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The Line 'Tween Love and Disturbing
You Know You Like Pokémon Too Much When...
There's a fine line between liking a show... and being insanely and freakishly obsessed with it. Do you know when you've crossed the barrier?


~You regard the Pokédex as "A second bible."

~You've spent fifty bucks on hairspray/gel to get your hair to look like Brock's/Jessie's.

~You think orange and green are a great fashion statement.

~You can't leave the house without your favorite figurine securely in your pocket.

~You can tell which Pokémon episode is coming on by the first word the narrator says.

~You have Pokémon wallpaper, bedsheets, posters, figurines, stuffed animals, etc.

~You've joined at least three Pokémon clubs.

~You actually own a red headband.

~You've died your hair a certain color to match your favorite character's.

~You carry around plastic Pokéballs with toy Pokémon, and when you see a friend you ask if they wanna battle.

~You've caught every Pokémon Bishonen, and have a shrine for them on your website or in your house.

~You forced your parents to plant a garden full of roses.

~You've bought Japanese Pocket Monsters tapes online

~You own every Pokémon Movie and at least three episode videos.

~You have a website dedicated to your favorite character.

~You've actually tried to analyze the plot.

~You bought a pair of huge green earrings and wear them almost every day.

~You painted a baseball cap to match Ash's.

~You wear your hair in one ponytail on the side.

~You've mastered the art of pulling frying pans, paper fans, mallets, etc. from virtually thin air

~You refuse to get glasses "so your eyes will look like Brock's"

~Whenever you meet someone you say (and this is an example) "I'm Mindy Smith from the city of St. Louis..."

~You keep trying to get your parents to let you go off on your own because, after all, Ash started HIS journey when he was only ten... ^_^;;;

These were submitted by CastleHwy:
~You make riceballs

~You like every pretty girl/guy you see

These were submitted by Silver11016
~You've got a framed pic of any character in your room.

~You have a crush on someone in the series.

~You actually know who Mondo is.

~You carry around your Gameboy (with a Pokemon catridge) and a Link Cable everywhere with you, and if you hear anyone talk about anything Pokemon related, you whip out your gear and challenge them to a battle.

~You have your own motto, which you perform when entering rooms or meeting new people.

~You join TeamRocketRose's chapter of Team Rocket.

~Upon entering a room full of trainers, you recite your motto and demand all Pokemon in the name of Team Rocket.

~You have several pics of the Pokemon characters in your room.

~You frame your favorite card from the Pokemon TCG (Extra points if it's one from the Team Rocket set!).

~You write Pokemon fanfiction.

~In your fics, your favorite character falls in love with the original character based on you.

~You write anti-twerp rants (Extra points if you get them posted on TR websites!).

~You throw darts at pictures of your least-favorite twerp.

~You own several Pokemon game guides.

~You own all the GBC Pokemon Games.

~You have at least two shelves full of Pokemon figurines in your room.

~You draw doodles of the characters when you're bored.

~You draw Pokemon doodles without realizing that you're doing it.

~You write Pokemon fanfiction while in class (often because you've got nothing better to do!).

~You write for one of these lists.

~You always wear a camera around your neck (TODD!).

~You design your own towns for Pokemon games.

~You send the town designs to Satoshi Tajiri/Nintendo.

~You carry around a red or white rose.

~You only refer to Jessiebelle *shudders violently* as "the bloodsucking Dominatrix from the pit of Hell."

~Upon being introduced to a girl with curly red hair and a Southern accent, you run screaming in the other direction.

~When you're mad at people, you threaten to sic your (insert your most nastiest Pokemon, preferably a Fire- or Dark-type here. I personally use Houndoom.) on them.

~You violently flame Rumishippers/Whipshippers/Moneyshippers.

~You violently flame antishippers.

~You've said or thought "I'm gonna kick some antishipper ass!"

~You consider "I'll always remember what a wonderful dresser you were!" a declaration of love; and same with "We may not be rich, but at least we have our freedom!"

~You are actually compiling a list of all the different ships.

~You have visited and/or bookmared over 15 Team Rocket sites.

~You work on Team Rocket/Pokemon-related stuff during class.

~You draw character caricatures (Bet you can't say that three times fast!) in class.

~You draw ways Brock might look if he had eyes in your math notebook. (Note from Dee: See Speculations on Brock's Eyes for further details ~_^)

~You draw an anime version of yourself.

~When your parents ask where you'd like to go for summer vacation, you tell them the Andes Mountains, planning to search for Miyamoto. After all, it is rumored that she didn't die; they say Articuno saved her (good birdy!)

~Whenever you stick out your tongue, you instinctively pull down your eyelid.

And Many More to Come!

Wanna send in some of your own "Love 'em too much" ideas? Well, then go ahead and gimme a buzz by clickin' on the ol' symbol below! And keep on being disturbingly obsessed!

More Pointless Crap!
Cut the Crap!