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Serena's Destiny: The Power Within Her
Written by Sailor Daisy

Chapter 8
The Attacks

It happened so quickly I couldn't even think clearly about it. One of the servants brought a message to me from earth and finds out that there was an attack where the tryouts were being held. I had told Arial to inform me on how the child is doing in a week are two.

* * *

We're going to have to use the Sailor teleport, I said, standing up, Magic's not fast enough to reach earth in time.
I turned to Arial, Arial, I said, I want you to inform me on how the child is doing in a week are so.
She nodded.
I walked to the center of the room but stopped and turned to my Mom.
Bye, Mom, I said running up to her and hugging her.
Bye, my little princess, She said she pulled me away and looked me in the eye, Serenity, remember this the Silver Imperium Crystal follows your heart. As long as you have a pure heart your power is unbeatable. She kissed me on the fore head. Go now time is wasting.
I walked to the center of the room and joined the others. I took one last look at my Mom and put my hand out in a circle and said.........
A white light surrounded us. I wanted to stay here with my true Mom and my true life. But all because of Beryl my life was ruined Beryl you will pay, I swear you will pay.
The next thing I knew I we were standing on the grass of the Tokyo park. There was a male demon in front of us. He was dressed in a baseball suit and he had a bat in on his shoulder and a baseball in his hand. Once he saw us he stopped playing with the baseball and his jaw dropped. Once I figured out where we were I heard gasps from behind me. I turned around to find have the boys in Jr. High and High school where staring at us. Than I realized why. We were no longer dressed in our royal cloaks but in our Sailor Suits. I thought this was very rude since we were all dressed in short and I mean short skirts. Men, I thought, they-
I was cut off from my thoughts by the demon, So the little bratty moon princess decided to show up after all. I'm surprised you even showed up. Knowing all the girls they freak out over a broken nail. AHHH!!!!! I BROKE A NAIL!! AHHH!!!!
The moon princess? Someone behind me said.
I stepped up to where he was. I'm sorry but your IN TROUBLE NOW. I screamed at him, WE MAY BE GIRLS BUT WE ARE A LOT SMARTER THAN YOU. SO YOU CAN YET DIRT YOU STUPID IDIOTIC FREAK.
Oh, naughty naughty naughty, he said while tsk-tasking, you'll regret that.
He threw a ball of energy at me; I knew if I jumped out of the way than it would just hit the all my friends. So I took off my Tiara and screamed MOON TIARA MAGIC.
It hit the ball of light and destroyed it but it didn't stop there. It kept going and it hit it on the top of the head but didn't kill it. I saw that Mercury was about to launch an attack. Mercury, I screamed, stop!!!
She stooped and looked at me.
Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask said, we have to defeat the enemy not play catch with them.
I shout him an angry glance. No, listen, I said, I got an idea, we can all use our Tiara magic's and than Tuxedo Mask can through some roses in it and we can kill the demon. Sounds like a good idea, Tuxedo Mask said, pulling out two roses. We all gathered in a circle and took off our tiara's
The five tiara floated up into a ball and the ball grew even more when tuxedo mask threw in some of his roses. But it didn't start after the demon it just kept spending in mid air not moving. Than I remembered what I had to do. I steeped forward and yelled, MOON PRINCESS TIARA MAGIC!!!!!!!
Once I said those words the ball of light shot forward and surrounded the demon. He screamed in furry as the tiaras attacked him. And when the light from the tiara's stopped nothing was left.
Wow, Venus said, we did that?
You sure did, a reporter from the crowd said as his camera person came up for an interview.
Why thank you, Jupiter said, bowing since the dresses are to short to curtis.
I took this as funny moment. I grabbed Tuxedo's hand and bowed down. I felt a tingling filling but I just ignored it. Suddenly the crowd quieted and one of the reporter's pointed at my hand. I looked down to find that a white light had surrounded Darien's hand and mine. I was about to pull my hand away when he gripped it even tighter. I looked into his eyes with a questioned look on my face.
Watch, he mouthed to me.
But I couldn't watch I stared into his eyes. I was drowning in his dark blue eyes. Next thing I know I'm back in my princess form and he's in his prince form. I didn't know what was going on and I really didn't want to know I was so caught up in drowning in his eyes, the world could have collapsed right in front of us but we wouldn't even notice. He was a head taller than I was. Of course, we were born four years apart. I blinked my eyes and than opened them not wanting this to be a dream. When I did open them there was a beautiful scepter in the beam of light. I heard gasped from the crowd and than I remembered.......the scriptures of course "She will one day receive the scepter when she is given her power." I was given my power today, I thought, I reached up and grabbed the scepter. As soon as I placed my fingers on the scepter I felt the ground shake as if an earthquake decided to ruin my day. I forced myself to look away from's (AN: remember he and moon transferred into princess Serenity and prince Endymon.) eyes. I saw three full grown youma's. I saw that each of them had the symbol of the black moon on their foreheads.
Oh my God, I said out loud.
Serenity? Endymon asked, Serenity, what's wrong?
The black moon, I said, they've already begun their attacks.
But I thought they weren't supposed to attack till we got all our power, Jupiter cut in.
So did I, Mercury said, as she typed on her mini computer, but from what it says from right here is the black moon is going to test your strength with attacks until we get all of our power and if something happened to us during one of these attacks than they would have a better chance of killing us and taking over the world.
Anything else? Endymon asked.
Yes, Mercury said, looking up from her computer, Their main target is..
Is me, I said cutting her off.
She nodded in responds.
I turned to the three youma's who, in responds, threw three balls of energy at me. I put both of my hands in front of me. When the balls got to me they stopped right in front of my hands. I lifted a hand and turned a finger in a circle in the air. A beam shot out from my crescent and into the three balls. Than they shot back at all three of the youma's. When the balls hit they knocked them down to the ground. Everyone must have thought they were dead because the started cheering. But I knew better. I slowly walked back to the crowd and where the others where but stopped when a hush went over the crowd. I looked out the corner of my eye to see the three youma's approaching. A little more, come on just a little bit more, and stop right there. I jumped up and turned around. When I landed on the ground I lifted my scepter and screamed MOON SCEPTER DOUBLE, TRIPLE ELIMINATION.
I light surrounded the tip of my scepter and turned into a beam which made it's way over to the Youmas and turned them to dust. I turned around to find everyone staring at me. Well, thanks for the applause, I said sarcastically. I detransformed back into Sailor moon and threw my scepter into the air where it disappeared. I walked over to where Darien and everybody else was. Stop staring, I snapped, It's rude. As soon as I said that cameras everywhere went off. I chuckled to my self as the people in the park came back to the reality.
So how we going to get out of here? Venus asked.
Yeah, Mars cut in, I mean look at this place, WE probably won't even get to the entrance in this crowd.
Yeah, Jupiter said, I agree.
Well, I said, I thought for a second, we could always use the Sailor teleport.
You really think we could use it over here? Tuxedo mask asked.
Yeah, I said, but were is one place we can detransform without the press knowing.
How bout the lake? Mars whispered, eyeing the press, We're supposed to be there anyway.
Good idea, Mercury said, lets go.
We all got in a circle and yelled out loud:
A white light surrounded all of us. I saw the press back up not wanting to get in the way. Or maybe they were just scared. I wanted to find out what it looked like to teleport on earth. When I felt my feet leave the ground I opened my eyes. I gasped when I did. We were soaring over Tokyo it was so pretty. You could see the park, you could see the Tokyo tower and town swimming pool; heck I could even see my house from over here. I blinked my eyes and found myself on the dock where all our bags where. I looked up to the cloudless blue sky. I turned my head and saw Mrs. C there. I was about to open my mouth to say something when she spoke up. OK we need to talk, and no I'm not Queen Serenity Lil' princess. I thought for a second, Hey, I said, only one person called me Lil' princess and thats-
Mary-Beth at your service Lil' princess, she said bowing.
Ma-b, I screamed and ran over to her for a hug. (AN: just think of Ma-b as a nickname and you say it as maybe.) She hugged me back. I pulled back and asked, Ma-b, what are you doing here?
Your mother sent me to watch over here and make sure you didn't use your powers the wrong way like you did when-
I cut her off, when I was 8 and turned a rose into a fork and every time someone tried to use it they would get pricked by the thorns. Yeah I know, I know.
I felt something soft around my leg and I looked down to find Luna at my feet. I screamed for joy as the black feline jumped up on my shoulder. I turned to the others and saw Artemis on Mina's shoulder.
Hey Artemis, I said, scrating Luna behind the ear.
Hey Serena, the snow white cat replied.
So what are you guys doing here?
You're Mom sent us here Serena, Luna said, we're supposed to help ya'll develop your powers.
OK now before I drive ya'll back to school I need to explain a few things, Ma-b said, one Darien you're 4 years older than everybody so your not really 11 your're 15 and your not really in 6th grade your in 10th.
And we get left behind in 6th, I said as a joke.
And two, she continued, Serena your name is not Jill anymore, everyone will know you as Serena and the same for all of you. They will not remember anything about your old names.
Cool, I said, I always hated that name.
We all got into Ma-b's van and drove back to school listening to M&M The real slim shady.

"Will the real slim shady please stand up please stand up. will slim shady please stand up please stand up. it's the return of the owe what he didn't just say what i think he did did he? and Dr. Dre said nothing you idiot Dr. Dre said it's locked in my basement. sic sic shim shady I'm sick of him. look at him walking around grabbing his you know what limping to you know who, yeah but he's so cute. Probably got a couple of screws up in my head lose but no what's going on in your parents bed room. And that's the message we deliver to little kids and expect them not to know what a women's tis of course they gonna know buy the time they get to 4th they got the discovery cannel don't they? we ain't nothing but mammals well some of cannibal's."

Ma-B turned the radio down.
Oh come on, this is my fav part of the song, I said still singing along.
Hold up I forgot to tell you this, She said, ignoring my protest, you need to keep this a secret as long as you can OK?
Yeah I know my told us, I told her, now turn the radio back on.
She sighed and turned it back on.

"And that was M&M The Real Slim Shady." "And now here is A story bout a girl," the radio said. "This is a story bout a girl who cried a river and drowned the hole world. While she looks so sad in photographs I absolutely love her when she smiles. How many days in a year, she woke up with hatred and only found fear. How do you get there today? Wearing the holes in the sole of the shoe she never got there today. Cause your clothes never wear or swell the next day and hair never falls in the same way and you never run out of things to say. This the story of a girl pretty face hide from the world. This is the-"

OK we're here, Ma-B said, turning off the radio
Ma-b? I asked, Do you like to turn off the radio when a good song is on are something because thats the only thing I've seen you do on earth so far.
The girls burst into laughter.
You must really love radio songs, huh? She asked.
Yeap I sure do, I said, climbing out the car, see ya'll tomorrow at school.
I started walking to my house. This is going to be one hell of an adventure.........