
Fighting: To win or lose?
by Incognito Himitsu
Please do not post or archive this story without my permission.
© 2002

Jennifer Rindo worked at a volunteer in a hospital for six months. It was community service. She had beaten four young men up rather badly. She might have received an even harsher sentence had she not be defending a classmate who had been much smaller than his four assailants.

The judge had been willing to be lenient in her sentencing because her ultimate reasons had been noble, though her way of carrying them out had been excessive.

So she had ended up in the hospital.

Not being afraid to work, and knowing that the nurses, doctors and patients, were not at fault, she had worked hard. As a result she was well thought of, though few thought of her as a friend, mainly because she did not want any friends.

Jennifer was five eleven, tall, and heavy, with muscle. She had been practicing various forms of fighting, from boxing, to karate, to kick boxing since she was seven. She was now seventeen.

Her strength and ability to handle herself was often appreciated in the hospital. She could be seen moving heavy objects, and dealing with problem patients, whenever that was needed. She often helped the nurses when it was necessary to move patients, mostly when bedding had to be changed.

All in all she took her enforced period of volunteerism with good grace and made herself a valuable asset for the whole six months she was there.

About a month before she was to finish she dealt with a developmentally challenged woman, who was about twenty. The woman, who had the mind of a child, was incontinent and as such needed to wear diapers, among the other special care she needed. Jennifer ended up helping with the woman a lot, since changing what was in effect a twenty-year old baby was difficult.

She had changed patients before, but they had been children, and the oldest had been a six-year-old boy. The woman was something of a novelty to Jennifer. Certainly she knew that older people had to wear diapers as well, but she had never seen it.

Late Saturday night, when Jennifer had changed the patient by herself, she looked down at the woman, lying contented and half asleep in the bed, and said, "Must be nice to have someone to take care of your needs."

A moment after she said it she realised how stupid that sounded. The woman had the mind of a child, but the body of an adult. What was nice about that?

Two days later, when she was cleaning up the room after the woman had been discharged, she took one of the diapers that were in a small shelf near the bed. There were only two left, and no one was going to miss one.

When she got home that night she went to her room and took the diaper from her bag and tossed it on her bed. For a time she just looked at the pale blue, plastic covering and white padding of the diaper, almost as if she expected it to do something. Then she stood up and took of her clothes.

She was not worried about anyone seeing her. Her parents travelled a lot, and she had no siblings. She was alone, as she often was.

Once naked, she picked up the diaper and then taped it skilfully on. She stood there and looked at herself in the mirror. Her black hair was worn short and spiky, and her muscles well defined. On her right bicep was a tattoo of braid of thorns. The diaper she wore was incongruous to say the least. For several seconds she stared at herself, and then she reached down and tore the diaper from her body.

It was to warm, and she did not like the bulkiness between her legs, and it looked ridiculous. She balled it up and tossed into her trash basked before going to take a shower.

Diapers, how ridiculous, she thought.

Three days later, during her next shift, she snuck another diaper out of a supply closet. That one she wore about the apartment for most of the night before throwing it away.

After taking a third diaper, which she tried to sleep in, before it got too warm and she tossed it as well, she decided she had best stop taking them from the hospital. It was not that she was worried about getting caught; she just did not like the idea that she was stealing.

A few days later when she felt the urge to experiment she went and bought herself a package of diapers from a large drug store and kept them in her closet. Whenever she wanted to experiment she would take one, put it on, and wear if for as long as he could bear, which was never more than a few hours. She never even tried to use them.

As for the work at the hospital, well, that came to an end. Everyone there wanted her to stay on, there was even an offer of money, but Jennifer was not interested. It was just not her thing. Her onetime coworkers, while disappointed, still chose to throw her a small party on her last night.

It was a simple affair, and few of the nurses could spend much time there as they had a lot of things to do. They stopped by the small lounge, had a small piece of the cake and wished Jennifer well.

Jennifer was sitting in a chair at the far end of the room, drinking a glass of pop, wondering when it was going to be over so she could leave, when Hally Bronsan took a seat beside her.

Hally, while a nurse, handled the administrative tasks and did not spend much time with patients, except when things became very busy. "So, you are going," Hally said.

"Yeah," Jennifer told her, taking another sip of her drink.

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing. Well, go back to training full time, school, all that kind of stuff."

"I see. It's too bad you won't be staying here. Everyone likes you."

"It is not for me."

"Why did you take those diapers?" Hally asked suddenly.

Jennifer almost choked on her drink, as it was she had to take a few moments to get some control. "What?" she finally asked.

"I just noticed that you had taken some diapers from the supply closet. It is no big deal, I am just curious as to why. Do you need them?"

"No," she said, then realised that might not have been the best answer.

"So you just like to wear them, maybe pretend to be a child."


Hally cocked her head to the side as she looked at Jennifer. "If you don't need them, and you don't like them, why did you take them?"

Jennifer said nothing for a time, not able to think of an answer. "I guess I was just curious."

"I see," Hally turned her gaze away from Jennifer and looked towards the far end of the room. "Would you like to need them?"

"What?" Jennifer was even more surprised by the question and was not sure she had heard right.

Hally looked at Jennifer. "I could make it so that you actually need them. At least I could try."

"What are you talking about?"

Hally smiled. "We can talk about it in a more private situation, if you are interested." She held out a card towards Jennifer. "Here's my number."

Jennifer reluctantly took the card, still not sure about what was happening.

Hally got to her feet and looked down at Jennifer. "See you soon, maybe." She walked away, leaving a very confused Jennifer to wonder what was happening.

For a few days after the last night at the hospital Jennifer did just what she said. She went back to training full time. She did not really give Hally much thought until a week later when she took one of the diapers out of the bag in her closet. She looked at it, and then over to where she had tossed the card Hally had given her.

She stood there for almost a minute before tossing the diaper on her bed and walking over to the bureau that was covered with bits of paper and other things that she had not gotten around to throwing away, or putting someplace else.

Returning to her bed she sat down and stared at the card. What did Hally mean? Was she actually serious about making her need to wear diapers? Or was it just some kind of pick up line? Maybe Hally was just interested in sex, perhaps with the diapers as king of a prop. That would be weird, but Jennifer had heard of weirder things.

She had never given much thought to the idea of a sexual relationship with a woman, though she had not given much thought to such relations with a man either. She thought about Hally, a rather attractive woman, with long blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Not sexy maybe, but attractive.

After several minutes she reached over for her phone and dialled the number. Hally would likely be home, if she had not gone home after work. Unfortunately she was not home and all that Jennifer got was the answering machine.

"Hey Hally, this is Jennifer," she paused for a few seconds. "I'd like to talk to you about what you said that last night." She left her number and then hung up the phone. As soon as the phone was cradled she began to regret what she had done. What the hell was she thinking? She did not want to get involved in some kind of sex relationship that involved diapers, with a woman no less.

She shook her head and just hoped that Hally would not call back.

A few minutes later the phone rang. Jennifer let it ring twice; frozen with indecision, and then stepped forward and picked up the phone. "Hello," she said into the mouthpiece.

"Why don't you come over to my place and we'll talk," Hally said. She then gave Jennifer the address, twice so she could write it down, and then hung up, not giving Jennifer a chance to say anything else.

Not entirely sure why, just some vague sense that she wanted to see where this might go, Jennifer was soon in the beat up little subcompact she owned, heading for Hally's place. Hally lived in a small home, a little distance from the road. As Jennifer approached the door it opened, revealing Hally. She was dressed in jeans and a blouse. She smiled at Jennifer. "Come in," she invited, stepping aside so Jennifer could enter. The interior of the home was nothing out of the ordinary. It looked nice, as if someone had taken some time to make it look so.

"This way," Hally said after she closed the door and then led Jennifer into the nearby living room. "Have a seat."

Jennifer took a seat on the couch, feeling a little ill at ease. She did not know what to expect, but what was happening so far seemed off.

Hally sat across from her in a large chair. "Let's get right down to business. If you are thinking that this is about kinky sex, get that out of your mind right off."

"Then what is it about?"

"Simple," she leaned back in the chair, "it is about me turning you into a diaper dependent girl, perhaps even making you take on some very childish behaviours."

"I see," Jennifer said, surprised that she was not getting up to walk out of there.

"I like doing this. You see, it is the sort of thing that I get off on. When I was sixteen I made my aunt take the neighbourhood men to bed, for money, which she then gave to me. Think about that, I was pimping out my older aunt. That is quite the power trip if you think about it."

"I suppose."

"I've tried a few other things, but I like this baby thing best. I've took five, fairly well functioning adults, and reduced them to the point where they have to wear diapers, at the best, at the worst have regressed to a point where they need care to live. Don't you think that is amazing?"

"I guess you could call it that."

"Well, maybe you don't see the attractiveness. Those five were already into diapers when I met them, and all of them basically wanted what I offered, though perhaps not to such a great extent. You on the other hand do not seem to be at all interested, or at least not very much."

"It was just a little curiosity," Jennifer said. "That was it." Not quite the truth really, but close enough.

"Well, either way, I am interested in seeing what I can do with you."

"What you can do with me?"

"Well, I'd like to see if I can reduce you to a more childish stature. If you are really interested, you'll just be another fun little project for me. If you are not, then you are a challenge."

"Something to test your technique on then."

"Exactly," Hally said with a smile. "You are a fighter. I'd like to see if you can resist it. Think of it as a challenge."

Jennifer laughed sharply. "So, you think I won't be able to pass up a challenge."

"I think this one will interest you. This is not a test of your physical strength, which is quite impressive, but a test of your willpower. We will see just what you are made of."

"I suppose it sounds interesting." In fact it sounded very interesting to Jennifer, but she was still not entirely certain of it. The truth was she was not quite certain that she had the willpower to resist, not that she would admit that.

"I'm proposing a year under my, well, control maybe. You won't be hurt; no physical damage will be done. There may be a little humiliation, as things go on. There will be varying levels of discomfort, but nothing that will leave a lasting effect."

"What do you mean when you say I will be under your control?"

"Nothing extreme. Just that you'll do as I say, come here every now and then, follow my orders. Other than that, you can still live your life as you do now."

"I don't know. This sounds a little crazy."

"It is a little crazy. I'll offer some to you. If, after the year, you are no more than a bed wetter, perhaps with a few childishness behaviours, I'll give you two thousand dollars."

"And if you win this bet?"

"I'll have the enjoyment of having created another adult who will be dependent of diapers."

Jennifer said nothing as she considered things. It sounded, well, weird, but also a little exciting. She still thought that all of this might be some sort of sexual game. "Okay, I'll try."

"Wonderful. Now, I want you to promise me something."


"You'll do as I ask, without question. If you don't, then you lose the bet and we never see each other again, and you know that you backed out of a challenge."

"Okay. That sounds reasonable."

Hally laughed. "I don't think you'll think it reasonable as time goes on, but hopefully you won't back out." She got to her feet. "Let's go, we have to start things."

Jennifer followed after Hally to the kitchen. Hally took a glass out of the cupboard and handed it to Jennifer. "I want you to drink six glasses of water."

"Whatever you say." She put the glass under the faucet, filled it with water, and then drank the water. She did so five more times, then put the glass down and turned the water off. 'Done."

"Good. This way."

This time Hally led her into a bathroom at the back of the house. It had a big tub, and a separate shower stall.

"Get undressed," Hally ordered, then walked over to the bathroom closet.

As Hally busied herself with something Jennifer took off her clothes, stripping down quickly. She gathered up her clothes and pushed them into a corner.

By that time Hally had brought out some odd rack, with nylon straps and large, black suction cup like things. She looked at Jennifer for several seconds, suddenly Jennifer felt rather bashful and had to fight the need to cover up.

"Lay down in the tub, on you back, your head facing the taps."

Jennifer did as she was told, lying down in the large tub. The ceramic was cool against her bare skin and she shivered because of it. Or at least she thought it was the cool surface that caused her to shiver.

Hally placed the rack up against the wall at the end of the tub, using the suction cups to affix it to the wall. Once it was there she looked at Jennifer and said, "Shift up, put your legs up here." She patted the rack.

She did as she was told, putting her legs up against the rack and the straps. Hally used the straps to fasten her ankles to the rack, tightening them up. "There we go."

"What is this about?" Jennifer asked from the bottom of the tub.

"Just a little demonstration. Well, I'll leave you alone for a while." She turned to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I have some things to take care of. Don't worry, you'll be fine." She left the room, shutting the door, leaving Jennifer alone.

Jennifer lay there, legs up in the air, wondering what this was supposed to prove. She had pictured a lot of things, but nothing like that. She tested her bonds and was certain she could pull the frame from the files and free herself. Of course that was not the answer to the challenge.

She lay there, the time dragging on slowly. She was bored, beyond bored really. There was only so much one could do while trapped in a bathtub.

Some time later she realised that she had to go to the bathroom. No surprise really, what with all the water she had drunk. Of course Jennifer tried to hold it in, but eventually the pressure in her bladder grew so great, and the pain brought tears to her eyes, and she let it go.

The urine flowed from her, splashing against her thighs, and then running down her legs, across her abdomen and into the tub, flowing around her and under her back, and into her hair.

She lay there, in a state of shock, and in a puddle of her urine, just trying to figure out what happened. She could feel the piss cooling against her skin, little drops of yellow clinging to her. The smell, well, the smell was that of piss. It surrounded her. For a moment she thought she might cry, but she did not. It was just so ridiculous, she almost laughed. There she was, lying in her own piss, partially by her own choice.

It was so pathetic it was funny.

Twice more she emptied her bladder before Hally opened the door to the bathroom and entered the room.

She walked up to the edge of the tub and looked down at her. "You smell like piss."

Jennifer felt as if she had been slapped, even though it was a rather obvious statement, and she had nothing to say.

Hally reached out and undid the straps that held Jennifer's ankles. "Take a shower and then get dressed." That said, Hally left.

It took a little bit to work the stiffness out of her limbs, but once she had done so she took a shower, as Hally had told her. She used a lot of soap, and shampoo, wanting to be certain to get rid of all the urine smell. She then dried herself, got dressed, and went to find Hally.

Hally was sitting on the couch in the living room. By the clock on the wall Jennifer had been in the bathtub for almost six hours. It was a little after three in the morning.

"Confused?" Hally asked as Jennifer entered the room.

"A little," she admitted.

"If I am successful, you'll have to get used to the smell of your piss, and of being in it. Think about that. You'll always have to worry that people might smell you. Always be worried that your diapers might leak and you'll get it on your clothing." She sniffed at that air. "Are you sure you washed it all off."

Jennifer felt her face grow hot as she blushed. She lowered her head and started towards the door. "I'm going," she said. She felt as if she should have added, 'and I'll never be back', but she did not.

"Call me again in a few days and we'll move onto the next stage." She said it as if there was no doubt that Jennifer would do just that.

Jennifer was angry of course, angry at herself, though she was not entirely sure of why. She got in her car, slammed the door, and drove quickly out of the driveway and then raced home.

Back at home she took another shower before going to bed. When she woke up she took another shower before leaving for school. As she sat in her car she smelled the air, wondering if there was a faint scent of urine in the air. Maybe she had not washed enough?

She was on edge all day while at school. Every time someone laughed she was certain that they were laughing at her, that they could smell piss on her. Of course she knew that was not true, but it was a hard feeling to get over. It just seemed that everyone knew her little secret. Twice she almost hit some poor person who was just having a normal day and did not know that Jennifer's day, because of the night before, was anything but.

She was feeling frazzled by the time the day was over and when she got hope she flopped down onto her bed and fell asleep. As she drifted off she promised herself not to have anything more to do with Hally. It was a promise she was going to break.

Her mother had just left, taking off on another business trip, her father was not due back for another week. Just another time while Jennifer was left alone, not that she minded, she could take care of herself quite well. She had planned to relax and do a little homework. Instead she called up Hally and was told to come over, along with the cryptic remark that she should bring sanitary napkins if she had them.

So, once more, she got in her little care and drove to Hally's house. After parking the car she walked up to the door and was about to knock when it was opened by Hally.

"Come in Jennifer," she said, smiling.

Jennifer came in, and said "thank you" in such a way it was obvious that she did not mean it.

"Ready to continue this fight?"

"Yes." She raised her chin defiantly.

"I admire your spirit. I hope it is as strong as you think."

"It is."

"Come along to the bathroom again. It is time for your next, cautionary lesson."

Jennifer followed her into the bathroom that had been the scene of her last humiliation. She was not surprised when she was told to strip.

"Lie down on the floor, on your side," Hally ordered as she opened the cupboard under the sink.

Jennifer got down on her knees, and then lay on the cool tile.

"Have you ever had an enema?" Hally asked.

"No, but I know what it is," she said with a feeling of trepidation.

"Well, that is what I am about to give you," Hally told her as she moved close and knelt down in front of Jennifer. She placed several objects on the ground.

"These," she indicated three, clear bags, each full of a clear liquid, "are a mixture of soap and water, each one holds a litre. "This enema nozzle," she held up the object in questions, "uses a balloon to keep it in place and to make sure the liquid is retained."

"Will it hurt?" Jennifer asked, unable to keep the unease out of her voice.

"It will be uncomfortable, and there will be some cramping," she told her in a kind tone.

Feeling slightly disgusted at her show of fear, and angry that Hally was pitying her, she said, "Well, let's get it over with," in an abrupt manner.

"That's the spirit." Hally picked up the things and moved around behind Jennifer. "I'll use some lubricant of course.

"Don't do me any favours," Jennifer said, in her tough as nails voice.

"You really don't want me to push this in dry."

There was noise behind her as things were prepared, and then a snap. She then felt Hally's latex encased fingers spread her buttocks. She gasped as she felt one of the woman's fingers slide insider her and smear something cold and slipper around her anus.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"You have some shove their finger up your ass."

Hally laughed. "Well, here comes the nozzle. With that, and perhaps with a little more force then was necessary, the nozzle was pushed into Jennifer's rectum.

Jennifer gasped, and squirmed slightly at the feeling of the foreign object and the sense of fullness.

"And now we pump it up."

The feeling of fullness grew, almost to discomfort. "Can't you hurry this up?" Jennifer demanded.

"Not if you want to avoid permanent damage."

Jennifer stewed as Hally finished her work, not long afterwards the liquid was flowing from the bags, and into Jennifer. As it began to fill her bowels there was cramping, as Hally had promised. Her belly began to distend slightly from all the liquid. It was not exactly painful, but it was not pleasant.

"We're done," Hally announced. "I'm going to leave the nozzle in, like a plug for a moment."

"I want it out," Jennifer said, her eyes closed tightly against another cramp.

"In a moment. Let me help you to the toilet."

Hally helped Jennifer stand, and then walked her to the toilet, easing her down onto it.

"I'm going to let the nozzle deflate and pull it out. You'll feel a great deal of pressure as everything I put into you wants to get out. I want you to pretend that you are not on the toilet…"

"What?" Jennifer demanded. She wanted to release the liquid filling her, not play games.

"You are not on the toilet. You are fully dressed, sitting at your desk at school. You have suddenly been seized by the desperate need to void your bowels, but you can't leave class. You have to hold it in. Do you understand?"

Jennifer nodded. "Yes."

"Okay, now, I'm releasing the balloon." She did so.

The nozzle slid out of Jennifer's bottom, along with a little water that splashed in the water of the toilet bowel.

"That was a little mess in your panties," Hally told her. "Hold it in, you in class dammit."

So Jennifer fought to hold it in, as much as it hurt. She lasted thirty seconds, perhaps a little longer, when she could not hold it back. Suddenly she was filling the toilet with the liquid and her own wastes.

She tried to stop it, for a minute lost in the fantasy that Hally had created. She was crying when it was all over.

"Well, that did not look like fun," Hally observed.

"Fuck you," Jennifer snapped.

"That is what things will be like if I get you as far as I hope. A pressure in your bottom, and before you can do anything, it will be filling the seat of your pants. And you won't be able to stop it."

Jennifer said nothing, picturing the scenario that her words painted.

"Get dressed and go home," Hally said as she left the bathroom. She stopped just outside the door and looked back. "Put those pads I told you to bring in your panties. There might still be a little leakage and this will keep things clean." Then she left.

Jennifer got dressed quickly, and did as Hally had suggested, lining the back of her panties with some maxipads to catch any mess that might yet leak out.

She left without seeing Hally, not that she wanted to see the other woman.

It was early Saturday morning when Jennifer next stood in front of Hally's house. When Hally opened the door she was wearing a bathrobe and drinking a cup of coffee. Her hair was mussed and she looked as if she had just woken up.

"Good morning Jennifer, come in."

Jennifer nodded and entered the house, looking sullen. She did not want to be there, and yet she was. She hated that.

"Would you like some coffee?"


"Then let's begin. Come with me."

She led Jennifer, not to the bathroom, but to her bedroom, a large, gaily decorated room, with a big window that looked out onto a large garden in the backyard. At least it did not look like they were going to play any bathroom games, Jennifer thought.

"Get undressed," Hally told her as she moved to the window and closed the curtains.

As Jennifer stripped she began to wonder if all the stuff before had just been a pointless game and now they were going to get involved in the sex parts.

Hally went to her closet and removed a gym bag, stuffed full with something. Jennifer was stripped down to her panties and T-shirt when Hally put the bag on the bed. "Just take off your panties and then lie down.

"Yeah, sure," she said as she pushed the white panties down her legs and then stepped out of them. She hooked the garment with her toes and moved it onto the pile of her other clothes. That done, she lay down on the bed.

Hally opened the bag and removed a small bundle of white cloth. "Diapers," she said. "Cloth. I don't care much for disposables, not very environmentally friendly you know."

"Yea, I suppose," Jennifer said, now knowing that this was not a sex game.

Hally smiled as she lay four of the cloths down, carefully arranging them and folding them. "There we go, now lift your hips dear."

For several seconds Jennifer did nothing, not quite sure if she wanted to continue with this.

Hally must of picked up on that for she said, "It's alright, I know it is not easy."

The suggestion that she was not up to it galvanized Jennifer into action. She lifted her hips, raising her bottom off the bed.

Hally slid the folder diaper under her, positioned it and said, "Okay, you can drop down."

Jennifer did so, the feel of the cloth diapers beneath her bottom not that different from how the comforter on the bed felt. It was different from the disposable diapers she had tried. As Hally pulled the cloth up between her legs she began to feel like she was wearing the diaper. The cloth was pulled tight about her, and she could feel the padding between her legs.

"Just making sure of the fit," Hally told her as she released the diaper and then removed some baby powder from the bag, which she liberally sprinkled on to Jennifer. "Do you use baby powder when you wear your diapers?"

Jennifer felt her face grow hot. "No," she said in a clipped tone.

"You should. It will make it more comfortable." The powdering finished, she put the container aside and then removed some diaper pins from the bag. She put the pins in her mouth, and then pulled the diaper back around Jennifer. The white cloth was tightly and securely pinned about her hips. "There we go," she said, looking satisfied at her work.

She removed something else from the still well filled bag. That was a pair of thick, white, plastic pants. "Let' just get these on you. Lift your legs."

Jennifer did so, Hally put Jennifer's feet through the leg holes, and then pulled them up Jennifer's legs. "Lift your hips again." Once Jennifer did so the plastic pants were pulled fully on. Hally then fussed with the diapers a bit, making sure the cloth was tucked within the tight, elastic bands of the pants. "Perfect," she said with a smile.

Jennifer lay down, the thickness of the diapers, the soft rustle of the plastic pants, was all obvious to her. "What now?" she asked, somewhat afraid of the answer.

"Now we have some housework to do," Hally said as she took of her robe, dropping it to the floor, revealing her naked body. She then went to a chest of drawers and removed clothing items and quickly got dressed in pair of shorts and a sweat shirt.

Jennifer watched as the woman dressed, seemingly unconcerned that she was watching her. It was almost as if Jennifer was being treated as a small child. "What do you mean housework?" Jennifer demanded, trying to hide her sense of unease.

"Just what I said." She looked back at Jennifer. "This is the day I catch up on all my housework. You might as well help me."

So Jennifer helped Hally clean the house. It was not all the difficult, and Hally did more work than Jennifer, but it was close to an even split.

They had a small lunch a little after twelve, while they were eating Jennifer said, "I have to go to the bathroom." She was afraid that Hally would tell her to use the diaper.

"Let's get that diaper off you then," Hally said, and she did just that, but right after Jennifer had used the washroom she put her right back into the cloth diapers and plastic pants.

At the end of the day, with the house clean, Hally sat down with Jennifer in the living room. "So, tell me how you feel."


"What was it like to spend this day in diapers?"

"I don't know," Jennifer shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh come now," Hally said, "you must know how you felt. Tell me."

Jennifer looked down at her feet, also seeing the bulge of the diaper she wore. "They are too warm, and the plastic traps that heat. I'm always aware that I am wearing them, and I feel like I am waddling all over the place."

"Now really waddling, but it has altered your walk a little."

"And there is the rustle of the plastic, and the fact that they are so obvious. I often felt them brushing against something as I pass, it makes me feel like I have a huge butt."

"Yes, they are rather bulky. Anything else?"

Jennifer shook her head.

"Remember this. If I succeed you'll be wearing diapers always, always having to deal with what you have felt today. You won't simply be able to decide you don't like wearing them. You'll have no choice. And if you take a diaper off, it will just be to put a dry one on right away. They'll be part of your life."

Jennifer shivered at those words as they fell on her with full force. Part of her life, forever.

"And you may not have anyone to lovingly put them on you. It is something you will have to do yourself, being careful to make sure they are on right so you can be certain that they won't leak." Hally said with an almost gay tone. "Well, that is it for today. Go and get dressed and then you can go home." She stood up and walked into the kitchen, ignoring Jennifer.

Jennifer sat there for several seconds, not sure what she felt, but then she stood and stormed to the bedroom. There she pulled the diaper from herself, tossed the plastic pants and cloth diapers away, and then got dressed quickly. She was about the leave the house when Hally called to her, "Be here next Saturday, and bring one of your diapers with you, but don't wear it."

Jennifer did not answer as she left, but she suspected that she would be there, as told.

For the next week Jennifer often found herself thinking about how her panties felt, or more to the point, didn't. She was aware she was wearing them, when she thought about it, but for the most part she did not give them any thought. They were not at all like the diapers she had worn, which she guessed was the point.

She was not certain she could take actually having to wear diapers. It was a hard thing to accept. Still, she showed up the next Saturday, carrying a bag with her that held her diaper. She had not come very early and when Hally opened the door she was fully dressed.

"Good to see you," Hally said. "Come and let's go to the bedroom. You did bring a diaper, didn't you?"

"Yes," Jennifer said.

"Good. Come along."

Once they were in the bedroom Hally had Jennifer put the diaper on. She looked Jennifer for a few seconds after she had put the diaper on and shook her head. "You are going to have to learn how to properly wear those or you age going to have to deal with a lot of leaks, but no matter. Get dressed.

Jennifer frowned, but picked up her pants and began to pull them on. She quickly realised that the diaper was making things difficult. She had to work them up, and finally buttoned them at the waist and zipped them up. The bulge in the pants was quite plain, and the t-shirt that left her stomach bare, did nothing to hide the top part of the diaper, which stick up above her pants.

"An interesting look," Hally commented. "Tell me, would you like to go out dressed like that?"

"No," Jennifer said, shaking her head. The idea that she might have to do so was somewhat scary.

"Of course not. But what if you had to go outside, and wear that diaper?"

Jennifer said nothing to that, afraid that Hally was going to tell her to do just that.

"Let me see if I can help you." She walked to her closet, rummaged around a bit, then came back with a bundle of clothing in her arms. She dropped the clothing on the bed and then turned to look at Jennifer. "These clothing might suit your situation better. See what you can find."

Jennifer moved close to the bed and looked through the clothing there. Loose pants, shorts, and skirts, as well as blouses and similar clothing were what she saw. After looking through it all she chose several pieces and changed into a pair of pants and a sweat shirt.

She looked at herself in the blouse and was pleased to note that her diapered condition was effectively hidden. "I'd go out in these," she said.

"I suppose you might," Hally said. "Not your usual style."

Jennifer had to agree with that. The loose clothing did not really suit her. Her figure, which she had spent a lot of time getting to look as she wanted, was completely hidden.

"Of course this is the nature of diapers. You always have to be thinking about them. Are they hidden, do they need to be changed? Can anyone smell the pee, or hear the rustling sounds? They can become a major part of a person's life.

"Maybe you even decide not to hide them, you still have to take into account the extra bulk around your hips when buying clothes. And when you go into the clothing store, what if the clerks won't let you try on anything in fear that a diaper leak will ruin the merchandise.

"A lot to think about."

Jennifer looked at herself, thinking about all that she had learned about diapers over the week. She really did not want to have to wear them, not ever.

"Still want to go through with this?" Hally asked her. "I could not blame you if you wanted to give up right now."

Jennifer wanted to give up, but she did not want to give in. Hally had humiliated her, to an extent, she did not want to add the final humiliation of giving up.

"I'll go through with it."

Hally smiled. "Then this begins for real. First thing first; you have to get rid of your body hair."


"It is more hygienic that way, and will be something of a reinforcement. Remember, if you have no hair in your diaper area, there is nothing to hold the smell of pee. One less worry."

"Fine," Jennifer said, knowing that she had to go through with it.

"You should either wax, or there is laser hair removal. Those are the best choices really. At this time I tell the person to get the hair permanently removed, but I promised you no lasting damage. So, you can do as you wish, even shave if you want to I suppose, but it is important that you stay bare."

Jennifer could see the look in Hally's eyes. She expected her to give up, and if not give up, go for the temporary solution. Jennifer did not want to deal with shaving, or waxing, but she did not want to permanently lose her pubic hair.

She steeled herself though and said, "I'll go with the laser."

"As you wish." She took a piece of paper from her pocket. "I'll make the arrangements for the treatment, and pay for it. For now, take this." She held out the paper towards Jennifer.

"What is it?" Jennifer asked, taking the paper.

"The address of the store where you can buy a plastic sheet for your bed."

"A plastic sheet? Why?"

"Because you are going to start wetting your bed," Hally told her. "From this day on, for the time of our agreement, you are going to have a wet bed."

"I don't understand."

"Before you get out of your bed, you are to make sure it is wet. You can piss it before you go to sleep, of before you get out in the morning, or whenever you want, but you will wet it."

"That's crazy."

"Maybe. Oh, no diapers, not until you really need them. As long as you are choosing to pee, you can't wear diapers. It will give you a very good idea of how things might turn out for you."

"Okay. I'll do it." She was defiant in her statement.

"Good." Hally smiled. "You are going to be a tough one, but I think I can win."

"We'll see," Jennifer told her. She had no idea exactly what that meant, no idea who she really wanted to win at that moment.

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