
I'll see you Tonight
by Incognito Himitsu 2002
Based on situations created by Yoshiyuki Tomino
Gundam Wing owned by Bandai and Sunrise
Used without permission

Do not post or archive without permission

There was a slight tingle, then warmth began to spread between her legs, and then down her stockings, before sprinkling down on the ground between her feet. The wetness spread along her panties, dampening the back of her skirt ever so slightly. She stood there, breathlessly, her face red with shame, and finished wetting herself.

The dampness began to creep down the silk of her stockings, along the inside of her thighs, down to her knees before finally stopping. She was thoroughly wet, and yet there was little sign of it, beyond a damp patch on the back of her skirt, hardly noticeable on the black material.

She stood there for a time, in the dark place between buildings, letting the last of the piss drip to the ground. She took a deep breath, trying to still force her face to a façade of calm, waiting until the warmth left her cheeks. Then she stepped out into the night of the colony, walking amongst the people, accepting the anonymity of the crowd.

She was well dressed. A black skirt, ending a few centimetres above her knees, a white blouse, fastened with golden buttons, and a jacket, tight at the waist, flaring out below, and padded shoulders. She wore a scarf about her neck, a dark red that caught the highlights of her golden-brown hair. She was quite beautiful, her large, Nile-blue eyes expressive, though at the time they were somewhat dull.

Her name was Relena Darlian, though once it had been Peacecraft, and she was vice foreign minister for the new world government. She was a beautiful, powerful young woman, who had, incongruously, just pissed herself like a small child.

She could feel the damp material of her stockings rubbing against her legs as she walked; the drying urine had begun to irritate the skin, making each step a slight, but growing, discomfort. She might have tried to walk with her legs part, if that would not have resulted in her waddling. She had no desire to call attention to herself.

She could feel the irritation about the tender flesh between her legs and wished she did not have so far to walk. She did, however, and there was no use in wishing otherwise. She walked along, trying to ignore irritation that was turning to pain, and the many emotions clashing within her. Shame was up there. How could she have wet herself like that? And there was anger, anger at herself. Fear was also in the mix, she was terrified that someone might recognise her, and then notice the fact she was wet.

As she walked she felt more and more like crying, and sometimes, serriptiously, brushed at her eyes, taking the tears away from they could fall.

She was near her breaking point. It was all too much. She felt her legs grown weak under her, and knew she was about to fall and lie upon the ground. Then for certain they would be discovered. The vice foreign minister, collapsed and wet on the street. It would make a good story for the newspaper. She was probably being a little too melodramatic, but she could not help herself.

That was when the gold limousine pulled up beside her, the gull wing door opening.

"Relena, why don't you get in," a familiar voice called from within.

Relena stopped and turned to look in the car. There sat, though lounged might have been a better word, Dorothy Catalonia, wearing a tight, black evening dress. Her long, almost white blonde hair pull back from her face with a black ribbon, her light blue eyes flashing in the dim interior of the car.

She shook her head slightly, taking a step back.

"You need not worry. I've put a towel on the seat, you won't ruin the leather."

That stopped Relena's retreat, the fact that Dorothy knew. She was like a small animal caught in the headlights of a car, unable to move.

A pale hand reached from the car, grasped Relena's hand, and then pulled her within. A moment later the door closed and the limousine pulled away from the side of the street, speeding off down the road.

Inside Relena sat upon a thick towel, as promised, and stared down at her lap. Being able to sit down, taking the weight off her feet, the lessening of the irritation between her thighs, was a luxury. She did not look up to thank her saviour.

"Well Relena," Dorothy said after a minute, "would you like to explain what you are doing?"

If there had been a satisfactory answer Relena might have given it. As it was she could think of no way of explaining, so she kept silent.

"This is not the first time this has happened," Dorothy said. It was obviously not a question. "For a few nights you have been having this little," she paused, "problem."

Relena felt her face grow hot. How did Dorothy know what she had been doing? She had thought, wrongly it seemed, that no one knew what she was doing. She had been terrified of discovery, even as she did it. Now it seemed she had been discovered. Somehow that took some of the pressure off her.

"It's very odd," Dorothy said. "Why would a young woman want to wet herself, I don't think I could say." Her tone was very clinical. "I could guess, however, some of the reasons behind it. You are lonely, since almost everyone is gone, and your position keeps people away from you. The position itself is quite powerful, and forces a lot of responsibility on you. And then there is the fact that you may being feeling guilty for the past."

Relena listed to what Dorothy said and wondered if she was right. She did not know what had made her decide to wet herself one night, and then walk back to her house with the discomfort of the wet clothing making itself obvious with each step. She did not know why she had repeated it, almost as if she had hoped to get caught.

"Your actions are something of a punishment for you. They are a cry for attention. They are a giving up of responsibility. What do you think?"

"That's not it," Relena answered, even as she wondered if it was.

"Poor Relena," Dorothy said, a slight mocking in her tone. "Do you think you were forced to grow up to fast?"

"No," Relena said, and suddenly wondered if she did feel that.

"Looking for attention, punishment and giving up responsibility, and you chose to regress your bladder control to achieve it. It is like you want to be a child once more."

"No," Relena said, shaking her head. She knew she did not want to be a child.

Dorothy sighed loudly. "Then why are you wetting yourself like one? I mean, you could have shoved a plug up your bottom and lived with the discomfort of that."

Relena winced a Dorothy's sharp tone, and at the idea of pushing something up her bottom. "That's not how it is," she offered if a low voice.

Dorothy laughed at that. "All the ways to indulge in self punishment and you can only think to stand on the street and pee in your pants. Pathetic."

She winced again at the charge.

"You are not pathetic, however, Miss Relena," Dorothy said, her tone that of an old respect. "More likely that you just cannot control yourself. You do need some help right now. I suppose it falls on me, since none of the others are here to look after you."

Relena was not sure what Dorothy meant. That she was going to help her seemed, at the moment, to be a good thing. She needed the ride home, at least.


It was not her home that she was taken to, but to a set of townhouses near the centre of the colony.

"Why are we here?" Relena asked.

"This is my home here," Dorothy explained as she opened the door of the limousine. Before getting out she grasped Relena's had. Relena was forced to follow, or to resist. She did not feel up to resisting at that moment and passively followed after Dorothy.

The area around the houses was lit well enough for safety, but still dark enough too allow privacy. Dorothy led Relena up the brick walkway to the door of the house farthest from the road. As they approached to door opened. A young woman dressed in a maids uniformed appeared and curtsied before Dorothy.

Relena suddenly began to reconsider with the appearance of another person, and she began to slow. Dorothy responded by gripping her tighter about the wrist and pulling. Relena had to either follow or make something of a scene to break free. Not quite up to a scene, she followed.

"Lisa," Dorothy said, addressing the woman. "Miss Relena will be staying over this evening. Is the guess room ready?"

"Yes madam," Lisa answered respectfully.

"Very good." And Dorothy breezed pass the maid with Relena in tow.

She was led up a set of stairs and into a room a short distance down the hall. Dorothy closed the door behind them, then spun Relena about and began to unbutton her jacket.

Relena had regained enough of her composure to reach out to stop Dorothy. She was surprised when Dorothy grabbed her by the shoulder, turned her, and laid some quick swats across the seat of her skirt. The slaps, though not hard, reminded her of the damp panties she wore, and caused the irritated skin to sting.

"Let's not be noisy about this, we would not want the maid to find out what is going on," Dorothy told her in a simple, no nonsense tone.

Relena let her arms drop to her side, not about to fight. She had been cowed by the threat of exposure, and also, not that she wanted to admit it, the spanking.

"That's better," Dorothy told her as she took the jacket off of the unresisting Relena and tossed it to the side.

Next she undid the side zipper of the skirt, letting it fall to a pile of material at Relena's feet. She stood back and stated at her. Relena felt her face grow warm. The dampness of her stockings was more obvious, and the tails of the blouse were stained yellow by urine.

Making a 'tsking' sound, Dorothy stepped in close and removed the blouse, leaving Relena clad only in the stained, white, silk panties, the stockings, and bra. Dorothy did not remove those last items of clothing. Instead she took the bow from Relena's hair, letting it fall free. She removed the small bit of jewellery that Relena wore, and the picked up a handkerchief and wiped the makeup from the other woman's face.

That done she reached up and took Relena's bra off. Relena raised her hands to cover her breasts, blushing once more. Dorothy watched her, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Then she tossed the bra aside and reached down to grasping the waistband of the stockings. In a quick motion she pulled them down to Relena's ankles.

"Step out," Dorothy said.

Relena did as she was told.

Dorothy took the soiled garment and carried over to the room's small trashcan. She held the item of clothing above the can for a moment, and then let it drop. The fell, gently, into the plastic lined embrace of the receptacle.

Dorothy walked around to stand behind Relena. Relena could not help but shiver, but she did not look back at her saviour and tormentor. She felt Dorothy's fingers gently trace the line of her spine, until they reached the waistband of her panties. She felt the garment pulled back, letting the room's cool airflow across her buttocks. Then she let it snap back against the tender flesh.

Relena gasped, and felt tears in her, from surprise rather than pain. And at that moment Dorothy pulled the yellow, stained panties down to her knees. They fell on their own down around her ankles, leaving Relena standing their, naked, her entire body warm with a flush that went from her face to her toes.

With a gentle hand on her shoulder, Dorothy directed Relena to the bed. "Lay down," she ordered, and it was an order

Relena let herself be directed back onto the bed, lying on the soft quilt, her feet still on the floor. She looked up at Dorothy, wondering what the woman had in store for her. She had her breasts covered with her left arm, her right hand between her legs, in a futile attempt of modesty. Dorothy stared down at her, her eyes unreadable. Then she turned and crossed the room.

From the top of a chest of drawers she picked up a bottle. She carried it back and opened it. From within the bottle she squeezed a thick, white liquid until it filled her palm. The bottle fell to the quilt; Dorothy rubbed her hands together, and then knelt down and started rubbing the cream into Relena's thighs.

Relena gasped in surprise, but she could immediately feel the irritation fade, leaving behind a cool feeling. She could not help herself, but relaxed herself to Dorothy's ministrations, letting her hands ease away the pain.

Dorothy slowly massaged the cream into Relena's irritated flesh, applying fresh cream when needed. She gently removed Relena's hand from over her pubis, moved it aside, and then began rubbing the cream over her mound, her fingers brushing through the pubic hair.

Relena felt uncomfortable, though a little aroused, with Dorothy's actions. She was a little confused by the fact Dorothy did not need to be fazed in the slightest by what was happening. For all the emotion she was showing she might as well as have been brushing Relena's hair as apposed to rubbing cream into the tender flesh between her legs.

"Turn over," Dorothy said as she reached for the bottle again.

Relena did as she was told, truing over onto her stomach. She felt Dorothy's gently but sure hands start rubbing the cream onto the back of her thighs. She shivered slightly as Dorothy's hands began to run the lotion into her bottom, and then gasped as the halves of her buttocks were spread and Dorothy began to apply the cream there was well.

It was all over after a time that was far too long and far too short at the same time. When Relena turned onto her back she could see Dorothy was wiping her hands clean with a handkerchief. Dorothy was cool, and calm and collected as she always was, which made Relena feel small and flustered. She could not think of anything to say.

It was apparent she need not have.

"Get under the covers," Dorothy all but ordered. "You need some rest," she finished in a slightly less authoritative tone.

Relena did as she had been told, shifting about on the bed and then sliding her naked body beneath the clean, cool sheets.

Dorothy tuned the lights off, plunging the room into darkness. Light leaked in from the hall as Dorothy exited the room and was cut off as the door closed.

Relena lay there, trying to put her thoughts into order, but she was tired and exhausted and was soon asleep.


Dorothy let Lisa, her maid, help her undress. The woman neatly put the clothing away, or aside for laundering. She brushed out Dorothy's long hair as Dorothy removed the makeup from her face, sitting at a vanity table.

Dorothy was thinking about Relena.

The woman would get herself into trouble is someone did not take her in hand. It was obvious that the fact that her brother and Noin were gone, and many of her friends not close by, and Hiro was missing, had put the vice minister under a great deal of pressure, above and beyond that over her job. Her actions were understandable, but could not be allowed to continue as they had been.

It did not serve her interests that anything happen to Relena's authority, the air of power about her. She had been the queen of the earth after all. No, it would not do to have her caught up in such unpleasantness.

There was also the fact that this was temporary. Relena was a strong woman, and would overcome this soon enough. There was also no doubt, to Dorothy's mind, that Hiro would return. No, in a short time Relena would be back to her old self.

Dorothy was planning on taking advantage of that time.

To have someone like Relena in her power was something of an intoxicating wine to her. Dorothy always had enjoyed power, and she would enjoy it as long as it lasted.

She smiled at herself in the mirror. Relena would not enjoy herself much, but then again, she suspected that Relena was looking for a little punishment. So be it. Dorothy would provide it.


Morning came with a dim light of the colony's dawn. The huge mirrors outside were directing the sunlight into the structure, mimicking the effect of a sunrise.

Relena came awake a little before the light entered her window. The washed out colours of the gathering illumination played upon her eyelids and awoke her.

She sat up in bed, yawning and stretching, for a moment content to be refreshed and in a warm, soft bed. Only a few moments later did the memories of the previous night come back with a force that almost caused her to gasp.

She blushed in memory of it and dropped her head, wondering what she was going to do.

It was at that moment that the door to her room opened and Dorothy strode in. Dressed in the faux aristocratic dress of OZ. She smiled at Relena and said, "It is going to be a beautiful day. Of course that is in the schedule for today, beautiful weather." She walked to the windows and pushed the curtains back. "I do find the controlled weather of the colonies to be dull at times." She turned to look at Relena. "There is a bathroom through there," she indicated a door to the side, "you should get cleaned up."

"Thank you," Relena said in a small voice as she got out of the bed, pulling on the sheets with her as a covering. It was ridiculous to be conscious of something like modest after the night before, but the covering made her feel better.

The bathroom was modestly appointed, offering a shower stall instead of a bath. A shower was all she needed however, and she was soon standing under the hot water, letting it wash the remaining lotion from her body. She washed her hair with the herbal shampoo and lathered her body with a soap that smelt of lavender.

When she exited the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her breasts, hanging the middle of her thighs, and another wrapped around her hair, she found Dorothy and Lisa waiting for her.

"Lisa will help you get ready in time, vice minister," Dorothy told her.

"Thank you," Relena said after a moment, her throat gone momentarily dry, suddenly afraid of discovery. The night before she had almost wanted someone to discover her, now, the thought terrified her.

"Vice minister," Lisa said, her voice respectful. She indicated the chair in front of the vanity, obviously wanting Relena to sit.

The respect in the woman's voice steeled Relena. The maid did not know of the truth. She crossed the room and took a seat.

Dorothy stood and watched, Relena could see her in the mirror, could see that smile on her face that Lisa did not see. Relena sat there, passively, as the maid finished drying her hair, then freed it from the towel and began to brush it out.

She braided in near her temples, and then pulled those braids back to encircle her head, keeping the hair from sweeping forward over her face. A ribbon, white, was tied into a simple bow at the back of her head. It had a sense of the juvenile about it, though Relena knew that no one else would see it that way. It was obviously a special instruction from Dorothy.

When her had had been properly dressed Dorothy sent Lisa away.

"I called your secretary and found out your appointments for the day," Dorothy said as she opened the closet doors and removed a pants suit. "I'll make sure that you get to them."

Relena thought she should say thank you, but instead asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Aren't we friends? Shouldn't friends help on another?" She laid the outfit on the bed.

"I don't know."

"If we are friends or if friends should help each other?"

Relena did not answer.

Dorothy laughed softly as she opened a drawer and removed something white and fluffy looking. It took Relena a moment to realise that they were a pile of panties, white, and full cut. Dorothy put the panties on the vanity table. "You undergarments were soiled. I had then thrown away," she said.

Relena felt her face grow warm. "Thank you."

"These are sanitary panties," Dorothy said as she took a pair from the pile, holding them up. "I sometimes have to wear them for days when I have heavy flow."

Relena nodded, to show that she understood.

"With a pad in them they should offer some protection to you in case you have another accident."

Relena was struck speechless for a moment. "It is not like that," she said after a moment.

"What do you mean?" Dorothy asked as she opened the panties up in preparation of putting a sanitary pad in the gusset.

"It wasn't an accident, it was…" she trailed off, not quite certain what to say.

"It was what?" Dorothy asked with an innocent tone as she put the pad into place.

"It's just that I…" she trailed off again.

"It's just that what?" Dorothy asked, putting the panties aside for the moment.

Relena wanted to say that she had chosen to wet herself, well, actually she did not want to say it. She did not want Dorothy thinking that she could not control her bladder either. She did not want Dorothy offering solutions to possible accidents. Relena was, for the moment, stuck between to unpleasant alternatives. In the end she picked the easiest one.

"I don't have accidents like that very often."

"I'm sure you don't." Dorothy retrieved the panties. "But I do not think we should take chances. Stand up, and let the towel fall."

Relena thought to refuse, but once again she worried about being found out, and for the moment it was easier to let Dorothy tell her what to do. She stood up and let the towel drop to the floor. Relena knelt down in front of her, holding the panties open. It was obvious that Relena was meant to step into them, let Dorothy dress her in them.

She slid one foot through the leg hole, then the other. Dorothy pulled the panties up her legs and around her waist. They were cut fuller than Relena had thought and covered her quite thoroughly. She thought that was it, but Dorothy was not finished.

Grabbing another pair of the panties from the vanity table she held them open near Relena's feet. "Let's get these on you," Dorothy said when Relena did not do anything.


"Because a little extra layering will make sure that you are well protected, in case of accidents."

Relena closed her eyes, and then helped Relena get the second set of panties on her. That was followed by a third, a fourth, a fifth and then a sixth. The six pairs of sanitary panties fit thickly on her, the material bunching up, quite noticeable to her, between her legs. She looked at herself, looking at her shoulder, noticing how the material was thick on her, rounding her bottom and front slightly.

"I hops the pants I have chosen will be loose enough to hide that," Dorothy remarked as she straightened.

Relena hoped that as well, suddenly realising that it was for real. Dorothy intended to send her out wearing the six pair of sanitary panties. Wearing what was to protect her in case she had an accident, which she would not, because she had never wet herself by accident (not since she had been three at least). Of course she could not say that it was not by accident, because she did not want to tell Dorothy that she had chosen to wet herself, because she could not explain satisfactorily why she had done so.

"Here," Dorothy said, interrupting Relena's thought. She was holding a white brassiere in her hands, holding it towards Relena.

Relena took it and put it on, reaching behind herself to fasten the clip, then adjusted the shoulder straps. Next she was handed a blouse. It appeared that Dorothy was not going to help her dress after the panties, but she was going to be there.

The trousers, thankfully, were loose enough that the thickness of the panties did not show and with the jacket that she put on last there was an extra layer of camouflage around her hips and bottom.

Dorothy regarded Relena critically and then said, "Be careful not to bed over, or do anything that will pull the material tight over your rear, or they will show.

"Thank you," Relena said, amazed that she was thanking Dorothy.

"Well, let's get you to your car. You do have a busy day." Taking Relena by her elbow Dorothy led her out of the room and down the hall. Soon after Relena was placed into the backseat of a taxi, on her way to a meeting with a large number of very powerful people. And she was going to be doing it while wearing six pairs of panties. Sitting in the back seat of the taxi she was made quite aware of the padding under her bottom.


The morning meetings passed slowly, as they always did. Relena was always trying to keep the peace, doing her best to find some common ground between people that felt they were on complete ends of the political spectrum. It was hard work, but work she enjoyed. She also forgot what she was wearing under her slacks. Then she would shift about on her chair, or try to close her legs, and the thick padding would make itself obvious.

It was all she could do not to blush at those times, or lose her concentration.

When the meetings finally ended, with the midday break ahead of her. Relena wondered what she was going to do. She planned on heading back to her apartment and replacing the sanitary panties with a single pair of silk panties. And she would have, except for Dorothy was waiting for her at the doors of the colony administration building.

"Want to go for lunch?" Dorothy asked, smiling, in her most friendly aspect.

"Well, I was thinking of going home," Relena said. She did not want to go with Dorothy.

"Nonsense," she told her as she walked up and took Relena's arm in her, linking them at the elbows. "It is a wonderful day, and I have already made reservations."

It was again the choice between making a scene or just going along with Dorothy. She might have chosen the scene, but all those times she had kept herself in control because of the panties had drained her. She let Dorothy lead her out of the building and towards the waiting limousine.

The restaurant was not far. It was an Italian place, constructed to appear like a villa from that country. Almost as soon as they entered the establishment the hostess was at their sides, leading them to a private room at the back of the restaurant.

"A waitress will be with you soon," the hostess told them, then closed the door.

Relena looked around the room. It was rather large for the small, round table and the two chairs within. There was a window that looked out into a small garden behind the restaurant. It was a comfortable room, warm, and comfortable.

"Take down your pants," Dorothy said.

"What?" Relena asked, suddenly shocked out of her admiration of the room. She turned and looked at Dorothy, fully expecting that she would be joking. The look on her face told her that she was not. "You can't be serious?"

"Hurry up," Dorothy told her.

"But the waitress could come in!" she almost shouted.

"Then you had better hurry."

Relena found herself, not for the first time, caught within an uncomfortable situation without any easy solution. She thought of leaving, but again was stopped by the desire not to get caught up in a scene. She realised she would have to put her trust in Dorothy, not an easy thing to accept, and yet the best solution. She wanted to trust Dorothy she supposed. Still…

"Please, don't make me do this," Relena pleaded, with tears in her eyes.

"Stop being silly," Dorothy said, as if she were talking to a child.

Relena released the trousers and let the fall to around her ankles. She was standing out of view of the window, but were anyone to enter they would see her.

Dorothy walked up, moving between Relena and the door, which relieved Relena somewhat. She knelt down and took the pants from around Relena's ankles and then reached up and pulled the first pair of panties down Relena's legs.

Once they were off she examined them. Relena realised she was looking for evidence of wetting. She blushed slightly at that, and would have told Dorothy that she had not wet herself, would that not have been so embarrassing.

It took Dorothy almost a minute to remove the last pair of panties, leaving Relena naked from the waist down. Dorothy looked at the panties for a moment, and then nodded, putting the last pair aside. "I'm glad that you did not have any accidents," she told Relena.

Relena suddenly felt like a child being praised for the same thing.

Dorothy reached into the handbag she had brought with her and removed something from it. Relena at first thought it was another pair of sanitary panties, but realised at once it was not. It was obvious that she was looking at an actual pair of training panties, made of thick material, a slight stiffness in the garment that suggested some sort of lining, like plastic.

"Something more proper for you," Dorothy explained, holding them out so Relena could see them. They were cut even fuller than the sanitary panties, and on the back of them was a cartoon character cat. Relena felt her face grow hot as she looked at them. The sanitary pants had been, well, at least mature. The garment that Dorothy held in her hands was nothing but juvenile. It was a garment for a small child, barely a step above a diaper, for a child who was barely a step out of diapers.

"I can't wear those," Relena protested.

"Why not?" Dorothy asked, her voice full of innocence.

"I'm not a child," Relena said.

"I know."

"Those are for children."

"They are for anyone who can't be trusted to control themselves. I did find you wandering last night, in wet clothing, did I not?"

Relena thought about just grabbing her pants and fleeing from the room, but she noticed that Dorothy was kneeling on them. For a moment she thought about struggling to get them, but she could not bring herself to do it. She pictured the waitress coming in, she and Dorothy struggling, Relena's naked bottom flashing to anyone who wanted to look. The imagined scene was enough to keep her from doing anything.

"I don't want to wear them," Relena said quietly.

"I'm certain that you don't want to wear them," she said, stressing 'want', "but it is obvious that you need to," she finished, stressing 'need'.

All Relena had to do was deny that she needed them, and admit that she chose to wet herself, for some odd reason she could not explain. That would be admitting that she was pathetic, like Dorothy had said the night before. She could not admit that.

"Lift you foot," Dorothy instructed.

Relena did as she was told and Dorothy slid the training panties over the foot.

"The other," she said.

The procedure was repeated and then Dorothy pushed the garment up Relena's legs before she stood so she could pull it the rest of the way, making sure it fit snugly around her. "There we go," she said, adjusting the garment, "all ready in case of a little accident." She smiled at Relena. "Don't you think you should thank me?"

Relena swallowed. "Thank you Dorothy."

"Don't mention it Miss Relena," she said as she scooped the slacks off the floor and handed them to Relena.

Relena quickly pulled the slacks back on, rushing to get them over the training panties and fastened around her waist. She was just finishing when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Dorothy said.

The waitress entered, carrying a set of menus and a small basket full of rolls. Relena felt relieved, knowing that she was covered, and for the moment there was nothing to worry about. Unless Dorothy decided to say something, perhaps ask for a child menu for her. She did not, however, and Relena was not really surprised.


The lunch was actually a pleasant affair. Dorothy did not mention anything involved with the wetting and simply asked about Relena's job. They discussed the current affairs between the Earth and the colonies and debated the merits of one course of action over another. As usual Dorothy was most inclined towards the use of force as a solution and Relena always looked for a peaceful solution.

By the end of the lunch Relena felt quite relaxed and was very glad to have spent the time with Dorothy.

As she got up, after having finished her coffee, she could feel the garment about her bottom, and its thickness.

Dorothy walked up to Relena and gently kissed her on the cheek, at the same time giving Relena's bottom and the training panties a gentle squeeze. "I'll see you tonight. We'll have some fun." Then she turned and walked out of the room.

Relena stared at her retreating back and wondered just what Dorothy meant by fun.

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