
The Dubious Comfort of Angles

by Incognito Himitsu
Based on Characters and situations created by GAINAX and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto and used without permission.
Please do not post or archive without permission.

Maya Ibuki sat, perched on the edge of her tub, her legs spread, playing the light of a small, laser dipilatator over the skin between her legs, removing the few wisps of fine pubic hair that remained. It was no the first time she had performed the procedure. It would not be the last, though she hoped soon.

She ran her hand over the smooth skin, feeling for any traces of stubble. Satisfied that the area was clean, she stood up and bent over. Reaching behind herself, she gently pulled the right half of her bottom to the side. Her other hand held the pen sized depilatator and manipulated so the light passed over the exposed skin, getting any last hairs that might be there.

After repeating the process on the other side she put the device aside and picked up a small bottle of skin lotion. It contained a moisturizer and antibiotic, necessary after exposing her skin to the laser. She squirted the thick, pink cream into her hand and then began to rub it into her crotch and between the two halves of her bottom.

That done, she put the bottle aside, wrapped a towel around herself, and left. She crossed the short distance between the bathroom and the small bedroom of her apartment. There, hanging from a small hook, was her uniform, the white and gold tunic and skirt.

She took a moment to put her short, black, practical hair into order, then began to get dressed.

First she pulled a pair of thick, cotton, Hello Kitty training panties on. They were white, with the famous kitty on the front and back, and noticeably thick. As she stood there, running her hands over the material, she suddenly worried that they might be noticed. She had never had to wear such a thick garment before.

There was no choice, however.

Her bra and the rest of the uniform were quickly donned and as she stood, looking at herself in the room's mirror, she did not think the panties thickness were obvious. She pulled the material taut across her bottom and noticed that they would show, but she would just have to make sure she did not get into any situation where the material would be pulled that tight.

Suddenly she noticed the time, her eyes widening. She was going to be later if she did not hurry. She grabbed the few things she needed, made sure that she had her ID card, and then left the apartment on the run, feeling the training panties rub across her hairless mound. It was a distracting feeling.

Tokyo 3 was not the largest city, and it had been planned well, with an effective transit system. Maya was soon on a train that would take her into the Geo-Front in a quick time. There she passed through many levels of security before she reached the Main Tactics Room of NERV. There was still much work going on, finishing things up before, well, before what was to happen, happened.

Maya still was not entirely certain what that was to be.

"Maya," Aoba called from where he was leaning against his station. "Mornin'"

"Good morning," she said pleasantly as she took a seat behind her station, and was reminded it the padding around her bottom. She tried her best to put it out of her mind as she turned her attention to her work. "Are we ready to perform the tests," she asked Aoba.

"Just was waiting for you and Makoto."

"I'm here," Makoto called out as he came onto the platform at almost a run.

Maya smiled as she began to bring several of the systems about her up for the simulation. Below her technicians worked on making the many, final adjustments to the MAGI and the other systems that required attention before things would be truly finished.

As Aoba and Makoto took their places the computer screens flickered to life, a test for both the equipment and operators. Finally Maya was able to forget the training panties she wore, for a time.


While the training simulation was done, there was still much work to be done. Maya found herself checking over supplies. Someone had to do it. She carried a clipboard with her, ticking off things that were there, making note of what was missing, at least according to the list.

She was coming around a corner when she almost ran into Rei Ayanami. The pale, thin girl stared at Maya, her face without any emotion. She made Maya nervous, for a number of reasons. She was suddenly struck by the thought that Rei might know what she was wearing under uniform, know her secrets and be judging her.

It was something of a ridiculous thought, but Maya could not chase it away.

"Excuse me," she said, almost stammering. She stepped aside.

Rei did not answer; she just walked by, heading to wherever she had to be.

Maya watched her go. The First Child. A girl who piloted monsters that were their best hope. Maya did not understand much of it, understood Rei even less. She was just glad when the strangely quiet girl was gone.

She suddenly noticed her watch and the time. She was going to be late if she did not hurry. She ran down the hallway and into the nearest bathroom. Nature was calling and she did not have much time to take care of it. She went into the stall, closed the door behind her, and then lifted her skirt and lowered her panties. She was careful to keep the panties above the level of the door, lest someone come into the bathroom and see them.

She urinated and when done did not dry herself, but simply pulled the training panties up, not thinking about it, just being in a hurry. She left the bathroom at a run, stopped in front of the elevator, and hit the up button. She was bouncing from foot to foot in anticipation when the door opened, revealing two people in the elevator.

"Major Katsuragi, Dr. Akagi," she said politely as she entered the elevator.

The two women acknowledged her, but that was it. Maya moved to the back of the elevator and hugged her clipboard to herself. She was tense, a little afraid, and she was quite pleased to be virtually ignored.

As the elevator ascended the tow woman discussed esoteric matters of AT Fields and probable factors of protection, the situation with the First and Third child, and projected time frames for the completion of the Test Type. When the door opened on Maya's floor she practically fled from the elevator, for various reasons.

She knew what they had been talking about, well, most if it, and it still scared her. There was so much she did not know, it made what she did seem all the more terrifying.

When she entered the dark, empty conference room she felt better. She was not late and she knew what was going to happen, at least in the very short time future.

She walked to the foot of the table, placed the clipboard aside and moved the chair back and to the side.

Slowly she knelt down and grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it up, around her wais, revealing the panties she wore, no doubt the bright, white cotton was quite obvious in the dark room. She then bent herself over the table, laying face down on it, her bottom raised slightly into the air.

Her heart was beating hard in her chest and her stomach seemed to be tied in knots. She closed her eyes and waited.


Ritsuko Akagi stopped in front of the door to the conference room. She looked about, ensuring that she was alone, and then opened the door.

The light from the corridor flowed into the room, illuminating the room's single occupant, a young woman bent over the table, her bottom displayed prominently to anyone who might open the door.

It might have been difficult to be certain of the thickness of the panties covering that bottom, but the face of Hello Kitty, smiling happily, suggested a certain juvenileness.

Ritsuko stood in the door, not closing it, not saying anything, enjoying the discomfort that she was certain that Maya was feeling. The young woman did not know who had opened the door. For all she knew it might be Aoba, or Gendo, or anyone, standing in the doorway, not saying anything due to the surprise, about to exclaim disbelief and let everyone know of Maya's shame.

After a few seconds, allowing the anxiety that Maya was likely feeling build to a crescendo, she stepped in and closed the door, cutting off the light from the corridor, plunging the room into a near darkness, only illuminated by the red glow of the exit sign and a few other small lights.

She stood, letting her eyes adjust to the dark, listening to the breathing of Maya. It was fast, indicating that she was nervous, or scared, or perhaps even excited. Anything was possible, Ritsuko thought. She crossed the small distance, letting her heels click on the floor.

She stopped just behind Maya and reached down, placing her hand on the small of Maya's back. He smiled as she felt Maya jump and tremble. She drew her hand down across Maya's back until the heel of her hand rested upon her bottom. She then hooked her fingers into the waistband of the training panties and pulled them down to Maya's knees.

Maya shivered, no doubt partially because of the cool air now blowing across the uncovered flesh between her legs.

Ritsuko straightened and placed her hand on Maya's bottom, her fingertips nestled between her legs. She slid her hand deeper, letting her fingers feel the smooth skin there. She drew her fingers back, gently parting the halves of Maya's bottom, examining the skin there as well.

"I am glad you are keeping yourself properly smooth. I would have hated to have to punish you." It was the first thing she had said since coming into the room.

"I am happy to please you Dr. Akagi," she said in a small voice.

"I know you are." Ritsuko took a seat on the table and began to caress Maya's bottom. "What should we do next?"

Maya of course did not answer, but Ritsuko did not expect her to, would have been somewhat upset had she done so.

"Have you seen those bedwetting pants?" Ritsuko asked her. "Perhaps you should start wearing them. They are probably thin enough that you could keep them hidden, if you were careful." She smiled as she felt the trembling grow stronger and heard Maya whimper softly.

"I'll have to think about it." She slid off the table and knelt down to pull the training panties back up. That was when she noticed the tiny stains on the thick material of the panties. She straightened and looked around, then picked up the clipboard that Maya had earlier put aside. Grasping it, she lifted it and then brought it down sharply across Maya's bottom.

The board made a slapping sound against the flesh and Maya let out a loud gasp.

"Do you think that just because you are wearing training panties you can mess them?" Ritsuko asked and then brought the clipboard down across Maya's bottom again.

Maya let out a little cry and in the dim light of the room Ritsuko could see the skin of Maya's bottom becoming red. She slapped the clipboard down a few more times.

"If I want you to wet those training pants I will tell you. I will tell you when, where, and how, and you can be certain that everyone will know what you have done." She again brought the clipboard down.

By this time Maya was actively crying, no doubt desperately attempting to keep her sobs quiet. She was griping the edge of the table tight and her whole body was quivering. Ritsuko brought the clipboard down several more times in rapid succession, then stopped and tossed it aside where it clattered on the table top.

She was breathing a little heavy and could feel the warm flush on her face. She leaned over the table and grabbed Maya's short hair in her hand, gripping tightly and pulled the young woman's head up. "If you do not have the control required to keep training panties clean," she whispered, "I'll have you wear thick diapers. Everyone will watch you waddle around and know you for what you really are."

Ritsuko let go of Maya's hair, turned, and walked away. She opened the door, not looking back at the softly, sobbing girl, and then exited the room, closing the door behind her.

As she walked down the hall she felt, well, good. Not sexually excited, just good. In a place like NERV, with all its mysteries, and Gendo Ikari, it was hard, no, impossible to be in control. The only time she felt as if she had complete control was with Maya.

She did whatever Ritsuko told her to. She knew, were she to order Maya to put a diaper on under her uniform that Maya would, not matter how much it might shame her. Not that Ritsuko planned on telling Maya to do that. What she had with Maya was a private manner.

That night, when she came to her apartment, that would be the time for diapers, and for games. She did enjoy seeing Maya flush deep red with shame, it was all part of the control she enjoyed.

She wondered what Maya got from their relationship? What did she find satisfying about the complete lack of control? Perhaps the respect an adoration that Maya showed her was truly love? That was an odd thought, for Ritsuko did not feel such a thing for Maya. There was no sexual attraction for her. Oh, she enjoyed the warmth of another body in bed with her, the feeling of Maya pressed against her when she allowed her to sleep over, but that was comfort, not sex.

It was possible that she would never be completely certain why Maya submitted to the treatment she did. For the most part, Ritsuko did not really care. Just that she did was all that was important.


After a time the pain faded and Maya stopped sobbing. She straightened up from the table and ten pulled the panties back up around her bottom, feeling a tiny tingle of pain as they were drawn across the warmed flesh of her behind.

As she pushed her skirt down she took a moment to enjoy the warmth she felt between her legs, to remember the feeling of Ritsuko soft hand between her legs. She may have hated the things that Ritsuko told her to do, but she loved the attention she received from her.

Being told what to do, being punished in such a manner when she failed, helped to keep her sane. That Ritsuko was always going to be there to tell her what to do in the times of insanity that were sure to follow was a rock she clung to.

It was that simple.

She took a handkerchief from her tunic's pocket and wiped the tears away from her eyes. She would wash her face with cold water to remove the traces of tears, and then she would return to work.

That evening she would be presenting herself to Ritsuko. She felt her face grow warm as she thought about what she would be made to do, and yet at the same time she felt a pleasant warmth in her stomach from the knowledge that that shame was to be caused by Ritsuko.

She retrieved her clipboard and left the room.

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