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Ii Kanjii: A Team Rocket Shrine
Ii Kanjii!
Movie Version 2.0 (Wow, That Makes Me Sound Fancy)

Welcome to Ii Kanjii, my loverly Team Rocket shrine!
What makes me different from the other 30 kajillion Team Rocket shrines out there, you ask? Simple! ~I'M COOKY!~ *Rolls eyes and growls* Er... yeah. So anyway, look around and have fun.
I recently decided to make versions, like all the really fancy high-tech sites do ^_^ Behold Movie Version 2.0, celebrating the time between "Mewtwo Returns" and "Pokémon Four!" Yup, this version'll be around for a while. In the meantime, why don't you check out everything?

So wadda ya wanna do?

Bios: Jessie, James and Meowth
Bios: Butch, Cassidy, and Giovanni
Bios: Mondo, Miyamato and Domino
The Fanfic Shelf
The Sting-James Connection
Top 10 Lists
When TV Goes Toon
Take the Pokésurvey!
The Hall O' Crossdress
The Animé Café
Observations of Team Rocket
Chad-Free Voting
Love Connections
Pointless Crap
The PokeMuyo Series!
News and Rumors
The Twilight Zone- Animé Style!
Manga Magic!
Hop Aboard the Rocketship!
Unsolved Mysteries
Dee Gets Flames! *Giggle*
Pocket Monsters 2005 - The Fanficcening
Wanna Link Someone To You? Why Not Me!
My Many Awards... Yaa, Many...
Linkin' Park!
Win an Award! Better Yet, Win MY Award!
And Now, Your Moment of Zen
Who are you and why Team Rocket?

My Cooly Affiliate-Type People
My Groovy Buddy ST's Brockie Shrine!Crazy? We All Are Team Rocket's Jail Break!

Take a Look-See
Take a Write-See

Update: 8/14/02: Waha! Everyone thought I was dead, but here I am once again! ^_^ Happy? I know you are. Well, lessee, I finally managed to get about 1/2 the stuff I need to get up, up... what do we have... Oh, right! Some fics, some flames, some top 10s, some links, and some animé teachins in Pointless Crap! Almost supplements for all the time I've spent doing nothing to this site, doesn't it?
I do, however, have a somewhat sad announcement to make. *Takes deep breath* I am no longer much of a Pokémon fan! *Everyone faints* I just can't help it! I've seen a lot of other animé, and the more I see the more I realize how pitifully inferior Pokémon is! I saw more character development in three episodes of "Escaflowne" then I saw in three seasons of Pokémon! To top it off, I'm tired of waiting for this bloody animé to end! *Blink* Did this have a point? Why, yes it did. You see, because of this, it's highly unlikely that I'll be adding anything new to this site that comes from my own hands. BUT WAIT! Before you chalk this site off as a dead zone, know this: I am still taking and posting things that OTHER PEOPLE send me! This way, Ii Kanjii will still live on even after the founder's Pokéspirit has dwindled! *Pants* Wow, long update. I'll just shut up now...

Update: 6/28/02: This isn't really an update, now that I think about it. I just needed a moment to explain that I hate being a poor otaku (emphasis on poor) and why I've been lazy. First off, I got a message from Angelfire today telling me that I had exceeded my hard drive limit (which still completely boggles my mind- the little thing at the top says I have 50 Megabytes to use, but the Angelfire Execs told me I couldn't go over 20 Megabytes). That basically means that they froze my account, and I had like two weeks to delete some stuff or they'd wipe this site off the face of the earth. Yana kanjii, no da. So anyway, I had to delete "The Many Moods of Team Rocket," because I never updated it anyway, and it was using up about 4 Megabytes of space. Such is the way of a free website. *Sigh*
The other thing I have to say is: DON'T KILL ME! *Hides* I know, I haven't added, like, anything in over a month! I've been really busy, though... is what I'd like to say, but truth be told I've been really lazy. I've got several piles of various stuff in my mailbox that I need to get around to HTMLing and posting, and for the record: I AM WORKING ON IT. I'm just working on it very slowly... Eh, gomen minna. I'll try to do better. ^^;;

*Gasp* You're tired of Ii Kanjii already!? Say it isn't so! Fine, then, you can scurry on back to The Partay and look around some more! But come back soon!

Boogie on Back to the Pokémon Partay!