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Rules and regulations
Boring Rule Stuff
Okay, I'll try to get through these fast so we can all move on with our lives ^_^

How to Send 'Em
~I'm incredibly lazy, so I love to take them already HTML'd! Yahoo is weird, though, so if you send them to me HTML'd it won't come up that way in my mail...
~If you've posted your fic on another site, give me that link and I'll copy it from there! That's probably the best way!
~If you don't know or don't want to HTML, that's fine too, I just like it better than way. I also like them as attachments (makes them easier to work with) but you can send them straight with the e-mail too.
~If you send them straight with the e-mail, PLEASE send me only a couple at a time, especially if they're long! It makes it a lot harder on me to copy FOURTEEEN (<<-exhaggeration) fanfics and paste them on different pages! ^_^

That oughta be everything about sending them...

*Dun dun duuuun* Rules!
~I'll except pretty much any fanfiction- if it's rated R or a shaky PG-13 I'll probably tag the fanfic, though. ^_^;
~FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO LEMONS! NO HENTAI, NONE OF THAT NASTY JUNK! If you send me fanfics about Machoke violating Ash and Brock (er... inside joke between me and Haley) not only will I delete it so fast it'll make your head spin, but you'll get an e-mail about how sick and disgusting you are! *Gags*
~It doesn't have to be Team Rocket-related, though it's much appreciated. I might even accept fics about Tenchi, Outlaw Star, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Slayers, Fushigi Yuugi, etc. if they're good
~Rocketshipping and Gymshipping only. Hehe, just kidding. I'll accept most any shipping stories,(even yaoi fics, as long as they aren't nasty), unless they're LEMONS *pukes* I'll probably tag Twerpshippy stories with a warning, though ^_^;

Okiedokes, that should be all the nifty rules! You can wake up now!

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