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Rocket Fiction
For some, Pokémon is just a show to be watched, enjoyed, and possibly made fun of. But, for others, it is the building block to something much larger! (nice words, huh?) The few, the proud, the fanfic writers. These are the people with the creative juices flowing through their brains, inventing new and wondrous works of art for us to read and enjoy! I give you my small (but hopefully soon-to-be big) fanfic archive!

If you've got a fanfic, you can send it to me (my address is at the bottom of the page).

For rules, directions, and all that other junk on how and what to send, click here.

Me, Myself, and Irene (Dee)

I have a lot of fics I've written, but some aren't exactly my best work, so I'm just gonna put up the good ones. ^_^
Love and Loss
Gay title, I know, but it really isn't quite as bad as it sounds. It was my first stab at tragedy, so it isn't as good as some of my later fics. So, if you dun like it, dun diss the rest of my fics, mm'kay?
Just a short li'l sequel to "Love and Loss," not amazingly good, but ain't bad.
I'm not really into writing songfics, but, oh, I dunno, this one's pretty good I guess. It's sort of a blast to the past, if ya know what I mean.
Before they Were Rockets: The PokéTech Days
More of the fun going into the past crap! A little piece on J&J's first meeting, and, personally, I like it. And I'm not just saying that 'cause I wrote it, I promise!
Before they Were Rockets: The Biker Days
Da da daaaa! Sequel to the one above it! ^_^;; It's pretty good, and sorta explains stuff from the show, but it's a lot more dramatic then I originally wanted it to be... oh well!
Though the title may make it a turn-off, this is seriously one of the best fics I ever wrote! Very Team Rocket, and the language is a bit much, but trust me, I'm almost positive you'll like it!
Shadows of the Past
Sequel to Chess! The title is about as weird as the fic itself- I guess I went a little over the edge on parts, and when I first wrote it I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, but... oh, it's sorta grown on me. It's good, just kinda strange.
The Realites: Part 1|2|3|4|5
Yeehaw! A deliciously cheap rip-off of Washu's Dimension Alterer (from "Tenchi Universe")! My personal favorite is Brock's perfect world... ~_^
The Rift
One of my few pure romance/tragedies. Hm... well, it's... different. It's growing on me, though, plus it's gotten good reviews! You should check it out; compared to stuff like PKMN 2K5, it's a short, quick read. ^_^
Fushigi Yuugi: The Next Chapter; Episode 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17
Yes, tis true, I've broken from the Pokémold and am writing an ongoing Fushigi Yuugi fanfic! Fans of the series should like it! Those who don't watch it... will be lost ^_^;

If you wanna read a Pokémon/Tenchi Crossover I wrote, you can go here! I've also got some fics in my When TV Goes Toon page. Or, if you wanna read the VERY BEST FIC I ever wrote- and I'll tell you I've gotten reviews from and people said it kicked ass- you can go here. And please don't make fun of me drawings! ^_^;;


This is a pretty good, real sad sorta fic. Sad stories about Rockets make Dee's eyes get watery! *Sniffle*
Ice 2: The Next Best Thing
Okay, the fic itself is good, and the poem in it (wherever it comes from) is really awesome, but... uh... *hopes Jezbel won't kill me* the ending's a tad... weird. And sorta unrealistic. But she herself says to in the fic too! At any rate, I'd read it, 'cause it completes Ice, and it is pretty good.


Gone Forever
Exce-freaking-lent! This one is so sad... I think I'm going soft. The first time I read this I got a little choked up, but the second time I had tears in my eyes! Good, good, GOOD FIC! READ IT NOW!

My Lovely Cohort Haley

Okay, this is Haley's only fic so far, and though she's embarassed about it I think it's really good! It's hilarious and has drama (like Bambi when his mom died) and action too! Go Haley! Nice job for a first ficcie!


Who Gets to Blast 'Em Off?
A nifty little ficcie where practically everyone on the show argues about who gets to blast J,J and M off! Funny funny, definitely worth a read!
The Jessie and James Chronicles: The Story of Pokémon Tech Part 1|2|3
Funny and sweet! Dee is muy pleased with this one! ^_^

Enchanted Eevee

Without the Misteltoe
An terrificly hilarious (adjectives are fun!) TR Christmas story! Gots to read it!
Eevee's first fanfic- pretty dern good for a first one, if I do say so myself
Just Friends?Part 1|Part2|Part 3
A kawaii, funny fic based on "Friends." It's a shame I've only seen, like 2 episodes of the show... been too busy watching "Whose Line" *gets beaten by Friends fanatics*
Faith Part 1|2|3
Coolie Rocketshippy story about an unexpected *cough* gift. Hey, if it involves Ash getting hit in the stomach you know I'm happy *Wards of Ash-lovers*
Nice story told from Meowth's POV. Don't see too many of those, do ya?
The Road to Mandalay
Good stuff! Rocketshippy dramas make Dee say "awww!" Like the song too, even though I've never actually heard ^_^;
Under Rug Swept
A coolies songfic to one of my recent favorite songs! I can't help but love da Rocketshipping! ^_^

Wouter Jaegers

Double Trouble
A Team Rocket interview! Cute! ^_^
The Disposable Child
An original character and *throws up* Twerpshipping ^_^; Er, just kidding. Gymshippers may want to keep their distance though
Iron Fearow
Huzzah! You don't see too mant Tracey fics out there, do ya? This is probably my favorite of his- the Twerpshippyness is toned down a bit, too ^_^
The Jolly Green Giant
Butch and Cassidy make a special appearance in this nifty fic
For the Love Of...
An interesting fic exploring a suddenly more-popular romance... and the ever-present Twerpshipping... but hey! Rocketshipping ahoy!


How Mondo Joined Team Rocket
Hehe, cute songfic! Like the song, like the lyrics... good one!
I'll Think of a Reason Later
A songfic about a romance that is often overlooked- and one that I've always seen as a possibility ~_~
Black Eyes, Blue Tears
Another songfic, about James' past. I REALLY like this one!
Silver's Interview 1|2|3|4|5|5- Part 2
Not your average interview fic... *snickers*
A fic about *shudders* you-know-who... harry Potter fans, I don't mean Voldemort... I mean... HER! J-BELLE! *hides* Actually, it's a pretty good songfic. Odd, but good.
Team Rocket's New Beginning: Part 1|2
A cool TR fic starring Jess, Jim, Meowth and (who'da thunk?) Domino! And guess what? I'm now the official gym leader in Noda City! (The city name is a Fushigi Yuugi joke. My fav character Chichiri always says "no da." Get it? Of course you do...)
Meowth's Two-Minutes Mysteries
Kawaii mystery quickies! I was so proud of myself when I figured out the second one ^^;;


Team Rocket's Triumph: Part 1|2|3
A story that's still in the works. So far it just.. I dunno, I got interested in it fast. Not too long either, so go check it out!

Jet Skii

Insert Title Here
This is my dear cousin's first and possibly only Pokémon story that she wrote for our shipping site. It teaches us all a valuable lesson: James/Misty Shipping is bad, mm'kay? ~_^

Mae the Ferret Goddess

Billy is a Fun Word to Say
Weirdest little fanfic I ever read. Cassidy and Jessie get into a fight- the kind WB wouldn't let you see ^_^;; I'd better tag a warning for language to this ficcie
Keep Walking
Hehehe, a cute little fic about just how stupid Ash is! Made me laugh! ^_^

Blast Back to Ii Kanjii!