The original Ranma 1/2 manga was initially serialized in the weekly publication Shonen Sunday
comics, starting in 1988 and ending in 1996. Shonen Sunday, as many other similar publications,
publishes in its hundreds of pages chapters (about 25 pages) of many series. These japanese
comics magazines are the size of a phone book, cost little more than a newspaper and most of
them are printed in recicled paper, really thin and of the lowest quality. However, in each
number there´s a special mention of one of the different titles being serialized. This means
that some pages of that series´ chapter are printed in colors and the rest of them are in three
colors instead of the classic black and white.
This voluminous publications as Shonen Sunday have a short life, they´re bought as something to
read on the way home from work or school, or in bed. They end up in the trash as old newspapers
do. Most of the readers aren´t fans of comics but people who seek something that can entertain
them for a short while. With thousands of different themes and publications, directed to the
most diverse groups, in Japan everyone reads comics and it´s a massive entertainment as any
But there are still comic´s fanatics and they want to have every chapter of their favorite
series for ever at hand. Since it´s impossible to collect the weekly publications (remember
they´re the size of a phone book), the fans buy the tankoubons. These are tiny books of about
200 pages that compile periodically the chapters of each of the most popular series of the
magazine. They´re sold in book stores and can be found years after the serialization is over,
just like any book in any book store in the world. Ranma 1/2 was compiled in Japan in 38
tankoubons, that contain everything that was published in Shonen. This books are printed in
good paper, but the coloured pages here appear in gray scale and look slightly blurred.
The foreign editions of most of the mangas are made from these tankoubons. The pages in the
Shonen Sunday had 17x26cm, while the tankoubons have a little less than 20cm height.
Text extracted from the 2nd Ranma 1/2 volume published by
Editorial Ivrea
in Argentina, translated and slightly modified by
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