
Sailor Moon D
The Power of Shame, Embarrassed Sailor Warriors
by Incognito Himitsu

Based on Characters and Situations created by Naoko Takeuchi.

Please do not post or archive this story without my permission.

It was a beautiful Sunday, surprisingly warm for early May. People were taking advantage of the day, Junban park was busy. There was something of an impromptu festival going on, a rock band had shown up and were playing. They were not particularly good, nor were they particularly bad. It was such a pleasant day people were willing to be charitable and enjoyed the less than perfect music.

Most of the people there were young, children and teenagers. They played or met with friends, or met new friends.

Near the middle of the park was a beautiful woman. Her red hair was long, hanging past the small of her back. Her skin was very pale and her eyes a deep blue. She wore a long black skirt and a crisp, white blouse. Her hair was pulled back from her face with a black ribbon. She had just purchased three balloons from a seller and walked over to three children.

She smiled at them. "Here you go," she said.

The children happily took them. "Thank you Miss," they called out in unison.

"You're welcome," she told them.

The three children ran off, the balloons trailing behind them on strings.

"You're Majesty," she heard from behind her.

"Copper," she said as she turned around.

The man was taller than her, with dark skin, dark hair and dark eyes. He was just sort of a dark person. While that was a little off putting, he was also very handsome. He bowed very slightly to her, not wanting to attract attention. "I have been investigating, as you ordered," he said.

"What have you found out?"

"This world is as you desired."

"Wonderful," she said happily. "I do so like it." She turned to look out over park and all the people. "And they need me. So disorderly, with all the different countries and such. A strong ruler to take care of them will do them no end of good."

"Of course Empress Platinum," he said. "There are some who will resist you."

"Then they will be destroyed," she said simply. "We will need energy of course."

"Do we have enough?"

"No. We will have to get some."

"I have already given it some thought."

She smiled at him and held out her arm, he took it. "Show me," she commanded.

He led her across the park, looking around. Finally he stopped. "Those girls over there."

Platinum looked where he indicated. A group of four girls were standing near a fountain, eating ice cream cones and talking.

Copper lifted his hand slightly, making a quick, subtle gesture.

One of the girls, a young woman wearing jeans and a T-shirt, suddenly stiffened, a strange look on her face. It was a mixture of surprise and terror. As Platinum watched a dark spot appeared at her crotch, spreading quickly out, down her thighs.

She let out a little scream, trying to cover the growing wet spot with her hands. She crouched down, trying to hide better. The dampness spread over her rear and urine began to seep out of the jeans and splash on the ground.

Her friends looked more that a little shocked and for a moment just stared on. A young boy who was nearby began calling out about the girl who had just wet her pants. One of the girls yelled at him and he ran away. Another of the girls pulled her jacket off and used it to cover her friends jeans. The three girls quickly got their wet friend away.

Platinum had watched the entire thing, then she turned towards Copper. "That was rather cruel." Her tone was not angry, or disapproving, she was just stating a fact.

"Perhaps. I've noticed that these people tend to produce a greater amount of energy when they are under the influence of strong emotions. You no doubt noticed that the girl was producing a great deal of energy."


"Shame is a very strong emotion I've learned. While there are many ways to bring it out, I have noticed that they seem to give a great amount of concern over control of various eliminatory functions."

"Interesting. Can you do this on a large enough scale?"

"Yes. I will be working with the segment of the population known as teenagers. Younger children may not be as shamed by such a thing, and adults often can control, repress actually, their emotions better."

"How long till we can set up the first anchor point?"

"Within nine turnings of this planet."

"When will you start?"

"Tomorrow I will start the initial phase of this project. The day after that we should be able to start collecting energy."

"Excellent," Platinum nodded. "I will leave this to you Copper, do not fail me."

"Of course my Empress," he said.

She regarded him for a moment, then disappeared.

Copper looked around and smiled. His Empress would not be disappointed in his work.


Monday morning found Usagi Tsukino waking up late, not a terribly unusual occurrence. She leapt out of her bed, running to the bathroom. She used the toilet, then brushed her teeth, then ran back to her room. "I'm going to be so late," she said, almost crying.

She grabbed her brush and quickly brushed out her hair, then tossed it aside and ran to her closet. In short order she had dressed in her senior high school uniform, grabbed her briefcase and ran from her room. She leapt down the stairs, almost tripping, and scampered to the kitchen. She found her mother sitting at the kitchen table, reading a magazine.

"Mom, why didn't you wake me?" Usagi nearly cried as she grabbed a piece of toast from the counter. She could not even have breakfast. It was so unfair.

"I knocked on your door," Ikuko said, not looking up from her magazine. "Twice in fact, and your alarm clock went off. Honestly Usagi, you are a second year senior high student. You should be responsible enough to wake up on your own."

"You're so mean," Usagi said, then noticed the clock on the wall. It was not getting any earlier. "Ah, I've got to go." She ran from the kitchen.

"Goodbye," Ikuko said, not bothering to look up from the magazine.

Usagi got her shoes on, exited the house, closed the door and took off running as fast as she could. Luck was with her that day as she managed not to trip once.

By the time she saw her school she knew that she would just make it, maybe. As she got closer she saw Makoto Kino standing by the gates. When the tall girl saw Usagi she waved to her. "Hurry up Usagi-chan," she called out.

Usagi reached the gates, out of breath. "I'm going to die," she gasped out.

"Die later," Makoto said, grabbing Usagi's arm and propelling her along. "We don't want to be late."

As it was they managed to get into the class with something like twenty seconds to spare, more than enough time to take their seats. Minako Aino waved to them as they came in. "Late again Usagi-chan."

"Stop being so mean to me Mina-chan," Usagi said as she took seat behind the other girl.

The teacher came in shortly after that and called the class to order so he could call attendance.


When the day was finally over Usagi bounded out of her chair. "It's finally over," she said happily. "And there's a new ice cream parlour opening today." Usagi was running towards the door when she suddenly was jerked to a stop in a way that involved a lot of pain. She spun on Minako who was holding one of her long, blonde pigtails. "Why did you do that?!"

"We're meeting with Rei at Fruits Parlour Crown to study with Ami," Makoto said, coming up behind Usagi.

"But," Usagi began, tears welling up in her eyes, "but the ice cream parlour is giving away free samples today."

"Too bad," Makoto said happily as she spun Usagi about and put and arm around her. "We have to study. Especially you."

"Mako-chan, you're so mean."

Outside of the class they met Ami Mizuno. She was not in their class but in the high academic second year class.

"Hey Ami-chan," Minako called out. "Ready?"

"Let's go." Ami said.

"Free ice cream," Usagi muttered sadly as Makoto directed her from the building.

They had just exited the school when they were presented with an unusual sight. There were a group of students crowded near the entrance to the school. They could hear the high pitch voice of a woman calling out, "Free sample cookies."

"Free?" Usagi perked up.

"Sample?" Makoto said.

"Cookies?" Minako said.

"Let's go," All three said together, dragging Ami along as they ran for the crowd.

They found, after pushing their way through, no small thanks to Makoto, to the front of the crowd a small pickup. A young, very pretty, if a little vapid looking, woman standing in the bed, singing the praises of the delicious Copper Cookies, not yet in stores.

Three burly men in loin cloths and wearing haten jackets, on the back of which were the words copper cookies, where handing out packages of the cookies.

The four girls all managed to get a package, Usagi managed to get two, and then moved away from the crowd. Usagi put one package into her briefcase and the other she ripped open. The other three had already opened their packages.

"These are delicious," Ami said.

"These are the best." Makoto said. "Even better than my cookies." She admitted the last a little sadly.

"You could love these," Minako said, munching away on the dark cookies.

Usagi, feeling like she was a little behind the others, quickly ate two to catch up. "They are wonderful."

The four girls quickly finished off the cookies and continued onto the sweet shop where they were going to meet Rei. They talked about their day, and of potential plans for the future.


Usagi, Rei, Ami, Minako and Makoto had grabbed their usual table at Fruits Parlour Crown and after ordering some small deserts and coffees they began studying. Rei for the most part needed little extra help with her school work, she was disciplined enough. That was fortunate as Ami had to spend extra time with Usagi. It was not so much that the future Queen of Crystal Tokyo was stupid, she was just lazy.

Usagi, growing bored with talk of imaginary numbers reached into her bag for the second package of cookies she had.

She was tearing it open as Rei suddenly said, "You got those cookies too?"

"What?" Usagi said, pulling the package in close to her.

"They were giving them out in front of our school today," Ami told Rei.

"Mine too," Rei said. "Here, give me one of those dumpling head."

"No," Usagi said. "They are mine."

She looked around for some support from the others and noticed they were all staring at her a little angrily. "What I meant, is that you can't have them all," she laughed, and then took a cookie from the package before passing it to Minako.

They quickly finished the cookies off and then were back to studying.


Copper stood atop a building in the business section of Junban. He looked around the streets below him, seeing clusters of junior and senior high students wandering around. His agents should have visited every one of the schools.

Behind him a heavily cloaked figure faded in.

"All has been done as you instructed lord Copper," the figure said.

"Good. Is the next phase ready?"


Copper nodded. All was going as planned.


Ikuko was just finishing dinner and already had the table laid out. Kenji would be home soon from work, and Shingo had come home earlier and was up in his room, possibly studying but more likely playing a video game.

She turned the gas off on the range and then picked up a pot of curry from the stove and carried it towards the living room. She was just putting it on the low table in the living room when she heard a somewhat whining voice from the TV. She might have normally ignored it, but it sounded a little like Usagi and raised her curiosity.

'But mom, I don't want to wear it,' the girl in the commercial said. She was a pretty thing, perhaps a little younger than Usagi.

'But it's for the best,' an older woman, the mother, said. She had a kind tone and something about her just suggested that she was a good mother to Ikuko. 'You'll not get a good sleep otherwise, and that's not healthy.'

'But I don't want to wear a diaper.'

'It's not a diaper,' the mother said, holding up something that did look a like a diaper. It's plastic backing was a soft pink, and there seemed to be cute designs on it. 'It's just an absorbent undergarment. Isn't it better that your sheets, futon and pyjamas stay dry? You don't want me to wash your sheets every day do you?'

'Well...' the girl did not look too convinced. 'I guess that would be selfish of me.'

'Good,' the mother said, directing the girl into her room. 'Let me help you put in on so we know its on right.'

She screen went dark and the word, 'the next day' appeared.

The mother went into the daughters room and woke her up.

'You slept well,' the mother said.

'Yes,' the daughter smiled. 'But I still had an accident.' Her smile was gone.

'That's all right,' the mother said. 'Now let's get you changed.'

The scene faded and was replaced by a product shot of two packages, identical except one was blue and the other pink. The words, 'Platinum Undergarments,' appeared on the screen. 'For a healthy nights sleep.'

Ikuko watched the commercial, a little surprised. She could not see there being enough older children wetting their beds for such a product to be successful. The last time either Usagi or Shingo had wet their beds was when they had been around five. Of course if Usagi did wet her bed she could see the value in such a product.

Ikuko was shaken out of her thoughts by the door opening. She went back to the kitchen, still having a few things to do.


Usagi stood in front of the mirror, brushing her teeth. She had stayed up late watching TV, and then had to finish her homework. She spat the toothpaste out, then rinsed her mouth out. All she wanted to do was get to sleep. Tomorrow would come too early.

Yawning, Usagi padded to her room.


Ikuko was halfway through washing up the breakfast dishes, Shingo and Kenji had already left. As usual Usagi was still not up.

For some reason she put down the cloth she had and left the kitchen, heading to the stairs. Normally she just let Usagi get herself up. After all, she was nearly an adult. Soon she would be in university, or getting married. For some reason that morning Ikuko decided to wake her up.

She climbed the stairs and was about to knock on Usagi's door, like she usually did, but instead opened it. She crossed the room silently. Usagi did not wake. Luna, Usagi's cat, did wake, looking up at Ikuko from her place on the windowsill.

"Usagi, wake up," Ikuko said, pulling the sheets away from Usagi. She stopped suddenly, looking down at what was revealed. On the window sill Luna was also staring, looking just as surprised.

"What?" Usagi asked sleepily, blinking her eyes.

"Usagi, you wet your bed!" Ikuko said, sounding very surprised.

"Ahhh!" Usagi was suddenly awake. She bolted up in the bed, looking down at herself. Her pyjama bottoms and the sheets around her were stained yellow. It was a surprisingly big stain. Usagi stared, trying to figure out what had happened. She could not have just wet her bed. That was impossible. She had not had an accident like that since she was five. She blushed a deep shade of crimson.

Ikuko shook her head. "Go and get cleaned up," she told her. "You'll be late if you don't hurry. I'll clean up here."

"But..." Usagi started, trying to figure out what had happened.

"Hurry," Ikuko pulled her out of the bed and then, with one sweep, pulled Usagi's pyjama bottoms off, revealing her stained panties.

Usagi blushed even deeper. "Mom!"

"Hurry up. I have to get everything in the wash." She tossed the bottoms on the bed and then began to strip the sheets.

Usagi ran to the bathroom, crying.

By the time she had got control of herself and was back in her room her mother was gone. She dropped the pee stained panties in her dirty clothes hamper and then took off the pyjama top, which had also gotten a little wet. She noticed that her futon as well as her sheets were gone.

"What a bad girl you are Usagi," Luna said smugly.

Usagi looked over at Luna. "You better not tell anyone about this."

Luna gave her a cat smile. "If you get at least eighty points on the upcoming tests next week I won't say anything."

"Eighty!" Usagi could not believe it. Breaking 60 last time had been a major accomplishment in her opinion, but eighty, that was impossible.

"I'm sure Rei-chan would be very interested in this," Luna said.

"Okay," Usagi said, realising she was beaten. "I'll get eighty."

"Good," Luna said. "Usagi was hard to motivate, a little blackmail could not hurt, Luna decided.

A short time later Usagi was dressed for the day and was running out of her house. She saw that her mother was there, hanging her futon on the drying rod. The big yellow stain was rather obvious.

"Mother!" Usagi said, scandalised.

"It has to dry," her mother said matter of factly. "And if I don't put it in the sun it will smell. Now hurry up and get to school."

Usagi stared at the futon for a moment, then turned away and ran towards school. She prayed no one ever found out.


Usagi was not the only person in Junban who was waking up wet. Minako, woken by her mother, also discovered she was in a wet bed. Artemis would work out much the same agreement as Luna had reached with Usagi.

Makoto woke up in the middle of the night to discover her bed wet. She lived by herself, so there was no one to find out. She stripped the sheets and put them in the washing machine, and then clipped her wet futon out on the balcony rail to dry. She pulled a new futon out of her closet with new sheets and went back to sleep. On waking in the morning she found that she had once again wet.

Ami woke up and discovered that she had wet her bed as well. She went and told her mother and the both of them cleaned everything up. Her mother reassured her that everything would be all right and that things like that happened. Of course Mrs. Mizuno as a paediatrician knew that such things did not often happen with people Ami's age, not just like that. She decided that she would wait and see what came of it. It might be a one time thing.

Rei woke up earlier than usual, the cold, wet sheets did that. Deciding that she did not want her grandfather or Youichirou to find out cleaned up in secret. She had the sheets in the washing machine and the futon hanging up in a secluded place where no one would see it.

Such scenes were repeated all over Junban, mostly with mothers finding their sons or daughters had wet their beds.


In Usagi's class, much like in most junior and senior high classes in the area, the students were unnaturally quiet. Most were too tied up in their own concerns, that they had wet their beds, to pay much attention to the others. None of them was going to admit it to any of their friends either.

So the day passed quieter than usual. Most of the teachers were a bit confused, but decided the occasional quiet day was not so bad.


While their children were in school mothers went off to do some shopping. All of them had little trouble finding the Platinum Undergarments they had seen advertised. They only made sense after all, it was wrong for their children to have to wake up wet.

Most of them bought two or three of the packages, just in case the bedwetting continued.

The store owners, who had gotten the Platinum Undergarments without ordering them, were glad that they were selling so well. It was better than having the stock sit around. Many of them had doubted such a juvenile garment would sell to an older customer.


When the five young women met at the sweet shop they did not say much. Both Luna and Artemis were aware why Usagi and Minako, respectively, were upset, but could not understand why the others were. Both cats considered confiding in the other, but decided to keep the secret, as they had promised.

Earlier than usual the girls said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.


On her way home Makoto stopped in front of a drug store. In the window was an arrangement of pink and blue boxes. Platinum Undergarments the legend on the boxes said. Absorbent undergarments. Maybe that's what I need, she thought to herself. Then she shook her head. It was just a fluke and would not happen again. And even if it did, no one would ever know.


Rei went out of her way on her way home, finding a drug store some distance away from her home and school. She wished she was not wearing her uniform, it made her easy to identify. She settled for taking the jacket off and putting it away in her briefcase. Not much, but it made her feel a little better.

She went into the drug store and wandered around, looking at shampoo and things, waiting for the customers there to leave. When she was alone, but for the older woman at the cash register, she drifted to the back of the store where the things she wanted were.

She looked at the adult diapers, not bothering with the heavy duty ones. All she needed was something to keep her dry at night. She found what she was looking for, kind of a belted undergarment. It looked very little like a diaper.

"Oh, surely you don't want that," the older woman said as Rei took them from the shelf.

"What?" Rei asked, a little surprised. She had not noticed the woman approaching.

"These will be much better for you," the woman said, holding up a package of Platinum Undergarments. "They will keep you nice and dry."

"Ah, no, these aren't for me. And these will be fine," Rei told her. She looked at the pink box the woman was holding. It looked like something for babies.

"But those might not keep you as dry, you don't want that do you?" the woman asked, reaching for the package Rei was holding.

"These will be fine," Rei said, getting a little angry. She pulled the box away from the woman and took a step back. "I would like to buy them."

The woman looked a little surprised, but then nodded and put the Platinum Undergarments away. "Of course. I just thought you would like the be as dry as possible."

"They aren't for me," Rei said, fighting to keep her tone of voice level.

The woman nodded, and walked back towards the cash register. Rei followed, wondering if the world had gone crazy.


Usagi finished her homework early. She did not feel like watching TV. She was a little worried about the possibility of wetting the bed again. She told herself that it was unlikely. After all, it was not as if she was sick or anything. It had been just one of those things.

She had herself convinced of that by the time she went to get ready for bed. She changed into her pyjamas and went to brush her teeth. When she returned to her room she found her mother waiting for her.

"Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Usagi, I don't want you sleeping in a wet bed."


"So, just in case it happens again, I bought these." She took the box of Platinum Undergarments from behind her back. "This way you won't have to deal with wet pyjamas or wet sheets. Isn't that nice." Ikuko said. She opened the box and removed one of the garments.

Usagi stared at the pink object. "It's a diaper," she said in a voice barely above a whisper. Luna was staring wide eyed at what was going on. It was getting very weird.

"It's an Absorbent Undergarment," Ikuko said.

"It's pink."

"That's just to differentiate of from the boys."

"There are bunnies on it."

"You like bunnies." Ikuko looked to the few bunny toys in the room. "There were also kitties, but I knew you'd like the bunnies more."

"I'm not wearing that," Usagi said.

"It's bad for you to be in wet clothes, and you won't get a good sleep."

"I don't care. I won't wear that."

"Usagi," her mother's tone grew a little hard. "I don't want you sleeping in wet pyjamas and in wet sheets. Neither do I want to wash them and I don't think you want your wet futon on display do you?"

"No," Usagi said looking at the ground.

"Then this is for the best. Now take of your pyjama bottoms and panties then lie on your bed."

"What? You are going to put them on me?" Usagi was terribly shocked.

"If they are not on right they might leak," her mother explained.

"I can put my own diapers on," Usagi said, then blushed as she realised exactly what she had said.

"Usagi, do as I say," Ikuko said in a soft voice that was full mother mode.

There was no way Usagi could disobey her mother. She slid the pyjama bottoms off and then her panties. While she lay down on the bed Ikuko gathered up the clothing, folded it neatly and placed it on Usagi's vanity.

"Lift your hips," she told Usagi.

Usagi did so. Her mother slid the diaper under her, then gently pushed on Usagi's stomach so she lowered herself onto it. She then pulled it up between her legs and began to carefully fasten it. "I should have got some lotion and powder," her mother said.

"Mother!" Usagi said in a loud whisper.

"It will be more comfortable that way," Ikuko said simply as she finished putting the diaper on Usagi. She checked it to make sure it was on right, then pulled the sheets up over Usagi and tucked her in. Usagi blushed deeply. It had been a long time since her mother had done that.

Ikuko kissed Usagi on the forehead. "Goodnight," she said, then walked out of the room, turning off the light as she went.

"What's happening Luna?" Usagi asked, near tears.

"I'm not sure," Luna said, "but it is strange."


Similar scenes were playing out all over the town as mothers got their teenage sons and daughters into their diapers. Minako's mother had lotion and powder when she diapered her daughter. Ami's mother on the other hand, as much as she thought she should do it, let Ami take care of it herself. After all, Ami did know how to take care of herself.

Rei put on her undergarment, tightened the belts and then went to sleep.

Makoto put a plastic sheet on her futon, just in case, and went to sleep.


"Usagi-chan, wake up," Ikuko said as she gently shook her daughter.

"Wha..." Usagi yawned. "I had the weirdest dream she said softly."

"That's nice," Ikuko said, pulling Usagi's sheets back.

Usagi was surprised by that, even more surprised by what her mother said next. "You're very wet."

Usagi sat up and looked at herself. She was wearing a diaper. It had not been a dream. What's more, it was a wet diaper. The bunnies on it were a much darker colour now, like a neon sign indicating she had wet herself.

"You're brother and father are downstairs so no one will see you," her mother said, handing Usagi her pyjama bottoms. "Go and get yourself cleaned up."

Usagi nodded, too shocked to do anything else. It was the second time she had wet herself in her sleep.

Her mother was checking the bed. "Perfectly dry," she announced. "They work perfectly."

Usagi looked outside of her room to make sure no one was about, then made a dash for the bathroom. Luna was on her heels.

"What's happening?" Usagi asked as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

"I'm not sure," the cat said. "Maybe this is some sort of attack."

"From who? And why like this?" Usagi began to un-tape the diaper.

"I don't know," Luna admitted. "I'm sure we can find out. And maybe this is nothing beyond what it seems to be."


"Maybe you are just wetting the bed."

"Oh, thanks."

"Well it might be the simplest explanation."

"I don't want a simple explanation," Usagi said as she removed the diaper and set it aside. She soaked a wash cloth with warm water and began to clean herself.

"We'll find out," Luna said.

When Usagi left the bathroom she had her diaper folded up into a tight ball and hidden under her pyjama top and was wearing the bottoms.

She got dressed and went downstairs, just catching her father as he was going out the door.

"You're up early," he observed.

"Uh, yea," Usagi tried. It was the cleverest she could come up with.

Kenji nodded and left the house.

Her mother came up to her. "Where's your diaper Usagi-chan."

"In my waste basket, and it's an absorbent undergarment."

"Oh yes," Ikuko laughed. "I forgot. Well, I'll make sure it gets thrown out. There is no reason your brother has to find out about this."

Usagi nodded, relieved that her mother felt that way.

"Get breakfast and go to school," she said, heading up the stairs to Usagi's room.


Ami and Minako, as well as many others, woke to similar experiences as Usagi.

Rei woke to find her protective undergarment a little wet, but not badly so. It certainly had not leaked.

Makoto woke to wet sheets, but not terribly so. She put the sheets in the washing machine, cleaned the plastic sheet off, and then went about her standard routine.


Copper stood in the middle of the small warehouse. A strange machine, made up of many hoses and cables, was vibrating almost obscenely as it squeezed out packages of Platinum Undergarments.

"Are there any problems?" he asked the cloaked figure.

"None at all. The energy is coming, absorbed and directed here by the diapers." The Figure pointed at a silver ball that was spinning slowly in the air. "More energy will come soon."

"Good," Copper said. Soon those wearing Platinum Undergarments would start having day time accidents, and there would be other embarrassing changes as well. Eventually they would loose control completely. By then of course he would have collected the energy he needed for the first anchor point and his victims would no longer matter.


Later in the evening, when all he girls had gone home, Artemis and Luna met.

"Something odd is happening," Luna said.

"I agree," Artemis told her.

"Usagi is wetting her bed," the black cat said.

"What?! Minako is also," the white cat told Luna.

"Now that is very strange."

"What could be causing it?"

"I don't know. But tomorrow we are going to have to talk to them and figure this all out.


"Maybe I should see a doctor," Usagi said as her mother diapered her. This time she had brought baby lotion and baby powder.

"Oh, I don't think so," Ikuko said. "This is perfectly natural."


"Look," she held out the package of Platinum Undergarments. "It says right here that most children your age wet their bed. It's all right." She pointed at some lettering on the box.

"But that's not true," Usagi said. She knew many people her own age and none of them wet their beds. Well, not that she knew of.

"Of course its true," her mother said. "It's written on the package." She put the box aside. "Good night honey," she said, tucking Usagi in.

"This is too weird," Usagi said once her mother had left the room.

"It certainly is," Luna said. "Minako-san is also wetting her bed."

"What?" Usagi asked, not sure if she believed it.

"Artemis and I also scouted out Junban. It seems you are not the only ones. It is like an epidemic."

"So I'm not a bed wetter," Usagi said happily.

"Well, you are, but probably not a natural one."

"What can we do?"

"We'll have to talk with the others tomorrow and figure it out."


"Usagi, wake up," Ikuko called out.

Usagi mumbled, "I'm tired, just a few more minutes." Ikuko pulled the covers off her daughter. Usagi shivered in the cold air. "I just want a few more minutes." She felt exhausted.

"You're very wet this morning," Ikuko said, and then reached down to give the diaper a gentle squeeze, noting at how sodden it was.

"Mom!" Usagi sat up, much more awake. She couldn't believe what her mother was doing.

"Go and get cleaned up," her mother handed her her pyjama bottoms. "Unless you want me to do it."

"No!" Usagi jumped out of her bed. "I'll do it," and she almost ran to her door.

In the bathroom she got another surprise. She took off her diaper and was reaching for a wash cloth when she noticed something. Her pubic hair was gone. Then she noticed it was not gone, most of it was in her diaper.

What was happening? She felt her face grow hot with blood and knew she was blushing. She was so embarrassed by it. It made her feel like such a child. Was she really sick? She looked in the mirror and pulled at the hair on her head, but none of it came out.

Was Minako going through the same thing? Were others? How could she ask anyone. Her mother did not seem disturbed by any of it, which was rather weird.

There was a soft knock at the door. "Usagi, hurry up," Ikuko said softly. "Do you need help?"

"No," Usagi almost yelled, but she kept her voice controlled. She soaked the washcloth in warm water and cleaned herself up.


Of course Usagi was not the only teenager in the area waking up wet, and finding that their pubic hair was gone. Most were just as embarrassed and confused as her.

Two exceptions were Rei and Makoto who woke up dry and happy for it.


At school Makoto, no longer wrapped up in her own concerns about her bed wetting, noticed that most of the other students were acting strange. They were all rather quiet.

After lunch, when all the students were cleaning the school, she noticed Minako and Usagi off to the side, talking quietly. When she approached them both of them stopped talking and looked embarrassed.

"What's going on?" she asked them.

"Well..." Usagi trailed off.

"It's just that...." Minako trailed off. She sighed and straightened her shoulders. "Usagi and I are wetting our beds," she said softly.

"You too?"

"Mako-chan, are you...?" Usagi began.

"I was, but not anymore it seems."

"Artemis and Luna tell us that this is happening all over Junban," Minako told her.


"And our mothers are making us wear diapers," Usagi said very quietly, blushing deeply.

"And it isn't such a rare thing."

Makoto nodded. "Could this be an attack?"

"We don't know. Luna and Artemis want us to meat at Crown today after school so we can figure things out."

"I'll be there," Makoto said.

All three went back to cleaning their area before any of the teachers yelled at them. Usagi was sweeping up a cloak room when she heard a loud gasp. She turned around and saw Naru Osaka standing not far off. She had a horrified look on her face and was pushing at her skirt. Usagi wondered what was happening, then she heard a soft, splashing sound. She looked down and saw a puddle of urine growing between Naru's feet and pressing in on her skirt caused it to get wet as well.

Naru blushed a deep red and began shaking her head. A moment later she began to cry. People were looking on, but few were saying anything. There was a look of concern on all their faces. Usagi understood it, she herself was worried she might have a similar accident.

"Everyone, get back to work," a teacher called as he came up to Naru. He put his hands on her shoulders and directed her towards the stairs. "Get a mop and clean this up," he ordered some boys. Naru cried louder at that.

Usagi put her broom aside and followed after Naru and the teacher. The teacher led her to the nurses room, took her in, and then left. As Usagi waited for Naru to come out she saw several more students go into the nurses offices. Some had obviously wet themselves.

After several minutes Naru came out. She was still wearing her skirt with its damp patch. She sniffed loudly, looked around and saw Usagi. She ran up to Usagi and put her arms around her old friend.

"It's going to be all right," she told Naru, unable to think of anything else.

"Oh Usagi-san," Naru said in a whisper. "The nurse put me in a diaper."


"She said it was for the best. It's just like with my mother."

"I know," Usagi said, holding Naru tighter, comforting her.


The rest of the day passed at high tension. Several more students wet themselves, and classes were further disrupted by the students' constant need to go to the bathroom.

Usagi managed to avoid wetting herself, but it had been close. Her panties were a little damp from close calls.

After school she knew she was supposed to meet with the others, but she did not want to take a chance. She went right home.

"I'm home," she said as she came into the house. She just wanted to go up to her room and hide under the covers.

"Usagi," her mother called in a tone that was not angry, but certainly brooked no nonsense. "Come with me." Ikuko turned and walked towards the stairs. Usagi wondered if she had done anything wrong and followed her mother up the stairs and then into her room.

Ikuko turned around and grasped Usagi around the waist. She loosened the bow on the back of her skirt, then unzipped it, letting it fall to the floor. It happened so fast Usagi did not even think to stop her.

"Naru-chan's mother called me," Ikuko said as she grasped Usagi's panties and pulled them down. "I was worried about this," she said as she saw the yellow stains.

"Mom!? What are you doing?"

"This is for the best," Ikuko said as she stood up, took Usagi by the shoulders and directed her towards the bed where a diaper was lain out.

"But those are jut for the night."

"Obviously not," Ikuko said, looking at the stained underwear that had fallen around Usagi's ankles.

Usagi could not come up with an argument against that and let her mother put her down on the bed and diaper her. Then Ikuko reached for something else. She gave it a shake and it snapped out. It was a set of bright yellow plastic pants.


"The diaper might leak when you are moving around. This will make sure you stay dry." Ikuko said as she threaded Usagi's socked feet through the leg holes then drew it up her legs. "There we go," she said, pulling them up around the diaper. "That will keep you dry."

That done Ikuko turned and walked out of the room.

Usagi lay there for a minute, trying to figure out what had just happened. Then she turned herself over and began to cry into her pillow.

When her wrist communicator began to beep she ignored it at first. She was so embarrassed, and so tired. Finally she brought the watch towards her face. "What?"

"Usagi-chan, this is Makoto, where are you?"

"I'm at home Mako-chan."

"We were supposed to meet at Fruits Parlour Crown."

"I'm sorry. It was a bad day."

"Rei-chan and I are already here. She's called Ami and Minako. Get over here."

Usagi sighed. "I'll be there soon," she said, the cut the communicator's transmission.

Usagi got out of her bed and took off her uniform blouse. She walked over to her closet and removed some clothes, picking a long skirt that would hang loose on her. She hoped it would also muffle the faint crinkling sound from the diaper and plastic pants.

Once she got dressed she went down stairs and walked to the front door. "I'm going out for a while mom," she called as she put her shoes on.

Ikuko leaned out of the kitchen. "Try to be home early," she said. "And take your bag." She indicated a grey and red knapsack by the door before going into the kitchen.

Usagi stared at the bag for a moment, it was brand new. She picked it up and opened it. Inside were a few diapers, a pair of pink plastic pants, baby wipes, baby lotion and powder. She could not believe it. Her mother had prepared her a diaper bag.

She closed it up and took it, not because she wanted to, but because she did not want her mother to get angry at her.


She arrived last, entering the sweet store, seeing the other four girls and two cats sitting at their regular table. Usagi crossed the floor and took a seat. "Sorry I'm late," she said glumly.

"Well, now that we are all here, let's talk about what is happening," Luna began. "For some reason there seems to be a lot of junior high and senior high students wetting their beds."

"And having daytime problems as well," Ami said, being clinical about it.

"But neither Makoto or Rei seem to be having such problems," Artemis said.

"That's not fair," Usagi said, looking at Rei.

"Fair or not is not important Usagi," Luna said.

"Why aren't Rei-chan and I having these problems?" Makoto asked.

"Well, we'll have to consider exactly what happened," Ami said.

Everyone looked at each other, and then everyone's attention shifted to Usagi. As their future queen it seemed she had the responsibility.

Usagi sighed. "Okay. Well, on Tuesday morning I woke up and found I had wet the bed. Actually, my mother discovered it first."

"That's what happened to me," Minako said.

The other three girls nodded.

"That night," Usagi paused, took a deep breath, then continued, "my mother made me wear diapers."

Ami and Minako nodded.

"I didn't bother with diapers," Makoto said.

"Really?" Luna sounded interested.

"I used them," Rei said, blushing slightly. "I did not want my grandfather to find out."

"When I woke up Wednesday morning I had once again wet my bed, well, the diaper." Usagi blushed.

"Me too," Minako said.

"That happened with me as well," Ami said.

"My mother did not seem to think it was a problem though," Usagi told them.

"Yea," Minako said.

"My mother seems to be confused," Ami said. "She knows that it is not right, but she does not act to concerned. She has given me a physical examination and says that nothing is wrong."

"That is very strange," Luna said.

"I had an accident on Wednesday, but it was not very much," Rei said. Makoto nodded.

"So it was lessening for you?" Artemis asked.

Both girls nodded.

"This morning I was wet again," Usagi said.

"Did you loose your pubic hair?" Ami asked, still being clinical.

Usagi and Minako both blushed, then nodded.

"That did not happen to me," Rei said.

"Me neither," Makoto added.

"I almost wet myself a few times today," Usagi said. "And when I got home my mother put me in a diaper." Usagi said, adding the last horrible detail.

Ami nodded as did Minako.

"I have not had any daytime problems," Makoto said.

Rei nodded.

"So why are Rei-chan and Makoto-chan all right now?" Luna asked.

"Usagi, what sort of diapers did your mother use?" Ami asked.

"They are called Platinum Undergarments," Usagi said, staring down at her lap. The diaper was getting a little uncomfortable.

"Those were the same my mother used as well," Minako said.

Ami nodded. "Mine as well."

"Not me," Rei said. "But the woman at the store wanted me to buy them."

"I didn't even bother with that, I put a plastic sheet on my futon," Makoto told them.

They all looked at each other for a moment. "Usagi. Let me see your diapers," Ami said as she pulled her pocket computer out.

"What!?" Usagi asked.

Minako and Makoto shifted around, pushing Usagi so she was covered by the table and them, giving her privacy. Rei reached around and pulled Usagi's skirt up.

"Hey," Usagi said, trying to keep her voice low. Ami moved close, scanning with her computer.

"Don't be such a baby," Rei said, smiling cruelly. "Nice plastic pants."

Usagi flushed deeply.

"Anything Ami?" Luna asked.

"There is a strange energy field around the diaper, and it seems to be draining off something."

Rei pulled at Usagi's plastic pants. "You're wet," she said.

Usagi blushed even more and tears began to gather in her eyes.

"The power being drained off just increased," Ami said. "It must have something to do with embarrassment."

"Can you find out where the energy is going?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Then let's go," Luna said, then jumped to the floor.

Usagi smoothed her skirt down, and looked angrily at Rei.

Rei simply smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

The five girls and the two cats left the sweet shop, letting Ami lead them. Rei helped every now and then by teasing Usagi, increasing her shame and the power leaving her.


"Is that it?" Luna asked, looking at the small warehouse Ami had led them to.

"I'm certain of it," Ami said. "Whatever is causing this is in there."

"Well then let's transform and take care of this," Usagi said. Between the teasing from Rei and the way the wet diaper was rubbing at her, she was more than a little angry.

The others nodded and brought out their transformation pens, Usagi opened her broach. The girls called out to the power of their planets and the elements of their control spun around them like mini vortexes, clothing them in their sailor warrior uniforms.

"Let's go," Sailor Moon said, heading towards the warehouse.


Copper looked at the silver ball, the repository for the energy of shame. It was spinning faster now. It was gathering more energy than he had expected. His plan was looking to be quite successful.

Then the door opened letting in bright light. He turned towards it. Standing in the doorway were five girls in strange costumes.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

"We are the Sailor Warriors," they said in a unison brought on by much practice. "Fighters for love and justice. For your cruelty and in the name of the moon we will punish you!"

"Who?" he asked.

"You heard us," Sailor Moon yelled. "I'm Sailor Moon and you've made me really angry."

Copper sighed. He did not know who these girls were, but it seemed they knew something. He looked over at the clocked figure. "Deal with them."

The cloaked figure threw off her cloak. Revealed was a tall woman with dark brown skin, like mahogany. She wore a black dress, with white lace and a white apron that shone like rubber. "Nanny will take care of you," she called out, bringing her hands together. A ball of light formed between them and then from the light shot forth a hail of pacifiers.

They slammed into the sailor warriors, like rubber bullets, knocking them down, making them scream. Nanny laughed as Copper looked on smugly. They were easily dealt with.

Sailor Moon hit the ground hard and, much to her distress, she felt her bladder let go. The pristine whiteness of her uniform's panties was stained an obvious yellow. The short blue skirt of the uniform hid little of it.

"Oh ho," Nanny called out. "It looks like a little girl needs some help. Auper, help her."

The machine that had been producing the Platinum Undergarments stopped vibrating. Two lights, like eyes, lit up on the machine. Several hoses snapped free and exploded towards Sailor Moon. They wrapped around her, pulling her toward it.

Sailor Moon screamed and beat at the hoses, but they would not release. Two of the hoses snuck up under her panties and simply tore them off. Others brought a pair of Platinum Undergarments towards her, as well as a baby wipe and in a moment she was in the diapers. It also slid a pair of plastic pants on her. Bright pink, with big ruffles. Her short skirt did nothing to hide them and it was terribly obvious she was diapered.

It had happened all so very fast. Sailor Moon did nothing for a moment, then she began to cry. It was so unfair.

As Nanny continued to spray the girls with pacifiers Sailor Venus and Sailor Mercury also ended up wetting themselves. Auper sprung into action, grabbing both up in its hoses and cables, diapering them. Even though Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter had not wet themselves, Auper was trying to get them as well.

Sailor Jupiter leapt over a tangle of hoses and spun, calling out, "Oak Evolution." From around her body appeared a storm of oak leaves. The leaves then glowed with power and shot out from her, ripping into Auper.

For a moment the machine jerked around, firing out Platinum Undergarments, flailing around with its hoses and cables, then it exploded.

"Sailor Moon, now!" Mars screamed, more out of habit than anything else.

Sailor Moon was still sitting on the floor, crying loudly. Obviously she was not going to be of help.

"Oh well," Mars said, then moved into her stance. "Flame Sniper," she called out loudly, drawing forth a bow made of fire, pulling back a string of fire, readying an arrow of fire.

The arrow leapt forth, burning into and through Nanny.

The woman looked down at the hole that went through her. She looked up at Rei. "You are a very naughty girl," she said, then she became a fine, grey dust that rained down to the floor.

Copper, surprised at how quickly Nanny and her servant had been dealt with, decided that he had better retreat. He held out his hand and the spinning silver sphere came to him. "We will meet again Sailor Girls," he called out, then faded away.

Around the room, from packages of Platinum Undergarments, a black mist seem to rise up, then dissipated. The mist also came out of the diapers Sailors Moon, Mercury and Venus were wearing.

They all looked around, Sailor Moon stopped crying.

"Is it over," Jupiter asked.

"I think so," Luna said.

"What about us?" Venus asked, waving at the diaper she was wearing.

"I think that we will all be back to normal in a few days," Mercury said. She had brought out her computer. "None of us were wearing these long enough for it to become permanent."

"Are they safe now?" Sailor Moon asked, looking down as the diaper she wore.

"Yes, the energy is gone from them. They are just normal diapers now."


"You have not collected as much energy as you promised Lord Copper," Empress Platinum said. She stood upon a raised platform. Around her were sparkling, bright pastel fields.

"I know my Empress," he said, bowing low. "I was attacked by a group calling themselves that Sailor Warriors. They destroyed my servants. I did get some power." He held up the sphere.

"These Sailor Warriors attacked you?"

"Yes my Empress."

"That is like attacking me!" Platinum screeched. "That cannot be allowed. They must be punished."

"Yes my Empress."

She looked at him for a moment. "You will gather the energy we need to complete the first anchor point, and you will find out about these Sailor Warriors."

"Yes my Empress."

"Do not fail me Copper, or I will return you with the others."

"Of course," he said, sounding uncomfortable.

"Do your work."


Usagi lay on her bed, happily reading a comic book. She was still wearing a diaper, but her mother no longer seemed interested in helping her with them and was very worried about Usagi. Usagi told her it was probably some sort of flu and if she was not better in a day or two then she should go to a doctor. From what Ami had said she was fairly sure that she would be fine in a day or two.

She was still bothered by the diaper she wore, but she knew that she was not going to have to wear it for all that long.

"Shouldn't you be studying?" Luna asked.

"Why?" Usagi did not look up from her comic. "The other's know, and it was not my fault. I don't care what you tell the others."

Luna sighed.


It was nearly a week after they had dealt with Nanny and her machine, the girls had met in the sweet shop as usual.

"Everyone is better now," Ami told them. "My mother heard from a lot of parents after our battle, but no one is wetting their beds or themselves now."

"Well I'm glad that is over," Makoto said.

"Me too." Minako nodded.

"But we might have a new enemy," Artemis said, being serious.

"Well, we'll deal with them," Rei said happily. "Right Usagi?"

"Uh, yea," Usagi said.

"Usagi-chan, are you all right?" Makoto asked.

"Sure," Usagi said a little too fast.

Rei looked at Usagi for a moment, then reached forward and flipped up Usagi's skirt revealing the pink diaper she wore.

Usagi screamed and quickly pushed her skirt down.

"Oh no," Ami said. "Didn't you get better?"

"I did," Usagi said, tears in her eyes.

"Then why?"

Usagi sniffed. "I failed the tests I wrote and my mother told me I could wear these until I stopped acting like such a child."

All the others almost fell off their chairs.

"Well, that is going to be a long time," Rei said.

"Rei, you're mean!"

"At least they are suitable for you."

"Rei!" Usagi began to cry.

Ami put a comforting hand on Usagi's shoulder. "It will be all right, I'll help you study, you won't have to wear them that long."

Makoto, Minako, Luna and Artemis sighed loudly.

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