
Fiona and Miki
By Incognito Himitsu

Please do not post or archive this story without my permission.

Miki Fujisawa knelt down and brushed the sand and grit from the cement breaker, then took a seat, her legs dangling over the side. She stared out at the blue ocean, smiling at the beautiful sight. She loved the ocean. When she skipped out on her classes, which she did a lot, she came down to the ocean side.

Of course such things got her lectured by her homeroom teacher, Wada-sensei, sometimes she ended up kneeling on the floor of the principal's office for an hour or so while she lectured her as well. Miki accepted it all, as she did deserve it, but never let it worry her. She always did well on practice tests, on real tests, placed near the very top of her school, and was looking to become the best tennis player the school had.

Miki had little doubt that she would get into a good university when she graduated from the senior high school in two years. She reached into the small bag she had brought with her and removed a package of cigarettes. She lit one up and smoked it as she watched the sea.

Miki's parents lived up North, in Hokkaido, near the very centre of the island. It had made it difficult to see the ocean.

In her last year at her Junior High she had written a number of tests for entrance into a number of Senior High Schools. Her primary choice had been the Cherry Tree Girls High School, near Miyazaki on the East Coast of Kyushu. She had picked it because it was a very good school, and because it was very near the ocean.

She leaned back, staring up at the sky. She had finished her first year at the school quite successfully and her second year was just beginning. It was a beautiful spring day, she had skipped out of a boring Chinese class, and she could smell the ocean about her. She was quite pleased.

"I don't think you should be doing this," someone said from behind her, surprising Miki.

Miki sat up, looking behind her, seeing one of her teachers. Miss Beatrice, Fiona Beatrice, an English speaker who worked at Cherry Tree, stood behind her. The foreigner spent more time with the Japanese English teachers than she did with the students, though she also worked with the third year students and ran the English club. Miki knew her and had spoken to her a few times, but like many of the students had been too embarrassed to say much to her.

Miss Beatrice was an attractive woman, in her mid twenties, attractive, but not beautiful. She did have red hair and green eyes, which made her quite popular. Miki felt a little diminished when the foreign teacher was around. It was not that Miki was not pretty, far from it really, it was just that Miss Beatrice was such a confident, strong woman.

She took a seat beside the surprised student and reached out, plucking the half-burnt cigarette from her lips. She crushed it out against the concrete, then tossed it out. It fell to the sand below. Then she looked at Miki and held out her hand.

After a moment, flushing slightly, Miki reached into her bag and removed the package of cigarettes. She handed them over to the woman. Fiona opened the package and looked into it, then closed it up and put it off the to the side. "Smoking is bad for you," she told the girl.

Miki nodded.

"If you want to put something in your mouth maybe you should try a sucker," she paused, "or maybe a pacifier." She got to her feet.

Miki felt her cheeks grow hot at that. She was certain that the woman was calling her a baby for her behaviour.

"Let's go back to school," Fiona said, holding her hand out to Miki. Miki took it and let the woman help her up to her feet.

Miki picked up her bag and then followed Fiona down the path that would take them back to the school.


As it turned out Miss Beatrice did not let anyone know what Miki had been up to. She did get a lecture for skipping out on her class, and how such a thing was bad, but Miki had been expecting that. She was quite thankful to Miss Beatrice for that, had anyone known she was smoking it probably would have resulted in an hour of two, keeling on the floor, seiza style. Her knees were quite glad that did not happen.

After that Miki went out of her way to talk to the English teacher, greeting her when they passed in the hall, talking to her in her faltering English. Miss Beatrice was always very kind and never made Miki feel self-conscious about her ability with conversational English.

She even considered quitting the tennis team to join the English club, but knew that her team mates were counting on her. She contented herself with looking in on it when she had the time, waving a greeting to her now favourite teacher.


It was on a Saturday, one of the Saturdays that there were no classes at the school. Of course Miki did have tennis practice, and a practice test scheduled, but some of her friends had convinced her to skip out on both and make a trip to the Seagaia Ocean Dome for the day.

Miki had agreed, but had ended up sleeping in. She had rushed to the station where they were leaving from, but was too late. On a chalk board near the front of the station was written, 'Sorry Miki, you were late and the train was heading off, so we left with out you. Bye bye.'

Miki sighed and considered what she might do next. She could head off to Seagaia herself, but the theme park was quite large and Miki was not certain she would be able to find her friends. She could also just go back to her apartment and study, maybe nap.

She was considering her options when she spotted Fiona Beatrice entering the station. Miki was about to raise her hand and wave to the woman when she stopped and thought about some things. Spending a day with her teacher, who was obviously leaving town, would be a lot of fun. Yet if she ran up to her and asked to go with her it seemed likely that Fiona would say 'no'.

But what if she met up in Fiona's final destination? Miki thought. A chance meeting, surely her teacher would be willing to spend the day with her then. But what if she was meeting someone? Well, Miki would just have to take that chance and see what happened.

So she followed after Fiona, keeping far back, watching carefully. It did not take much to deduce that Fiona was heading to Miyakonojo, a city about forty kilometres away by train. Miki bought a ticket, and then picked place on the platform as far from Fiona as she could get.

When the train pulled into the station she boarded and then waited for it to reach its final destination. Once they arrived at Miyakonojo Miki did not rush out of the train, but took her time, hanging back from the main crowd. She had come to the conclusion that tracking down a red headed foreigner was not likely to prove that hard.

Her suspicions proved to be right, and she had little trouble keeping an eye on her teacher even though she hung back a little. At first she had thought to go right up to Fiona and say 'hi', it did not look as if she was meeting someone, at least no one was waiting at the station. Then something about the woman's behaviour made Miki hold back.

She was looking around, perhaps a little nervous. It was a little odd, and Miki became very curious as to why her teacher had decided to travel to the city. She felt a little guilty as she began to shadow Fiona, but at the same time she was rather excited. She felt like a spy.

Perhaps she would discover some little secret about the woman.

With those thoughts in her mind Miki set about following after Fiona.

Several minutes walk away from the station she watched as Fiona stood on the street corner, looking about. Then she straightened her shoulders and crossed the street, walking into a drug store. Miki crossed the street and peaked into the window, but could not see very well due to the shelves in the store. She moved back from the windows as she wondered what Fiona might be buying there. Condoms? Maybe that was why the woman had come there, for an affair! That was quite an exciting thought. Miki wondered if her teacher had become someone's mistress.

She was caught up in the daydreams and almost got caught as Fiona suddenly exited the store, carrying a large object that was in a bag, marked with the store's name. Miki quickly spun about and pretended to be looking into the dress store next to the drug store. She watched Fiona's reflection in the glass. The woman looked about, then set off at a quick walk.

Miki let out a breath. "That was close," she said softly, then turned and started following after her teacher again. A very short time later she went into a public washroom outside of a grocery store. Miki stopped in front of a bookstore that was almost directly opposite the grocery store and pretended to be looking through a magazine while she waited for Fiona to exit.

She did so about two minutes later, minus the bag from the drug store, but the knapsack she had been carrying, which had been hanging emptily before was now stuffed full of something. From her place by the book store Miki watched Fiona head down the opposite sidewalk. What had her teacher bought, and why had she moved it from the bag to her knapsack?

She quickly crossed the street and entered the washroom, looking about. She walked over to the trash-can and looked in. There was the bag from the drug store. She looked about once again to make sure that no one was around, then pulled the bag out. At fist she thought it was empty, but there was something in it.

That something turned out to be the empty package of adult diapers.

Adult diapers? Miki thought. Why would Fiona have bought those? It did not make sense. She was certain that the teacher did not wear diapers, she had seen her in tight shorts when she was playing with some of the teams, had seen her in jeans that while not incredibly tight, would never hide a diaper.

Could she be buying them for someone else? Or maybe she was a bed wetter? Or maybe the bag she held had nothing to do with the one that Fiona had carried out of the drug store. It could be just a coincidence. Maybe someone else had bought the diapers and had come into the bathroom.

Obviously Miki was going to have to watch some more.

She exited the washroom and ran down the sidewalk, not seeing Fiona anywhere. She did not panic but ran down the sidewalk until she got to an intersection. Then she asked some people if they had seen a foreigner with red hair. The second person she asked, a young woman with a child told Miki that she had seen Fiona turn down the left side of the street. Miki thanked her and ran off.

She quickly found Fiona and held back again, watching her.

As the next few hours passed Miki began to get bored with her game. She was beginning to suspect that she had imagined the nervousness that had sent her spying on her teacher. Miki was considering heading home, or going to meet Fiona and make it look like a happy accident when she saw Fiona stop and look around. Miki almost did not duck into a doorway in time.

Fiona wandered up and down the street for a minute, looking to be window-shopping. When two younger men came out of a store Fiona moved towards the store they had just exited, looked around once more, then entered.

Miki moved up quickly, noting that it was a bookstore. She peeked in. It was a small store, tightly packed with books, comics and magazines. It took her a second to realise it was a store for adults. She moved back from the window and looked around, suddenly feeling embarrassed. There were few people around. She moved back and in looked in again.

There was Fiona, taking several comic volumes from a high shelf, looking at them, putting some back, putting others to the side. She was buying adult comics, Miki thought, smiling at the idea of it. Well, as far as she was concerned that made Fiona a little cooler in her sight. A little bit of perversion was an understandable thing.

Inside Fiona picked up her stack of five comics, and looking around, moved quickly to another shelf with a number of magazines on it. Miki realised that whatever was on that shelf was what Fiona had truly been interested in buying. She scooped a magazine up and quickly moved to the cashier, an old woman with a sleepy look about her.

The old woman ran a scanner over the bar codes of all of Fiona's purchases then indicated the display on the cash register, assuming that Fiona did not speak English, or so Miki guessed.

The teacher paid for the purchases, got her change, and then waited for the old woman to bag the comics and magazines. Then she practically flew out of the store, but by that time Miki had moved off into cover again.

Once Fiona was gone she entered the store herself, wanting to know what it was that Fiona had come to buy. She moved to the magazine rack, looking over the titles, most having to do with S&M and costume play. Then she spotted what she was looking for, partly by its size, partly by its colours. She removed it from the rack and looked at it, her eyes widening slightly.

She quickly took the magazine to the counter and paid for it, then left. She did not bother trying to find Fiona again, but headed back to the train station. She had to get home and think about what she had just learned.


The following Tuesday Miki left the school grounds, skipping her Chinese class once more. She followed the path down to the beach, took her customary seat on the concrete breaker, and then removed a package of cigarettes from the small bag she had brought along with her.

She leaned back slightly after she had lit the cigarette up, looking out over the ocean to where the sea met the sky. She really did love days like that. Summer would be coming soon, and with it the much hotter weather. She would not really enjoy that. Being a native of Hokkaido made the southern summers a little tough on her.

Miki smiled around her cigarette as she heard the scrape of a shoe on the path behind. She did not look back, fairly certain she knew who was there. A few seconds later Fiona took a seat beside her. "Fujisawa, I thought we had a talk about this before."

"I know, but I like this," Miki said as she turned to look at Fiona.

"Well, at least while you are supposed to be at school, you should avoid this."

"Oh, don't be so boring," Miki said. "Would you like a cigarette?"

Fiona shook her head. "I don't smoke."

"Well, maybe something else then." Miki reached into her bag and removed two things, shielding them from Fiona with her body. "Would you like to put this in your mouth?" She held forth a pacifier she had purchased the day before.

Fiona's eyes widened, perhaps her cheeks flushed a little. "What... What are you..." she began to stutter.

"And here is something to read," Miki said, tossing the magazine she had purchased the previous Saturday to the ground between them. It was a thick magazine, with a glossy cover showing a young woman, in a very thick diaper, covered by a pink diaper cover, and wearing a tight T-shirt with a juvenile print on it. Above the picture was the magazine's name, 'Baby Life'.

Fiona's mouth dropped open on the sight of the magazine, and Miki took the opportunity to put the pacifier into her mouth. She held it there, noting that Fiona's lips closed around it. "There, isn't that better?" she asked, then took the cigarette from her lips. "I think this is really cute." She stubbed the cigarette out and then took her hand from the pacifier. She smiled as Fiona kept it in her mouth.

"I guess I'll see you later Miss Beatrice," she said, picking up her bag as she got to her feet. "Bye bye." She turned and walked away.

Fiona watched her go, feeling her cheeks burning, not quite sure what had happened. She looked down at the magazine, the same magazine she had bought just recently. How had the girl known? What would she do with that information? Was she going to try to blackmail her?

Fiona suddenly realised that she was sucking on the pacifier, quite actively. She reached up and took it from her mouth, looking at the innocent piece of plastic and latex. She reached down and picked up the magazine, then rolled it into a tube to hide the cover, then slid the pacifier into the tube. She did not know what to do, yet, but she did not want to leave evidence like that lying around. She got to her feet and started down the path.

Later, once she was back in the school she put the magazine and pacifier into her bag where they would not be disturbed and then went off to do her work. It was difficult to keep her mind on the job. Her thoughts kept drifting to Miki and how the girl had put a pacifier in her mouth. How she had a magazine that revealed Fiona's secret. How she was going to deal with it.

Still, Fiona knew she had a job to do and owed it to her fellow teachers and her students, so she did it.

At the end of the day when she was leaving the school she saw Miki, with a group of other students, the tennis team. Miki was dressed in a cute tennis outfit, carrying her racket over her shoulder. She looked at Fiona, gave her a smile, as if they were sharing a secret, then stuck a sucker into her mouth.

Fiona felt her face grow hot and quickly left, wanting to get home.


Later, at her home, Fiona took a seat behind her desk and took the magazine and pacifier from her bag and placed them in front of herself. She picked up the pacifier and looked at it for several seconds. She remembered suggesting to Miki that she use a pacifier instead of smoking. Was it that little slip of the tongue which had lead her to the situation she was in?

Sighing, she put the pacifier aside, wondering what Miki was going to do next. Whatever happened Fiona would not let herself be blackmailed, she was certain of that. If she lost her job, fine, but she was not going to let someone use her harmless fetish to push her around. If Miki wanted to tell everyone about the magazine and other things, well, fine. She'd deal with it.

In a way she hoped Miki would. She suspected that no one would really care about her choices. She got the idea that no one really cared about such things, as long as one kept it private. And if it came out in the open, perhaps he could enjoy things a lot more. She had been playing around with diapers since she had turned twenty. Japan seemed to have a lot more material catering to her fetish, like the magazine.

Still, she'd rather things were kept quiet.

Turning her attention to the magazine, it was a good one, she began to flip through it. What she found three pages in made her gasp. A pretty model, wearing a diaper and nothing else, had had her black hair coloured red with ink.

Fiona began to flip though more of the pages and what she found had her heart beating quickly and her face flushed. More models had had their hair coloured to red, others had little messages written near them, like, 'You'd look cute in this Miss Beatrice' and 'This would suit you'. Suddenly Fiona felt less sure than she had been. She did not know what was happening. Without giving it much thought she picked up the pacifier and put it in her mouth.

She reached under the desk and pulled her skirt up around her waist, then slid her panties down to her knees. As she continued to flip through the pages with one hand she began to masturbate with the other. By the time she reached the end of the magazine she was sliding two fingers in and out of her vagina at a rapid pace, breathing heavily, on the brink of the orgasm.

She reached up with the hand that had been turning the pages and began to massage her breasts. That was what was needed to push her over the brink.


Fiona was not the only one excited by the day's events.

Miki lay on her futon, in the small apartment her parents paid for, Hokkaido was quite a distance away, her hands between her legs, thinking about Fiona. She could still see the shock on her face when she had put the pacifier into her mouth and the red that had spread across her cheeks when she had put that sucker in her own mouth later in the day.

She thought about how pretty her teacher was and how much more pretty she looked when she got embarrassed. And how much prettier she was going to look in the future.


The next day was a little stressful for Fiona. When she saw the tennis team running towards her she was sure that they were going to start teasing her, but they turned away, just out running for a warm-up. When she was called in to see the principal she thought that her secret was going to be brought to light, but the principal just wanted to practice speaking English with her.

The entire day was like that, but by the end Fiona was certain that Miki had not told anyone about her secret. Of course that did not completely relax her. Why was she not saying anything?

She had only seen Miki a few times that day and the girl had not done anything like the day before. Just what was she up to? Fiona wondered.

When the day ended she was happy to get home and collapse onto her couch. She was not sure she could take any more days like that. Perhaps it was time to speak to Miki directly and see just what she intended to do.

After a while she got up and removed her clothes, some she put into a dirty clothes hamper, some she hung up in her wardrobe. Then she put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. She began to pad about her house, barefoot, taking care of a few chores. She was thinking about making dinner, or perhaps walking to the small restaurant about five minutes away, when her doorbell rung.

Fiona quickly moved to the door as the doorbell rung again. The fact that she locked her door, forcing visitors to wait outside instead of entering her house so they could call for her, seemed to make them ring her doorbell more than was needed.

She reached the door, unlocked it, and there, waiting on her doorstep, was Miki.

"Hello Miss Beatrice," she said politely. "I'm here for my English session."

Of course there was no English session, though Fiona did have such tutoring sessions every now and then, though she usually held them at the school. Still, it was not uncommon for a student, more often students, to come to visit her at her home.

She quickly realised that Miki was hiding whatever her true reason for coming there was. Not hiding it from Fiona, but from anyone whom might be in the area. "Please, come in," she said, not sure about inviting her in. Still, perhaps this was the time to deal with her.

Miki nodded and entered, closing the door behind her, then taking off her shoes before moving deeper into the house. She was still wearing her school uniform. "Thank you."

"Come this way," Fiona said, leading Miki into the house.

Miki looked around, a little amused and also interested by the way the house was set up. A Japanese person would have never done much of the things that Fiona had done, and she found it all quite novel. They entered a large room where Fiona kept her desk, in the closet a futon had been laid on the middle shelf to form a bed. Miki thought such a thing was brilliant.

"Would you like some tea?" Fiona asked.

"No," Miki said as she knelt down by the low table in the middle of the room. "Why don't you sit Fiona."

Fiona was a little surprised by the use of her first name, but she sat down.

Miki looked at her for a few seconds. "Do you like wearing diapers?" she asked.

Fiona's face flushed. "I don't want to talk about this. It is embarrassing."

"I'm sure it is Fiona, but that does not mean that it is bad."


"You like wearing diapers don't you?"

"This is embarrassing," she said again.

"But that does not mean it is bad. You like wearing diapers, I can see why you would be embarrassed, but it is not a bad thing."

"I'm not sure," Fiona said after several seconds.

"Get that pacifier and magazine I gave you," Miki told her.

Fiona got up and walked over to her desk and opened the drawer. A moment later she came back, carrying the pacifier and the magazine in her hands. She placed the items on the table as she knelt down.

Miki picked up the pacifier. "Open up," she said, holding the pacifier out to Fiona. Fiona opened her mouth and Miki put the pacifier into it. "Good girl," Miki said, smiling, her smile growing as she saw the flush spread across Fiona's cheeks.

She moved about the table so she was sitting right next to Fiona, shoulder to shoulder. She shifted the magazine around so they both could look at it. "Do you like this?" Miki asked, indicating the front cover, the woman wearing the diaper and T-shirt.

Fiona took the pacifier from her mouth. "It's too embarrassing."

"I know, but you do like this, don't you?"

"Yes," Fiona said, dropping her head.

"I see," Miki said, flipping through some more pages. "What about this?"

Fiona looked at the page. The model pictured there had her hands tied up above her head, the diaper she was wearing was obviously wet and soiled. "No, not that," she said.

Miki nodded, flipping through more pages, stopping at a picture of a woman, on a street, pulling up her skirt to show the diapers she was wearing. It did not look as if anyone beyond the photographer could see her. "Would you like this?"

Fiona looked at it for a moment. "Maybe," she said softly, feeling her face grow hot.

"You're such a pervert," Miki said, laughing softly.

Fiona dropped her eyes again.

Miki flipped through some more pages. "What about this?" she indicated a woman sitting on a child's potty.

"No," Fiona said. "Then paused. Well, maybe."

Miki continued flipping through the pages, asking whether Fiona was interested in the situation pictured on the page. Fiona would say yes or no, later she would only nod or shake her head. Miki put the pacifier back in her mouth when she stopped talking.

Finally Miki closed to magazine and leaned back. She looked at Fiona and smiled. "So you want to be diapered and you don't want to be hurt, physically or emotionally, right?"

"Yes," Fiona mumbled, the pacifier fell from her mouth.

"Well, go get one of your diapers."

Fiona looked up at Miki, surprise in her eyes.

"You want this, so go and get one. I know you bought a package on Saturday, I doubt you are out of them."

Fiona got up and walked over to the large closet where her bed was. She opened the upper doors, shifted some blankets out of the way and then pulled forth a diaper. She walked back to where Miki was still kneeling on the floor.

Miki reached out and took the diaper from Fiona. "Lie down," she said, patting the floor beside her.

Fiona got onto the floor and lay down. She knew what Miki was about to do, and she had dreamed of something like that happening, but that was fantasy, and quite a different fantasy. "This is wrong," she said.

"Why?" Miki asked as she opened the diaper up, looking at it.

"You're my student, I'm you're teacher. This is wrong."

"You're just being silly," Miki said as she picked up the pacifier from where it rested on the floor and put it back into Fiona's mouth. "Now just do as I say." She shifted around, moving to Fiona's side. "Lift your hips," she ordered.

Fiona did so and Miki pulled both her shorts and panties off at the same time. She felt her cheeks grow even hotter as she lay there, naked from the waist down, in front of a girl about ten years her junior. What was worse was that it was that girl who had control of the situation.

Miki looked at Fiona and smiled. She moved about and got Fiona to spread her legs, then moved between them. "You are a natural red head," Miki said, looking at Fiona's pubic hair. "I like it," she said, running her fingers through the short, silky hair, causing Fiona to jump. "But it is not really suitable. Wait here."

She got up, leaving the blushing Fiona lying there, staring up at her ceiling. She really knew she should get up, put her shorts back on, and send Miki away. Knowing what she should do and doing it turned out to be two very different things.

A short time later Miki was back. "Lift your hips Fiona," she said.

Fiona obediently did so, at first thinking that Miki was going to slide the diaper under her, but it still rested on the table.

"Okay," Miki said, and Fiona lowered herself onto something the rustled and felt like paper. Fiona was a little confused, but that confusion went away as she felt Miki's hands between her legs, felt a tugging on some of her pubic hair, and then the 'snip' of scissors.

"What are you doing?!" Fiona asked, quite shocked at what was happening. The pacifier fell from her mouth to the floor.

"You're pubic hair is not suitable," Miki said simply as she snipped another bundle of hair free.


"Just relax. You'll like this, no matter how embarrassed you might be."

Fiona leaned back, deciding that moving around a lot while Miki was cutting her pubic hair was probably not a good idea. If she were to be cut and had to go to the hospital... She could not bear such a thought.

Finally Miki finished and put the scissors aside, then brushed off Fiona's now bristly pubic mound. "You should shave this later." Miki told her. "Now lift your hips again."

When Fiona did so Miki pulled the paper free. It was covered with Fiona's pubic hair. Miki folded up the paper around it and looked at Fiona. "A souvenir."

"Don't do that," Fiona pleaded. "Just throw it away."

Miki smiled and shook her head, and then she picked up the diaper. "Now one more time, lift up your hips."

Miki slid the diaper under her, making sure it was where she wanted, then gently pressed on Fiona's stomach, making her lower herself onto the diaper. As soon as her bottom touched the thick padding the woman jerked slightly, as if she had been shocked. Miki smiled and pressed down a little harder until Fiona was firmly on the diaper.

For a moment Miki just looked at the woman laid out in front of her, then she reached forward and placed her hand on Fiona's pubic mound, gently running her fingers along the edges of her vagina. "You are really wet Fiona," she said, giggling. "But that is okay," she gave the woman another smile like they were sharing a secret, "I am too."

"That doesn't help," Fiona groaned.

Miki ignored that and drew the diaper up between her legs, carefully adjusting it and then began to tape it up. "This is not really like a baby's diaper," she said as she did up the third tape on the left side.

"They can't really make these like a baby's diaper," Fiona said, a little surprised at her own calm tone.

"Maybe we should use cloth, then it could be the same as a baby would wear, just bigger." She giggled again.

"No, please not cloth. They'd have to be washed, and people might see them when they were hanging to dry." Fiona was a little alarmed at the thought. She had a hard enough time to making sure the disposables were hidden within the clear garbage bags she had to use.

"Oh?" said Miki as she finished taping up the other side. "So you are planning on wetting these."

"No," Fiona said sharply.

"Yes you are," Miki said playfully as she ran her fingers along the edge gathers.

"No, I'm not, I don't..."

"We already both know you want to wet these," Miki said, pulling her hands from the diapers, nodding with satisfaction. "I bet you already do use them."

Fiona dropped her eyes and did not look up at Miki.

"Tell me, do you already wet your diapers?" Miki asked.

"This is embarrassing," Fiona said again.

"Yes, yes," Miki said, brushing off the woman's words. "I'm sure it is embarrassing, but you do like it. So, do you wet them?"

"Yes," Fiona mumbled.

Miki smiled, feeling more excited than she could ever remember. She was fairly certain that Fiona was feeling the same. Miki could feel the growing dampness between her legs. If that sort of thing were to keep up she might have to wear a diaper as well. "Yes, what?"

"I wet the diapers."

"Whose diapers." Miki wanted to hear it. She suspected that Fiona wanted to say it.

"I wet my diapers," Fiona said. "I like wetting them," she added.

Miki smiled at that. "Well, that's good to know. Come on, let's make dinner." She got to her feet and walked to the kitchen, leaving Fiona lying on the floor, feeling very confused, and yet at the same time very excited, perhaps even content.

She got up from the floor, noting that the diaper felt different than when she put one on herself. It fit better she realised. As she walked towards the kitchen where Miki was looking through the cupboards, she noticed the thickness between her legs, and how it made her waddle a little. It seemed much more than she had ever felt before, but she suspected that was just because Miki was there and she was more self-conscious.

Together they made dinner, Miki in her uniform, slippers on her feet, Fiona in her diaper and T-shirt, her feet bare.

Once they were finished they took the meal to the table in the other room, where the paper with Fiona's pubic hair folded within rested, and ate. Well, Miki ate, Fiona had her food fed to her.

Once they finished the meal and cleaned up Miki looked at her watch. It was getting late, and she thought she should leave soon. She looked at Fiona, who was reaching up to put some plates in a high cupboard. Her T-shirt rode up, showing the top of the bluish-green diaper, and a small section of her back.

Once she had put the plates away, so there was no danger of an accident, Miki moved up close and pressed her hand against the back of the diaper, surprising Fiona a little. "Do you want to wet them now so I can change you?" she asked.

Fiona dropped her head and said nothing.

"I don't have to," Miki told her, "but I have to leave soon."

"Okay," Fiona mumbled softly.

Miki smiled and slid her hand down, between Fiona's legs, wanting to feel it.

Fiona guessed as much and did her best to relax. A first she had been uncomfortable standing and urinating, but she had got use to it, lying down as well. With Miki standing so close, her hand between her legs, it was harder, but after a minute of them standing there, quietly, she relaxed enough to let go.

Miki was not sure if Fiona was going to be able to do it, but then she felt the diaper begin to grow warm as the padding became saturated. Miki shifted her hand from the diaper and hugged Fiona. "You're so good!" she said enthusiastically.

As embarrassed as she was, Fiona enjoyed the praise.

Once she had finished wetting her diaper Miki told her to wait while she went and used the toilet, like a big girl, she teased Fiona.

She then changed Fiona into a dry diaper, tossed the old one away, and then gave her teacher a quick kiss on the lips before running off. Still lying on the floor Fiona listened to the sound of the door opening and closing, a muffled 'bye' as Miki left.

She lay there, shame warring with passion. She had never thought such a thing could happen, even in her fantasies she had pictured the person babying her to be someone her own age, sometimes male, sometimes female, but she had never thought it would be a young girl. She began to feel guilty, and that quashed the passion pretty quickly.

Fiona got up and padded to her bathroom. She took the cover off the bathtub and turned the heater up. It was going take some time for the water to heat up so she went to finish off a last few chores. As she was picking up things she noticed her panties were gone. It looked like Miki had taken more than one souvenir.

The bath water was still not quite the temperature she wanted by the time she went back, but that was okay, she had to clean off before she got into the bath.

She undid the diaper and tossed it onto the floor just outside of the bathing room. Her T-shirt and the bra quickly followed, forming a pile on the floor. She grabbed a shower cap from the hook by the door, then slid the door closed.

Taking a seat on the plastic stool, she tucked her hair up under the shower cap, then turned the water on for shower. She sprayed the hot water all over herself, then, after turning the water off, picked up a bar of floral scented soap and lathered up. After using a rough washcloth to scrub herself clean, she turned on the water again, washing all the soap off.

For a moment she just sat there, then got up and fetched her shaving things from a small cabinet by the door. She worked the soap up in her hands up to a lather then applied it to the stubbly hair that now covered her vagina. Then she picked up the razor and very carefully began the shaving process.

"If this is going to become a long term thing I'm going to have to pick up some depilatories," she said softly as she gently cut the last bit of hair away.

A spray of water from the shower head cleaned her off. She looked down at bald pubic mound, sighing as she did so. Well, now she had done it. She had done just what Miki had told her to do, when the girl was not there.

She got up and shifted into the tub of hot water, noting the different way the water felt against her denuded crotch. She wondered what it would feel like against her panties. She wondered what it would feel like against her diapers.


As soon as Miki got home she stripped off her clothing and was soon lying naked on her futon, but for Fiona's panties which she had put on, her hands between her legs, rubbing and fingering herself to a very intense orgasm. She lay there, breathing hard, droplets of sweat running across her body.

"Oh, my dear little Fiona," she said softly. "I do so love you."


The next day, Thursday, passed quietly for both Miki and Fiona. Fiona was a little more relaxed, now fairly certain that Miki was not going to reveal her secret.

It was not until Friday evening that the two met again.

When Fiona opened her door and found Miki standing there, carrying what looked like an overnight bag she moved to block Miki from entering.

"What is it Miss Beatrice?" Miki asked, all sweetness and light.

"We have to end this. It is wrong. I'm your teacher."

Miki looked at her for a moment. "Why is it wrong?"

"I'm your teacher. I am in a position of authority over you."

"So it is wrong for us to be in any sort of relationship, because I am being taken advantage of, right?"

"Yes," Fiona said, glad that she understood. "It's morally wrong."

Miki smiled. Then she reached forward and grasped the belt for Fiona's jeans. Fiona moved to push her away, but Miki looked at her. "Be still," she told her, and Fiona was.

Miki undid Fiona's belt, then unbuttoned her jeans.

"Not here," Fiona said, nearly begging.

"Well, you should have let me in then," Miki said, then giggled. She was not too worried. There was no one about, and the house was fairly secluded. Fiona's jeans open, she pulled the front of her panties back and looked down. "I think we know who is the real authority figure here, don't we?" She looked up at Fiona.

Fiona blushed and nodded.

"So if anyone is being taken advantage of, I think it is you, right?"

Again Fiona nodded.

"So aren't you going to invite me in Miss Beatrice?"

"Please, come in."

"Thank you Miss Beatrice," Miki said as she entered the house, then closed the door behind her.

As Miki took off her shoes, Fiona stood there, her jeans still open, beginning to slide off her hips.

"Come along Fiona," Miki said as she slid her feet into the slippers and then moved into the house.

"Miki..." Fiona began, hoping that she might still put things into order.

"Should you be calling me Miki?" she asked, interrupting her.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"It doesn't seem to fit. Maybe you should call me Miss Fujisawa?"

"Miss Fujisawa?"

Miki shook her head. "It does not sound right. A bit too formal. Miss Miki?"

"Miss Miki?"

"I like it. I think that would be good, either that or mommy."

"I think I'll use Miss Miki," Fiona said.

"Really? I thought you'd go with mommy. Well, come along Fiona," she said, holding her hand out to her.

Fiona took it. "Yes Miss Miki." She took her hand.

Miki led Fiona into the house; Fiona used one hand to hold up her pants while her other hand was in Miki's.

Once they were in the main room Miki dropped her bag to the floor, released Fiona's hand and then moved in front of her. "Let's get you dressed properly." She started to pull Fiona's jeans and panties down. For a moment Fiona held onto the waistband of her jeans, and then let go, realising the futility of it.

Miki pulled her pants and panties down to her ankles. "Step out Fiona," Miki said.

Fiona did as she was told. Soon she was naked but for her T-shirt, lying on the tatami as Miki slid a diaper under her.

Miki traced her fingers across the hairless pubic mound, smiling. "Was it hard to do this?"

"A little."

"It's so smooth."

"I bought some depilatories yesterday and used them this morning," Fiona admitted, blushing.

"You're such a good girl," Miki said, then leaned down and kissed her between the legs.

"Miki!" Fiona said, shocked.

"Miss Miki," Miki corrected, then took a lick of her vagina. Fiona moaned softly. "Don't worry," Miki said as she straightened and began pulling the diaper up between Fiona's legs. "Remember, I'm the one in charge here. You are the helpless victim." She began to fasten the diaper onto Fiona.

When Miki finished they went and made dinner and were soon at the table.

"Open up," Miki said, holding a bit of rice within the chopsticks. Fiona did so and Miki put the food into her mouth.

"Can't I feed myself," Fiona asked after she had swallowed the rice.

"No," Miki said simply.

"It would be faster if I fed myself."

"Or if we went to a restaurant so we did not have to make the meal. That would save some time. Would you like to go to a restaurant now Fiona?"

"No Miss Miki."

"Good, now open up." She held forth a piece of sushi towards Fiona. Fiona opened her mouth and the food was popped in.

After they had finished up they cleaned up the mess and put everything away.

"Do you need to be changed?" Miki asked.

"No," Fiona shook her head.

"Well, then I'm going to change my clothes," she said, walking back into the main room where the overnight bag she had brought was. She began to remove her clothing.

"What are you doing?"

"Putting on something a little more comfortable for tonight."


"I'm going to stay here tonight," Miki explained as she laid her blazer out on a chest of drawers.

"What? But your parents..."

"Fiona my dear little girl, you are quite uninformed."


"My family is up in Hokkaido," she explained as she began to unbutton her blouse. "I have an apartment here, where I live on my own." She looked about the room as she began to pull her blouse out from under her skirt. "You can be sure that my parents will not miss me tonight." She smiled brightly. "Why don't you pick out a movie for us to watch."

Fiona, feeling that she had been out-manoeuvred, went to the cabinet that her TV sat on and opened the glass doors. Under the shelf where her DVD player sat was a large number of DVDs. She began to look through them.

"I wish I had a bigger place, then I could have you over there. It would be better if you had to come to my place, don't you think?"

"I like it this way," Fiona said softly.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to consider this our place."

As Miki began to remove her skirt she smiled, looking at Fiona. She was on her knees in front of the cabinet, her diapered bottom sticking up. She looked so cute. What she needed though was some baby clothing. She thought they could order some through the magazine. Maybe Miki could make some in the schools home economics room. Her smile broadened at that thought.

As appealing as the idea was, she knew that she would not do it. She did not want to publicly humiliate or hurt her dear little Fiona. Of course she might tell Fiona that she was going to do it.

Once she had her uniform off she opened her overnight bag and removed a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

"I think I have a movie you'd like," Fiona said.

"Good girl," Miki said as she walked to the closet and opened up the top doors. She thought she would put a diaper out, they were going to need it sooner or later, and sitting out in the open it would embarrass Fiona.

As Fiona loaded 'Stand By Me' into the DVD player Miki found another diaper. She found something else as well.

"Fiona my little dear," Miki said, grunting with the effort as she brought out a cardboard box from the shelf. "What is this?"

Fiona looked and her face flushed a little. "That is just some books and things," she said quickly.

Miki caught the sense of unease in her voice and smiled. "Really? Let's see." She let the diaper fall to the tatami floor and walked over to the table, placing the box on top if it. On the TV the movie began to play, but neither of them were giving it any attention.

Miki opened the box and looked in. She smiled as she saw the many adult comic anthologies within. "Are these all of little Fiona's naughty books?"

"No Miss Miki. I throw a number away each time I get new ones. I only keep the best."

"Well, let's see what the best are," she removed one and moved beside Fiona and opened the book, making sure that Fiona could see it as well. "I can see why you like these," Miki said as she flipped through the story. "All these naughty stories here, and naughty pictures." She stopped when she reached a story about a girl being put in diapers. "Is this one of your favourites Fiona?"

"Yes Miss Miki," she said softly.

"Should we make your life just like this story?" Miki asked playfully, flipping through the pages, watching as the girl was terribly humiliated.

"No Miss Miki, please, I would not like that."

"I know my little Fiona." Miki put the book aside and turned her attention to the box, looking through it for something else. She stopped, finding what looked a little like an unbound book. She removed it and looked at it. "What's this."

"Well, when I find a story I really like, but don't care for anything else in the book, I tear the pages out and put them with those."

Miki laughed. "How wonderful. Let's see what kind of stories my little Fiona likes."

Not too surprisingly almost every coming story within dealt with diapers. Miki happily looked though them all, reading them to Fiona as the movie played on, un-watched.

When she got to the end Miki dropped the collected stories back into the box and turned on Fiona. She put her hands on the woman's shoulders and pushed her back.

"No," Fiona said softly.

Miki hushed her and grabbed the pacifier, which she pushed into Fiona's mouth. Then she undid the diaper that Fiona wore and moved between her legs. "Remember, I'm the one who it in charge here. You are doing nothing wrong." That said she moved in and began gently licking the outside of Fiona's vagina. She kept that up for a few minutes and Fiona began to moan softly. At that point she began to probe deeper with her tongue, causing Fiona to gasp loudly.

As the movie played towards its end Miki slowly made love to Fiona, bringing her to the edge of ecstasy, then moving back, letting Fiona come down a little before pushing her along again. Finally Fiona was begging that Miki bring her to orgasm.

Miki, glad that her new lover, for that was what Miki considered them, was not wasting time with silly worry, did as she was asked. She smiled and moved back as Fiona moaned loudly, gasping loudly with pleasure.

She waited for a few minutes while Fiona regained control of herself, her gasping breath become more steady, her body relaxing. Miki reached forward and taped the diaper back into place. She then shifted back and pulled off her T-shirt and then removed her bra. Then she slid her shorts off, but kept her panties on. "Come here," she said to Fiona.

Fiona had calmed down by then and looked curiously over at Miki.

"My turn," Miki said, smiling.

Fiona got onto her hands and knees and crawled over to Miki. She moved in close and kissed one of the girl's small nipples, then the other. Then she began to nurse at them, moving back and forth between them.

"Oh, you are good at that," Miki moaned. "I'll have to get you a baby bottle I think."

Fiona gently nipped at Miki's nipple, not hurting her, but it was a way to get back at her.

Miki reached around and gave Fiona's diapered bottom a soft smack. "Be careful baby or I'll make you go to school in those diapers."

Even thought Fiona knew that Miki would not do it she still felt a thrill of embarrassment at the thought. "Yes Miss Miki."

Soon Fiona moved down, sliding Miki's panties aside so she could get at her vagina. The girl's scent was rich within her pubic hair and Fiona drank it in as she began licking.

The movie had long ended by the time the two crawled into Fiona's bed, arms wrapped around each other.


The next day Miki had Saturday classes, so she got up early to get ready. She woke Fiona up, made her wet her diapers, and then changed her.

"I'll be back a little after lunch," Miki told her. "Don't take off that diaper while I'm gone," Miki warned playfully.

"But what if I have to..." Fiona trailed off.

"Take a shit," Miki said, being vulgar.

Fiona nodded.

"Well, just do it in your diaper."

"But I don't like that."

"Have you ever tried it?"

Fiona shook her head.

"Then give it a try. Maybe you'll like it."


"Don't be a bad little girl," Miki warned.

"Yes Miss Miki."

"Good girl," Miki said, and then she left.

For a time Fiona stood in the middle of the house's largest room, just wondering what she was going to do next. Would she really soil her diapers? It seemed impossible, and yet Miki had told her to do so. She knew that she was in trouble when it came to not doing something that Miki wanted her to do.

She decided she would worry about it later and set about cleaning up things. She stripped the futon of its sheets, which were showing the signs of the love making, and took them to her washing machine. Next she put on a loose skirt that would hide her diaper, and then took the futon to hang outside over the drying poles. The air and the sun would certainly remove the scent of sex.

She did some more cleaning, worked on her lessons plans, just sort of wandered around the house. Normally on a Saturday, unless she had something planned, she would have slept in. Getting up early had thrown her off a little.

When the sheets and other bedding had been washed she took them outside and put them on the drying poles as well. By nightfall, if not sooner, it would all be dry, smelling of sunshine and a slight hint of salt from the ocean. As she looked around her backyard she wondered if cloth diapers might pick up the same scent.

She shook the idea from her head. Her house and backyard were secluded, but if she started hanging diapers up to dry someone would be sure to notice.

Back in the house she wandered about a little, trying to think of something to do. Usually she might go out and do something, maybe take her bike out for a ride, but she could not do that, not while she was wearing her diaper.

Should she just take it off? What would Miki do to her? Nothing, Fiona realised, but she might just go away. Fiona thought that she should be glad of that, but, well, she knew she would miss Miki terribly if she were to leave.

She picked up a book and sat down to read.

As time passed she could feel the pressure in her bowels begin to build. It had been some time since she had last moved her bowels, and it felt like she would have to soon. She could of course hold it back, just wait it out. Still, she had never actually messed a diaper, well, not that she could remember. She had just always thought it was unpleasant, and gross.

Maybe she could give it a try. After all, Miki had told her to, which kind of made it all right. She decided that she would do it. She even got a little excited at the thought. She had always enjoyed the naughty feeling that wearing diapers, and wetting them, brought. If wetting them gave her that guilty thrill, then pooping them should be even better.

Deciding to do it and actually doing it proved to be two different things. After trying several positions she finally managed to find a position that would work. She squatted down, near a mirror, curious as to what might happen.

It took a little time for her to relax enough so that she could let go. She could not help but let out a small gasp as the diaper began to fill. In the mirror she could see the diaper puffing out slightly. The warm mess began to spread out across her buttocks in a way that was not quite unpleasant. Kind of like immersing herself into warm mud.

When she was finally done she decided that it would not be too bad to do so again. That was until she began to straighten up. The load within her diaper shifted, and she did not really care for the way that felt. Then the once warm excrement began to cool down and the smell began to hit her. Soon Fiona felt trapped, having to move very carefully to keep the cool, stinky mass in her diaper from shifting around. The thought of it moving about to the front of the diaper was not a pleasant one.

She began to let out little sobs as she wondered what she should do. She felt so helpless, unable to remove her shit filled diaper because Miki had told her not to. She was so cruel, why did she have to be so mean to her? And why wasn't she back?

Fiona began to sob even more. Why wasn't Miki back?


When Miki showed up at Fiona's house, only a little later than she had thought, she found Fiona crying loudly, kneeling down, her diapered bottom lifted off the floor. The smell in the room told Miki that Fiona had done as she had requested. It looked as if she had gone a little too far with that request.

When Fiona saw her she looked up, her eyes red and puffy with tears. "Please, change my diapers," she begged.

Miki moved up and kneeled down in front of Fiona. "Well, look who is a little miss poopy pants," Miki teased, wanting to be sure that Fiona really did not like it.

Fiona only began to cry louder. Still, Miki wanted just to be sure, so she reached around and gave the back of the diaper a gentle squeeze. Fiona's shriek almost made Miki fall over. Miki winced slightly as she decided that the feeling of the diaper was gross, and she had been feeling it from the outside. Poor Fiona was trapped in it. And it really did stink.

"Come on baby," Miki said, gently helping Fiona to stand. "Let's get you cleaned up."

Sniffing loudly, Fiona let Miki lead her into the bathroom where she started the cleaning process, which was rather intense. First she untapped the diaper and used it to clean up Fiona as much as possible, which was not much. After that it was toilet paper, and then a wet face cloth. Miki thought that baby wipes were going to be a definite add on to the shopping list.

Fiona was a little bit of a wreck, so Miki had to undress and take her into the bath area itself and finish cleaning her off. Then she put Fiona into the hot bath water and went to clean up.

As Miki handled the rather gross task of getting rid of the dirty diaper, in such a way that would keep Fiona's secret, she decided that Fiona was never going to soil a diaper again. There were three good reasons for that. One was that Fiona herself hated it, the most important one. The second one was that she did not care much for it herself. And the third one was that it was just too much work.

If Fiona had liked it Miki might have been willing to deal with the work, but not now.

Miki was sitting in the main room, drinking some tea, when Fiona came out of the bathing room, wrapped in a thick robe. "I'm sorry Miss Miki," she said.

Miki smiled at her. "I should say I'm sorry. Come here, sit down and have some tea," she told her.

Fiona did as Miki had said and soon she looked a lot more relaxed.

"Let's go out and have some fun," Miki said.

Fiona flushed slightly. "I don't think that is a good idea."

Miki laughed. "You won't have to wear your diapers," Miki assured her. "I think we've both had enough of that for today. Just put one some pretty panties, we'll pretend that you are a big girl," she teased.

Fiona smiled slightly at that. "Okay."

They went out to a nearby restaurant, where Fiona gave Miki something of an impromptu English lesson as something of a cover. Then they went into the city where they spent a few hours in a karoke booth, singing and having a little fun.

It was getting dark when they parted on a small side street. Miki, daringly, gave Fiona a quick kiss before heading off to her apartment. Fiona continued along the road that led to her house.

When she got back she went out and took her sheets and futon from the drying poles and made up her bed. When she fell asleep she enjoyed the smell of sunshine and salt on the bedding, but missed the smell of sex from the previous night.

Miki, when she got back to her apartment spent some time working on homework, but after a few hours thoughts of Fiona became too much for and she pulled the panties she had taken from Fiona from under her pillow, put them on, and brought herself to a terrific orgasm.


The next day was a Sunday and Miki was busy with some friends and Fiona was entertaining the members of the English club at her house with a pizza party. She had thought she had made sure there was nothing embarrassing left out but one of the girls found the pacifier under the couch. Fiona laughed it off and told her that it must have fallen out of a package of baby things she had sent to a friend back home.

The answer was accepted without comment, and there was no reason it should not have been.

The following Wednesday, the next time Miki and Fiona were able to get together, Fiona told the story to Miki.

Miki laughed at her and suggested that Fiona should have told them the truth, and then asked them to diaper her.

Fiona blushed, as Miki had expected.

That night went like the others had; though Miki did not stay over. They did look through the magazine that had started it all and filled out some order forms for some diaper covers, some clothing and a few other things. Fiona was embarrassed by Miki taking out a tape measure and checking her size, but at the same time she was looking forward to the arrival of the items.

They also planned a trip for the next weekend.

That Friday they both left Miyazaki separately but met up with each other at Miyakonojo. Miki thought that was particularly fitting. Then together they continued to Kagoshima, arriving there late. Checking into the hotel proved to be no problem. After all, they had a twin. Perhaps if they had a double, making it obvious they were going to share a bed an eyebrow might have been raised. As it was, they were just two women travelling together.

They did share a bed though, quite happy to have to sleep in each other's arms, Miki in a negligée, Fiona in a diaper.

That morning Fiona got a bit of a surprise. Miki lay out a diaper on the bed and looked at Fiona.

"But we're going out," Fiona said.

"So?" Miki asked, smiling.

"But, people will know."

"Do you think so?"

"I don't want to do this. It is too embarrassing."

"Haven't we already talked about this?" Miki asked. "Don't worry, no one will know, probably. Now get over here little Fiona."

Fiona did so, lying down on the bed so that Miki could diaper her.

When she was dressed she looked at herself. The knee length skirt she wore seemed to hide the diaper quite well. "See," Miki said. "I told you that it would not be seen." Then she patted Fiona on the bottom and there was a soft crinkling sound. "Of course it might be heard."

Before Fiona could protest Miki dragged her out of the room, and then out of the hotel so they could do some sightseeing.

Kagoshima was quite beautiful, warm and sunny and relaxed. Thankfully the local volcano, Sakurajima, was quiet and the city was not covered in the fine ash that was always a possibility. It was all so nice Fiona often forgot about the diaper, except when Miki would slide up to her and quietly whisper things like, 'I think that mother over there is looking at you, I guess she has a lot of experience with diaper wearers,' or 'That young man was interested in you I think, but I guess he saw the outline of your diapers when you bent over.'

Fiona would blush furiously at times like that and try to see if Miki was right, without seeming like she was looking. Miki smiled at times like those, knowing that no one had clued into Fiona's little secret.

Still, it was quite a bit of fun for both of them, and when they arrived back at the hotel near nightfall they both were tired, but not too tired.

Miki started things going by taking off Fiona's diaper, and then cleaning her up. Fiona had used washrooms over the day, having to deal with the sound and trouble of taking off the diaper in the stalls. When they were on the way back to the hotel she had finally wet it, just so that Miki would change her.

However, once Miki had the diaper off and Fiona cleaned up, she did not put her in a new diaper. She left Fiona naked, from the waist down, lying on the bed, as she went to the pile of bags near the door. She picked up one that Fiona did not recognise, probably something she had picked up during the times they had gone off on their own.

Miki smiled at Fiona. "I've got a little surprise for you Fiona. Do you want to know what it is?"

"Yes Miss Miki," Fiona said. Of course she wanted to know what it was.

Miki pulled something from the bag, and then let the bag drop. From the way it fell Fiona could tell there were still some things in it, but Fiona's eyes were not really on the bag. Miki tore the wrapping from the object, and then presented it towards Fiona. "Oh my," Fiona whispered.

Miki held a strap on dildo, a big one, made of black plastic. She walked up to Fiona and then, gently, brushed the head between the woman's legs, smiling down at her. "Do you like this?" Miki asked, gently probing.

Fiona nodded, unable to find her voice.

Miki let the strap on fall to the bed and then began to undress. Once she was naked she picked the dildo up again and carefully slid one end into herself. She pulled the straps around her, making sure that they were tight.

Fiona stared at her young lover, at the large dildo she now sported, and the tight straps that dug into her the skin around her thighs and legs. Miki saw her staring and smiled. She climbed upon the bed, positioned herself, then thrust into Fiona.

Both women let out low moans of pleasure.


For the next year the two maintained their relationship, adding things to it as time went by. Soon Fiona had a small, but very nice collection of baby things, and Miki could be trusted to be over at Fiona's place once every other day or so.

About once every two months they would go off on a trip together. The farther they went from Miyazaki the more daring that Miki was willing to be with Fiona. One time, when they left Kyushu and travelled up to Kobe, Miki had Fiona in just her diaper and a long T-shirt that covered the diaper, though she had to be careful how she moved, during a late night walk.

It was really very exciting, Fiona would admit later in their room as they made love, but she did not think she wanted to do it again.

When Miki entered her third year things began to change.

With Miki gone on her school trip, and then busy taking practice tests she was not able to see Fiona as much as she had. Fiona had a lot of time to think and she began to realise that perhaps it was time for the relationship to end. It was not that she did not care for Miki, it was just that she saw that she was contributing nothing to the relationship. She felt Miki could do better.

When summer rolled around she decided it was time. She also decided that she needed to take control of things, to throw Miki off stride. After giving it some thought she came up with an idea. She went to Miki's apartment, deciding that in meeting her there, where they had never been together before, she might gain an advantage, even though it was Miki's place.

Miki was not there, but her neighbour, a kindly mother type, had a key and let Fiona in to wait.

Fiona was a little surprised at what she found in the apartment. It was a mess, which surprised her a little as Miki was always so neat. For some reason that did not carry over to her own apartment.

Oh, it was not a pig sty or anything, but it was messy, and it looked like it had been a few weeks since it was last tidy, perhaps even longer since it had been given a thorough cleaning. After a few minutes she began cleaning, just a little straightening up at first, but soon she was stripping the futon and putting the sheets into the washing machine. She then hung the futon out the window so the sun could get at it.

After she had loaded up several bags of garbage and took them out to the garbage cage she returned to the washing machine and took out the sheets. Up on the roof were a set of drying rods where she hung the sheets, pulling them tight, enjoying the 'crack' of the material. Zen and the art of housekeeping Fiona thought as she stepped back to admire her work. Then she turned and headed back down to Miki's apartment to clean up a few more things.


When Miki arrived home after a late day at school she was shocked to discover that her apartment had been given quite the cleaning. She was even more shocked to find Fiona finishing up the last of that cleaning.

"Fiona?" Miki said, surprised.

"Sorry, but while I was waiting..." She waved her hand, indicating the cleaned apartment.

There were a few questions Miki thought to ask, but she chose the one she was most interested in. "What are you doing here?"

Fiona smiled sadly. "I came here to tell you that I was going to end our relationship."

"Don't be silly," Miki said, then she saw in Fiona's eyes that she was serious. "You can't," she said. "If you try, I'll tell everyone about you!"

Fiona shook her head. "No you won't. You are too kind to do that."

Miki dropped her eyes and nodded. It was true, Fiona had called her bluff. "I'll miss you if you go."

"I said I was coming here to end it. I've changed my mind."

Miki looked up. "What?"

"You need me."

"What, to clean my apartment?"

Fiona nodded, smiling.

Miki walked up to Fiona and slapped her, not very hard, but it certainly got her attention.

"What?" Fiona asked, surprised.

"I need you for you. I love you. You don't have to do anything for me."


"Shut up," Miki ordered. "I love you. Do you love me?"

Fiona said nothing for a time, then nodded. "I do."

"Then what else matters? I'd be lost without you."

"You'd survive," Fiona told her. "You are strong."

"But I wouldn't be happy. And neither would you."

"I guess you are right," Fiona admitted, things seeming clearer to her.

"Good. Now, what am I going to do about you, you naughty girl."

"Nothing, at least not here. Here, I'm in charge."

"What?" Miki asked, her turn to be surprised.

"It is the only way I'll make sure you are living in a clean apartment. So here, I'm in charge, but everywhere else..."

Miki smiled and nodded. "Well, let's finish this place off so I can take you back to your place and get you back into diapers you naughty girl."

"Miki!" Fiona said pleadingly, her face growing red.

"Miss Miki," Miki corrected.


Of course as much as they might have loved each other, there were forces conspiring against them. The largest was the fact that Miki graduated in the spring and was to go onto university. On the day of the graduation Miki and Fiona held onto each other and cried. There were others like that on the spring day, holding onto each other and crying, so Fiona and Miki did not stand out. Still, many people knew that they were a couple by then, they had just been discreet enough that no one had ever had to say anything.

No one knew about the more unique aspects of their relationship though.

So Miki went onto university and Fiona stayed at the school to finish up the last part of the year of her teaching contract.

Near the end of August Fiona said her goodbyes, packing up everything, and clearing out for the new teacher coming to take her place. It was time to go.

At the beginning of September she was walking the streets of Tokyo, looking a simply drawn map she had. She had decided to stay in Japan and had already arranged a part time job. Now she just needed a place to stay.

She found the building she was looking for and took the elevator up to the sixth floor. Not long afterwards she was standing in front of one of the doors. She knocked.

Not long afterwards the door was opened and Miki stood there, smiling. "Hello little Fiona," she said. She looked a little more grownup, with a more mature hairstyle.

"Hello Miss Miki. I need a place to stay."

"Is there any reason I would want you as a roommate?" Miki asked.

"I'll help to keep the apartment clean."

"Useful. Anything else?"

"I love you," Fiona offered.

"Well, I guess as I love you I best let you in. So little Fiona, are you wearing your diapers?"

"Miss Miki!" Fiona said, blushing.

"Well, don't worry," Miki took Fiona's hand and pulled her into the apartment. "I've got some cloth diapers we can put on you."

"Cloth?" Fiona asked, sounding a little alarmed.

"Don't worry," Miki said as she began to close to door. "If anyone asks we'll just tell them that you are a bed wetter." The door closed.

"Miss Miki!" Fiona's voice was muffled by the door.

Fiona and Miki, out together.

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