Birthday: June 10
Looks: Basically the same here. Got rid of that ‘ dressing up as a boy” act.
Smarts: Average, Her best subject is home. Ec and she constantly pesters her cousin for tutoring.
Personality: Not the “ you jackass” type anymore ( at least not as much as she used to be). She’s more like Akane but not in the way you may think so. Its only in the personality.(except the sleeping around part)
Cooking: Have we ever seen her cook anything besides okonomiyaki? I don’t think so.
Fighting Skills: Uses spatulas and other cooking gear to fight.
Special Abilities: None, excet being good at bike riding.
Significant Others: Ryoga, no doubt these two are gonna get hitched. Shinnosuke, they had their little fun ^_~ and its visible that she’s jealous of Sakura, Baek only loves her because of her “ attractive” bad attitude, Wang ( WHY?! HE’S A THOUSAND!! Actually, HE likes HER), Ranma, Ukyo liked him and then she found out Ryoga was more of the type that will be her boyfriend. She and Ranma are just best friends from childhood. Reno, another stud she likes but doesn’t know that she’s alive.
In-Laws: Sakura, cousin, Yoshimitsu, distant relative, Yohko, other cousin, and the ones she will get when she marries Ryoga.
Career: Well, considering the amounts of customers she gets in her restaurant, I don’t think she’ll be rolling in the dough anytime soon. She makes enough to pay the bills.
Sex: She’s only had two lovers : Ryoga and Shinnosuke. And they’ve never said anything about her performance so we don’t know.
Overall: Average and I mean, AVERAGE. She is just the average seventeen year old of the series and I don’t think any Joe Schmoe will have a hard time winning her heart.
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Akane Ryoga Ranma Shinnosuke
Goten Mai Trunks Kini Jewel, #17 and Kumon