbed her by her shoulder, and lifted the girl to her feet.

Before Satsume could do anything the silk whip was wrapped around her wrists, securing them together. A moment later the other end went over a light fixture and then Satsume was pulled up, off the floor, suspended by her arms, which were now stretched painfully above her head.

"Please, stop this," Satsume begged.

Yuragumon shook her head as she produced a band of leather that she put around Satsume's head, tightening it. She then took and odd, double hooked piece of metal and slid each of the prongs into the young woman's nose. The wire on the hook was pulled tight, pulling Satsume's nose up, painfully, and hooked onto the ring on the headband. She whimpered softly.

"This is only beginning you know," Yuragumon said as she stepped away and moved behind Satsume. For a moment Satsume wondered what was going to happen next. She did not have to wonder long. The digimon's silk-whip snapped out, lashing across Satsume's back. She let out a pain yelled even as another blow fell.

Ignoring Satsume's cries, Yuragumon slowly, methodically, moved the whip down Satsume's back, then across her buttocks and down her legs. Lines of red welts were left behind as sign of the whips work.

When the whipping was finished Satsume hung limply in her bonds, sobbing softly.

Yuragumon moved back into front of the girl, gripped her by the chin, lifted her head and forced her mouth open. A ball gag was forced in between her teeth and then cinched tight behind Satsume's head, silencing her. "I think I've heard enough from you for now," the digimon told her.

"Now it is time to clean you up."

A shallow tub was placed underneath the dangling Satsume, filled with lukewarm water and soap. Using a rough facecloth Yuragumon scrubbed her clean, taking her time over the welts on Satsume's back and when she washed between the girl's legs.

That finished she produced several douches and cleaned the girl out inside as well. Repeating the flushing process until the liquid that ran down Satsume's leg was clean of semen.

"I would be surprised if that was the only place you allowed men to defile," Yuragumon said, producing several, bulb-syringe enemas. "Best clean you out completely."

Satsume moaned behind her gag, feeling her drool dripping down her face, and tried to shake her head.

"You have no say in it," Yuragumon said as she moved behind Satsume, grasping and spreading the young woman's buttocks. As the tip of the enema slid into her anus Satsume let out a little cry around her ball gag. When the digimon squeezed the bulb, forcing the liquid up into her, she cried some more.

Three more of the enemas followed. Satsume felt defeated. She hung by her arms, not able to do anything. Already she could feel a stirring in her bowels as the medicine went to work.

"I think you were better adapted as a child," Yuragumon said. "Let's see if I can remind you a little of that time."

The disposable diaper was pushed up between Satsume's legs, forcing them apart slightly, as Yuragumon quickly diapered her. Satsume did not have the strength to resist as a second one was taped into place, and then the two diapers were wrapped up in a diaper cover.

"There we go," the digimon said as she moved into front of Satsume to tie a bib around her neck. "Let's see if that reminds you of the better behaved girl I first met."

For a time Yuragumon simply stared at Satsume as the girl hung their limply, fighting against the growing urgency she felt from within herself. The digimon simply watched with her non-eyes, waiting to see what would happen. She had a clinical, detached air about her. It was completely opposite of Satsume, who was perspiring and drooling, and trying desperately not to soil herself.

It was, not surprisingly, a lost battle. And a few minutes later, with a painful lurch in her stomach, a liquid mess began to fill the diapers she wore, settling like warm mud around her buttocks. Satsume hung their, red faced, horrified by what had happened.

"Are you learning anything yet?" Yuragumon asked her, cocking her head to the side.

Satsume wanted to curse at the digimon for doing that to her, but the gag in her mouth prevented her. Truth be told, even had she not been silenced so she would not have said anything. Fear would have held her tongue.

Yuragumon turned and walked away, leaving Satsume alone, hanging from her arms, and wearing her own waste around her hips. Satsume did not know how long she hung there. It seemed like hours, but it had hardly been twenty minutes. Then the silk-like ribbon binding her wrists together suddenly came loose and she fell to the floor.

She stood unsteadily on her feet for a moment, swaying backwards and forwards, and then fell back, landing on her padded bottom, causing the mess with the diapers to shift from the back to the front. For a moment Satsume thought she was going to vomit, but she fought for control, knowing that she would end up choking to death were that to happen, being as she was gagged.

Before she could even think to use her now free hands, Yuragumon entered the room, her arms filled with new object for Satsume's torture.

"I think that you were never suited to be the tamer," the digimon told her as she knelt down beside Satsume, letting the items she had carried dropped to the floor. "I think I should be the tamer from now on, and you can be the digimon, or something like that."

She grabbed one of the things she had left fall; it was some sort of jacket, made out of a black, shiny material, probably rubber. Yuragumon quickly pushed Satsume's arms into the sleeves of the garment. Her hands slid into the fingerless ends of the sleeves, and once Yuragumon that cinched the wrist ties tight, were trapped and useless.

The garment fastened up the back, tightly embracing Satsume from hips to neck in the heat trapping rubber.

Next rubber leggings were put on the unresisting girl. They came up to the middle of her thighs and the bands on the top dug tightly into her sensitive flesh.

The digimon finished with a mask that she pulled over Satsume's head. It was black rubber as well, and did not interfere with the nose hook or ball gag. The mask was fashioned with a set of cat ears.

"There we go," Yuragumon said. "I think I'll call you kittymon." She stood. "Well kittymon, perhaps one day I'll let you digivolve into a more mature form, but not now."

Satsume began to shift about, getting to her feet. She was half crouched, about to straighten, when Yuragumon pushed her over, dropping the girl back onto her bottom.

"Kittymons have to crawl kittymon," Yuragumon told her. "First you are going to crawl down to the kitchen."

Satsume did not move, thinking that she had had enough and was too tired and too hurt to play this game. When the silk-whip snapped onto the bare skin between the top of the leggings and bottom of the diaper cover, she quickly changed her mind. She struggled up onto her hands and knees, and crawled from her room, Yuragumon walking behind her, letting the silk-whip lightly brush across the crawling girls a reminder of what might happen if she were to refuse orders.

She had to crawl down the stairs backwards, looking up at a grinning Yuragumon.

When she finally reached the kitchen Yuragumon lifted her up to sit on one of the chairs, perfectly aware that Satsume was not going to enjoy sitting in her own mess once more.

A plastic bag with a tube attached was produced. The bag was full of a clear liquid. A hole in the ball gag allowed the tube to enter Satsume's mouth and she was being forced to drink a warm, salty tasting liquid. It was either drink it or choke.

Two more bags followed, filling her up with a litre and a half of the salty drink. She could feel the pressure in her bladder grow with every swallow. Near the end she had her eyes tightly closed as she fought to hold in the urine and to continue to swallow.

It was, not surprisingly, something of a lost cause. Even as Yuragumon was pulling the tube from the ball gag Satsume's bladder let go, allowing warm urine to soak the diapers, mixing with the waste already there.

She slumped in the chair, feeling totally defeated.

"Well kittymon," Yuragumon said, "if you can get up to your room fast enough I'll change you out of your soiled diapers. If not, then I guess I'll leave you in them for, well, a long time."

Satsume quickly slid out of the chair, landing on her hands and knees. She crawled as fast as she was able, desperately wanting out of the mess. She did not care how ridiculous she looked. She just wanted to feel clean.

Her encased hands and knees slipped on the floor as she tried to move too quickly, leaving her sprawled on the floor, with Yuragumon's laughter echoing behind her. Going up the stairs proved particularly painful as her knee slipped off the edge of a stair and went slamming into the stair below.

She finally reached her room, collapsing onto the floor, breathing heavily, and feeling the rubber around her press tightly in with each deep breath.

"Well kittymon, that was not as fast as I would have liked. I would almost think you want to stay in those filthy diapers."

Satsume whined softly, afraid that she was going to left in the disgusting things for the rest of the night, if not longer.

"Still, I think I'll assume that you really want out of them," the digimon said as she knelt down and flipped Satsume onto her back so she could unfasten the diaper cover.

The smell released as the diapers were peeled back was rank and unpleasant, but Yuragumon said nothing as she cleaned the girl up, using another of the rough cloths and scrubbing harder than was absolutely necessary.

Satsume did her best not to show any discomfort, afraid that Yuragumon might use that as an excuse to leave her in the messy diapers.

Finally she was clean, the soiled diapers thrown away, a new pair laid under her. Yuragumon did not tape them up right away, however. She had one more toy to bring out.

Satsume raised her head, wondering why the diapers had not been fastened about her. Then she saw what the digimon was planning. Even before she could shift away a strong hand pressed down on her stomach, pinning her. "Just something special for you kittymon, since you seem to enjoy this sort of thing."

Carefully, but firmly, Yuragumon pushed the egg shaped object and its trailing wire up, into Satsume's vagina. Satsume gasped around the gag as it slid into her. She gasped again as a second egg was slid up into her anus.

The digimon arranged the wire that came from the eggs along the inside of Satsume's leg, and then taped up the diapers and then fastened the diaper cover. Satsume lay there, feeling the uncomfortable plastic objects pushed up into her. She knew it was going to get worse when Yuragumon picked up the control box and pressed the button on it.

Inside her the eggs began to softly vibrate, causing Satsume to squirm slightly. Yuragumon increased the speed slightly, causing Satsume even more distress. She did not want to enjoy what was happening, and she did not, but her body was betraying her, giving signals of enjoyment.

Yuragumon played her like an instrument. Pushing up the intensity of the vibrations until Satsume was arching her body in some semblance of pleasure and moaning through her gag. Then she would lower the vibrations to almost nothing, letting Satsume cool down a little before ramping up the power again.

It went on for a long time. Satsume, when she was able to think a little clearer, could feel the dampness in the diapers from her secretions, a sticky warmness that brought more shame than the urine had. For the most part she could not think clear, for the most part she was tense as a guitar string that the digimon was strumming.

She felt the waves of the force orgasm come on her, followed soon by another and then another. Soon she lost count, they were all just one long, painful sensation.

Near the end Yuragumon just turned the controller to full and left in that way. Satsume writhed one the floor, pawing ineffectually at her diapers in an attempt to get at the pieces of plastic inside her. She grunted and moaned, her rubber encased hands sliding over the surface of the diaper cover.

And then, with one last body wrenching orgasm, she passed thankfully into the blackness of exhaustion.

The sun was coming through the open windows when Satsume next opened her eyes. The cold, fresh wind was clear the room of the musky scent of sex and the richer scents of urine and feces. She shivered slightly in the cool wind, as she did she felt the now still plastic eggs inside of her.

Gentle hands removed the mask form her head and face. The nose hook was freed next, then the ball gag.

Yuragumon undid the fastenings at the back of the garment encasing her and then helped Satsume to her feet.

"Go clean up," the digimon said softly.

Satsume said nothing. She just walked unsteadily down the stairs to the bathing room. She found the tub already full of hot water, waiting for her.

She shifted out of the jacket, flexing her fingers once they were free. Then she undid the straps around her thighs, wincing slightly at the pins and needles sensation as blood began to flow back to her toes. Finally she removed the diaper cover and the diapers. The scent of her sex wafted up to her, as well as the smell of her piss. It looked like she had wet herself during the ordeal.

Naked, she sat down on a plastic stool, picked up the shower head, and began to spray herself clean, letting the hot water wash away the sweat and other things covering her skin.

Once clean she soaked in the tub for a long time, as long as she could afford. She still had to get to school.

She returned to her room and began to get dressed, moving gingerly due to the still painful welts on her back and the raw feeling between her legs.

"Will you be coming home early today?" Yuragumon asked from the far side of the room.

"Yes," Satsume told her as she pulled a clean blouse on. "I won't need to work for a few more days." She said the word 'work' with a certain bitterness.

"I wish you would not do that."

"I do as well. And there are bills that have to be paid," she explained as she finished buttoning her blouse. "And there is no one else to pay them."

"I wish we had been stronger, that we could have saved them."

Satsume nodded as she reached for her skirt. "Sometimes the enemy is just to strong to beat, even if you try your best." She turned to look at the digimon. "There is no shame in that."

"We just have to make sure that we are stronger next time," Yuragumon said.

Satsume nodded and stepped into her skirt, pulling it up her legs, and then fastening it around her waist. "We are, now."

"May I ask you something Satsume?" Yuragumon asked.

"What?" Satsume reached for her jacket.

"If you are willing to do what you do, because you have no choice, why do you need me to punish you?"

Satsume said nothing as she finished getting dressed. She picked up her school bag and then reached for her D-ark, sitting on the edge of the desk. She started at it for several seconds and then put it into her bag. She walked to the door and was about to walk out before she stopped and looked back at her partner.

"Because what I know here," she placed a finger on her temple, "and what I know here," she moved her hand down to rest over her chest, "are two different things." With that she turned and walked out of her room.

"I know what you mean," Yuragumon said softly to herself.

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