Why We Love Shampoo
Winamp Phil_Shampoo Skin
Here it is! This is a Winamp skin I produced with one of my Shampoo pictures. You may download it right now by clicking on the link below... Enjoy and give me feedback about it. Because I know there are not a lot of Shampoo Winamp skin out there...
Click here to download the skin in .ZIP format
Phil_Shampoo's Shampoo Winamp Skin
How to install the skin:
UnZIP (Using WinZIP) the files into a subdirectory named "Phil_ShAMPoo" of the "Skins" directory in your "WinAMP" directory... Then, run WinAMP and press "ALT + S". Then, select the "Phil_ShAMPoo" Skin repertory. For a better experience, activate the equalizer (EQ) and the playlist (PL)... Thank you for using my Shampoo Skin! Shampoo RULES!!!