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Akane Tendo

Birthday: March 29
Looks: Average in the beginning but then she learned how to dress better but took that a little too far. Has a penchant for wearing over-revealing clothing. Short blue hair and plenty of piercings. Is still on the short side when it comes to height.
Smarts: Intelligent. Gets good grades in school and has plenty of intelligent relatives so its no surprise if she’s smart too.
Personality: Better than the Old Akane. She is nicer, however, Akane has a mouth on her that will make you think “ how can they be her friend!?” Also has a bad reputation about sleeping around. (Now Ranma knows what it feels like to be played just like he USED to do)
Cooking: Two words: Take out. Her cooking is still atrocious. She makes Salty Corn Pops for God’s sake.
Fighting Skills: Still the same here.
Special Abilities: Does killing people with her cooking count? She also likes skateboarding.
Significant Others: Whew. Lets see...Ranma ( of course), Ryoga, Shinnosuke, Goten, Kumon, Trunks ( you can clutch your hearts now), #17 and Jewel ( but they don’t like her), Jin Kazama ( you can fall over now), Reno ( you can die now), Tseng ( R.I.P), and several others. Now she’s toned down to Ranma. Cuz that’s the type of girl that she is.....STUPID!!
In-Laws: Same as Ranma but the other way around.
Career: Has her own apartment so she doesn’t rely on her father for money. Worked at the Eager Beaver and you can guess how much she makes there. ^_~ She also has some acting experience so she has something to fall back on.
Sex: Lets just say that she knows ALOT on this subject. She’s always up for trying new things.
Overall: If you want Akane, you’ll have to think of a way ( and a darn good one) to keep her away from those temptations. A VERY GOOD WAY, But she is learning.

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Ranma Ryoga Ukyo Shinnosuke Sakura Goten Mai Trunks Kini Jewel, #17 and Kumon